I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 930: Red flame off

When Venerable Qingyue heard Lin Tian's words, he wanted to punch him.

A strong man in the realm of Tianyuan rushed away with a kid in the realm of Emperor Yuan.

As if they were thieves.

Such a situation made Venerable Qingyue feel aggrieved.

It had never been like this before, and Lin Tian was still not satisfied with his speed, but he was flying with two people.

"What the **** did you do? Why are you suddenly so nervous."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​everything was wrong.

Just now, he made a vow, saying that he could feel the atmosphere of the battle. In a flash, he wanted to escape from here. Is this the Lin Tian she knew?

Say it out. I'm afraid no one believes it.

"I just felt that Venerable Void Spirit seemed to be aware of us, so I was a little frightened, so we left quickly so that no one would be watched. I thought this way for the safety of both of us. You thought about me that way, Qingyue, I It's so sad."

Lin Tian said helplessly.


Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and seemed really sad, just wanting to hit someone.

Is this guy like this?

Thinking of this, even though Venerable Qingyue's life experience for so long, she did not understand.

What happened to Lin Tian?

"You won't, have you got the unicorn egg?"

Suddenly, Venerable Qingyue's speed slowed down a bit, and he looked at Lin Tian in shock, shocked by his own conjecture.

"How is it possible? You see that I am by your side and have never left. Besides, the Red Thunder Lightning Beast is so fast that I can't catch up. I said Qingyue, you have a lot of imagination."

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue with a look of crying or laughing.

In fact, his heart has exploded.

This Qingyue is quite accurate in guessing!

However, there is no more proof that can prove that he has been there. Moreover, it is the posture of the Red Thunder Lightning Beast desperately leaving, that is how everyone guesses, I am afraid that he will play a tricky day.

Fortunately, being followed all the way by myself, I was cut off just right.

Thinking of this, Lin Tiantian's heart was filled with joy and excitement.

"Well, it seems impossible, I blamed you."

With that said, Venerable Qingyue just put aside the guess in his heart, accelerated the speed with all his strength, and left in the direction that Lin Tian said.

In the distance, the flames blazed through the sky, like a red sun burning in the night sky.

Moreover, it was accompanied by earth-shaking sounds and fighting sounds.

It's so scary and shocking.

And the Red Thunder Lightning Beast was also crazy, flying everywhere, looking crazy.

"what is that?"

"What's the matter? That big guy, why did you come to us?"

The people of a city found a huge spirit beast, unexpectedly coming crazy.

"The fire!"

Someone discovered that behind the Red Thunder and Lightning Beast, a group of terrifying powerhouses came crazy.

"It's not good! Run away, everyone!"

"A spirit beast is coming!"

"Quickly leave!"

A group of people seemed crazy.

This situation is really shocking.

What happened to this?

"Humans, follow along with you!"

At this time, the anger from the Red Thunder Lightning Beast madly impacted everyone below.

I saw a wave of thunder and lightning, coming in madly, it was absolutely fatal.

Everyone in the city suffered an instant.

This is called, the gods fight and the mortals suffer.


Countless people were struck by thunder and lightning, it can be said that they have done nothing, but they have to withstand the attack.

"The beast is bold!"

The Venerable Void Spirit roared in the distance.

The team was still blocked by the Red Flame Demon Venerable, because they wanted to consume the Red Flame Demon Venerable, and no one tried desperately.

But at this moment, the Red Thunder Lightning Beast actually started killing humans.

In this case, so can do.

"Hahahaha... good kill, good kill!"

The roar sound from the Red Flame Demon Venerable.

"We all joined forces to kill this beast, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

An old man spoke, eyes full of anger, and if this goes on, more people will die.

If everything of today is spread out, I am afraid that they will lose their faces as they are strong in Tianyuan.

"it is good!"

Venerable Venerable Spirit spoke.

"Okay! Don't keep it!"

A group of Tianyuan powerhouses agreed.

For a time, the void was colorful, and the bright light was unfolding.

This is the scene of a group of Tianyuan experts taking action, full of terrifying and infinite power, directly suppressing the Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable in the void.

"You wait to die!"

The Red Flame Demon Venerable was completely red, and the wings on his body had been completely broken.

Today's battle is immortality. Its half-life is gone.

Therefore, it seems crazy and terrifying at this moment.


At this moment, it exploded in an instant.

The Scarlet Flame Demon Venerable in the void was as dazzling as the sun.

"Space shattered!"

"Sword Fury!"

"The sword cuts the mountains and rivers!"


The terrible attack came out in an instant.

The Red Flame Demon Venerable at this moment turned into an extreme flame.

"Humans, just die! I want you to be buried with me!"

The words from the Red Flame Demon Lord who regard death as home.

"This is the real fire of Samadhi!"

"It is rumored that the Red Flames are descendants of Suzaku, and they can turn into the real fire of Samadhi and fight to the death temporarily. This is true!"

A strong man opened his mouth in horror.

"Kill kill kill..."

"Kill him! Revenge for the third brother!"

Two of the other three sages of Qingling just want to avenge their third brother, no matter how much.


In an instant, the two venerables were severely burned.


Venerable Void Spirit roared, and a deadly threat came.

I saw the real fire of Samadhi, expanding in an instant.

In an instant, the void burned and exploded.

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."


Many powerhouses went far away.

The Red Flame Demon Venerable at this moment directly chose to end it in this way, just wanting to die with everyone.

"That's a strong Tianyuan!"

"It should be, that's right, that is the power of the monster clan, it was actually destroyed by our clan powerhouse!"

"In the end what happened?"

Everyone in this city was shocked.

Everything came too suddenly.

Some people are cultivating themselves, some are in the moonlight before the flower, and some are sleeping, but who would have imagined that disasters will fall directly from the sky and be directly attacked by lightning.

But big or small was injured and died.

"Stop the animal!"

In an instant, Venerable Void Spirit shot directly, imprisoning the Red Thunder Lightning Beast.

"Ho **** ho ho..."

The Red Thunder Lightning Beast was seriously injured, and its breath was exhausted immediately.


In the last time, its wings were instigated and its body shook with thunder and lightning, and it blew itself directly.

Everything around was crazily destroyed in an instant.

Such a scene is shocking.

And above the explosion of the Red Thunder Lightning Beast, a strong Tianyuan appeared.

"Kirin Holy Egg?"

A strong Tianyuan looked down, with a burst of doubt and surprise in his eyes.

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