Who said that the spirit beast had low IQ, when Lin Tian heard it later, he would definitely pick that person.

The IQ of this beast is too high.

At this moment, the void exploded, and the power of each road shook instantly.

That thunder and lightning split instantly, turning into countless tiny thunder and lightning, and went directly to the surroundings in the cliff abyss.

"What? Do this?"

Lin Tian was shocked.

The unicorn sacred egg must be in this tiny thunder and lightning package, like a spatial ring.

But there are thousands of subdivisions of thunder and lightning, how can I find them?

"Mad, this guy is a little too shrewd!"

Lin Tian exploded, how to find this, watching the traces of thunder and lightning, at this moment unexpectedly accelerated some speed and went to the abyss.

Who can find this situation?

"Xiaodu, show me quickly, is there a problem with that bunch of lightning?"

At this time, Lin Tian could only think of Xiaodu.

Omnipotence is synonymous with Xiaodu.

"Hey Master, if you are looking for me, you are really looking for the right person. In this case, it is useless even if the strong Tianyuan comes. If you don't believe it, look at it.

Let Lin Tian look at it again when he sells it.

Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, then looked at it.

Looking at it this way, the whole person was shocked.

Tiny lightning, split again.

"This can be played!"

He was shocked, the Red Thunder Lightning Beast was simply a devil.

In this case, I'm afraid it's scattered to the ends of the world, how can I find it?

"Don't talk nonsense, how many practice points? Find me quickly!"

Lin Tian was furious, Xiaodu, this guy, is quite good at selling it, just wanting his own practice points.

"Hey, the master, the unicorn egg is too important. According to the system's evaluation, you can win 70 million points."

"What? Why don't you rob! Seventy million practice points, save me..."

Lin Tian just exploded directly.

"Master, it's useless for you to scold me. This is a system rule. It's the lowest evaluation. Think about it once you get the Qilin Sacred Egg. If you change your points, it will be 500 million points, Master."

There was a little seductive voice.

Five hundred million!

I go! I go! I go!

Lin Tiantian's heart was surging for an instant, and the anger just now became a small jump.

Unexpectedly, this practice point is so valuable, which is really cool.

Do not! It should be said that it is worthwhile.

"Okay, exchange it for me, find it for me!"

Lin Tiantian was happy for a while.

"Hey, master, I knew you would be like this."

Xiaodu's slightly wretched voice came, listening to these words, Lin Tian was still happy for a while, and didn't care at all.

This time, he will become a rich man.

Five hundred million exercise points are enough to reach the realm of Tianyuan by oneself, and then kill the Quartet.

Thinking of this, I feel happy.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for finding the Qilin Holy Egg."

A prompt came suddenly, and a light spot appeared in Lin Tian's mind for an instant.

Not far from him, there was a thunder and lightning, which looked like other lightning.

And this is the hiding thunder and lightning of the real Qilin Sacred Egg.

"Great! Come on, my dear Qilin Holy Egg."

Lin Tian at this moment was a burst of joy.

I saw him directly holding Thunder and lightning, instantly into his own hands.

The next moment, I saw a flash of light. The thunder and lightning shattered in his hand, and something like an eggshell like a boulder appeared in his hand.

Looking at this unicorn holy egg, Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

This is the sacred egg of the unicorn, and the aura exuding from it makes his mind vibrate for a while, a little trance, and mysterious.

I saw the mysterious patterns on the sacred egg of the unicorn, which were constantly turning, as if there was a small life in it, hatching little by little. Lin Tian was stunned by the scene.


"Kill kill kill..."

However, at this moment, there seemed to be the sound of a thousand soldiers fighting in the void.

There are countless vibrating sounds.

Lin Tian was awakened in an instant, obviously this was a fight from many experts in the Tianyuan realm.

In order to catch up with the Red Thunder Lightning Beast, they went above themselves.


In an instant, Lin Tian's clone disappeared in place.

Accompanied by the unicorn holy egg also disappeared into his hands.

And above the void, Venerable Void Spirit frowned at this moment, because he had clearly noticed something unusual in the void just now.

But after a while, he could only ignore it, thinking it was caused by the fighting of many strong men.

"Crimson Flame Demon Lord, go to death! This is not something you can stop."

"Shameful human race, you will definitely regret it."

The infinite anger from the Red Flame Demon Venerable, the flame is even more terrifying, but this is its life consumption.

Waiting for it to lose its life, then these strong men will madly catch up with the Red Thunder Lightning Beast, and then kill and **** the Qilin Holy Egg.

The battle of cultivators is so cruel and ruthless.

Except for the treasures of heaven, there is nothing else.


One of them was killed directly.

This is the former Three Sages of Green Spirit, one of them died here directly.

He had been seriously injured before, and at this moment, coupled with the madness of the Red Flame Demon Venerable, he couldn't hold it anymore.

"The third brother!"

In an instant, the other two people were shocked with terrible anger.

"Kill kill kill..."

In the distance, Lin Tian suddenly woke up and said, "Let's go!"

With that, he just asked Venerable Qingyue to leave here quickly.

"What's wrong? Didn't you just say you want to feel?"

Venerable Qingyue was obviously more sensible and calm, but under Lin Tian's unreasonable request, he didn't know at this moment what Lin Tian wanted to do?

For her, it felt that Lin Tian was too difficult to serve.

"Hurry up, Qingyue."

Lin Tian was so nervous at this moment!

The unicorn sacred egg was obtained by himself, and it was placed in the time ring.

He cut his beard, and under the eyes of a dozen strong Tianyuan men, the unicorn holy egg was cut abruptly.

If it was spread out, Lin Tian would have ten lives, I'm afraid they are not enough to die.


Many Tianyuan powerhouses in the distance are still struggling to shoot.

But what they didn't know was that everything was cut off by Lin Tian.

If you know it, it is estimated that one by one is fragrant, and it is not an exaggeration to cut Lin Tian into eight pieces, five horses, and so on.




The roars and screams from the strong Tianyuan.

Lin Tian and the two left far away. Hearing this voice, Lin Tian felt inexplicably guilty.

They finally hit the result and found that the thing had disappeared and was taken away by themselves.

Lin Tian couldn't imagine what the crowd would look like.

It must be angry and terrifying, I am afraid that half of the sky in the North Ice Lingzhou will be pierced.

Therefore, he must not have any relationship with this fight.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Lin Tian shuddered when thinking about a bunch of Tianyuan realm powerhouses chasing wildly behind him.

"Qingyue, hurry up, I feel we are still slow."

Lin Tian is constantly urging Venerable Qingyue to take him to leave here quickly.

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