I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 931: Congenital Spirit Stone

Because around the explosion of the Red Thunder Lightning Beast, no Qilin Holy Egg aura was found.

This situation made their faces gloomy for a while.

What's happening here? Are they fooled?

Thinking of this, the few people were surprised and angry.

"Impossible! I don't believe it."

A strong Tianyuan realm rushed directly into the explosion area and began to look for it.

However, as a strong Tianyuan, they have checked everything here just now.

How could it really exist?

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

Venerable Void Spirit spoke at this moment, the figure still looming, as if connected to the space, giving a sense of nothingness and reality.

In a blink of an eye, many Tianyuan powerhouses disappeared here.

And their direction is to rush to the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

Because according to this situation, everything just now was the Red Flame Demon Venerable's adjusting the tiger away from the mountain.

It is very possible that the Red Flame Demon Lord hid the Qilin Sacred Egg in the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

Thinking of this, everyone naturally started to act.

The whole night of fighting did not hesitate to offend the monster clan, but the shadow of the unicorn holy egg was not seen. How could this not make people angry.

However, when everyone came to the depths of the Hengduan Mountains, they frantically searched again, but there was never.


Once again, the Hengduan Mountains have been searched for thousands of miles deep.

At this moment, Lin Tian and the two of them are not far away.

Fortunately, Lin Tian and the two did not stay.

"Ah! Impossible!"

One after another roars spread from the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

The cultivator in the distance was shocked and his complexion changed drastically.

"This is Tianyuan Shenwei, don't offend, what happened?"

They don't understand, what kind of event happened this night? There will be so many powerful people out.

Overnight, it seemed that the entire Arctic Lingzhou was shaking.

The pursuit of thousands of miles came from the fall of the strong Tianyuan.

Even the sky is shaking, and the drizzle is falling in the dark, as if crying.

This gives people an unspeakable sense of desolation.

"Huhuhu, let's rest in the cave in front, I'm tired too."

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a helpless expression.

This time, she felt exhausted physically and mentally.

Running wildly for a long distance, the two seemed to be far away from the breath of the strong Tianyuan.

In her heart, she was relieved.

However, there was still a trace of solemnity in Lin Tian's eyes next to her, which surprised her slightly, wondering what Lin Tian was thinking about?

"Okay, go ahead and take a break."

Lin Tian relaxed slowly, but thinking of the Qilin Sacred Egg, he couldn't calm down. After all, that was 500 million power points.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianxin was slightly happy.

This feeling is still very good.

"What are you worried about? Haven't we already left?"

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a look of surprise.

Lin Tian smiled and said with a smile: "I'm just wondering if the aura we left was discovered by Venerable Void Spirit, so I'm still worried."

It seems to be the same, Lin Tian at this moment has a sad look on his face.

Immediately, Venerable Qingyue just let go and said, "Don't worry, when I came, we have wiped out our breath."

For Venerable Qingyue, these finishing touches were not the first time to do.

"That's good, that's good, you take a break and we continue on our way."

Lin Tian changed the subject, wanting to exchange his practice points quietly.

This kind of excitement naturally needs to be enjoyed slowly.

Hearing these words, Venerable Qingyue sat beside him at will and looked at Lin Tiandao: "Okay, you also quickly recover."

With that said, Venerable Qingyue didn't doubt that he had him, and immediately started his own cultivation and recovery.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tian showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he could finally start an excited journey.

Five hundred million points!

For a moment, he sat cross-legged, then closed his eyes, and the whole person's mind entered the space ring.

Lin Tian was taken aback as soon as he entered.

I saw my clone, practicing cross-legged.

And the unicorn egg, unexpectedly disappeared.

"Where is the unicorn holy egg?"

"I'm going! It won't disappear anymore, haven't I still exchanged it?"

Lin Tian was slightly surprised, and then he looked for it.

At first glance, he was in his own pool.

In the pond, there is also Xue Ling Beast among them.

Lin Tian was slightly taken aback by this situation. This little guy even moved the unicorn holy egg into the water to play.

It's just that the expression in his eyes suddenly turned pale with shock, and there was a line of heaven and earth aura in the water, directly rushing into the shell of the unicorn holy egg.

"What's happening here?"

Lin Tian was shocked. How could this Qilin Sacred Egg absorb so much heaven and earth aura in this water? Although there is heaven and earth aura in it, it doesn't seem to be so rich.

The doubt in his mind was just jumping into the water.

"Eh, oh oh..."

The Xue Ling Beast moved around for a while, swimming directly beside Lin Tian. The furry is very cute.

Lin Tian didn't care about this situation. What he cared about was how could the aura of heaven and earth be so strong in this water?


Xue Ling Beast dived excitedly again, as if excited about why.

At this moment, Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

He figured out that the source of this heaven and earth aura turned out to be this stone.


"Xiaodu, take a look at what this stone is? There is such a strong aura of heaven and earth, it seems like it is constantly being produced."

Lin Tian said in surprise.

For this, Xiaodu's voice came immediately.

"Master, this is an innate spiritual stone! It can produce pure heaven and earth aura, and it is not slow. The aura of the time-space ring comes from this spiritual stone. Your ring is really valuable."

Xiaodu's words unexpectedly had greed for Lin Tian's ring.

Lin Tian just heard it.

He immediately interrupted Xiaodu's delusion.

"You fellow, don't think that I will use the space-time ring to exchange the practice points. This is impossible. This thing is the treasure of cultivation."

Lin Tian just said that the speed of time and space flow in this is different from the outside, it is simply a treasure of cultivation, and the ability to hold living things makes it even more invincible.

Therefore, Lin Tian directly dispelled Xiaodu's thoughts.

"Hey, if you don’t tell me, Master, I won’t. This thing is good for your cultivation. I will naturally not let you redeem it. Although I am jealous, the higher your cultivation level, the faster your practice points will come. Up."

Xiaodu also said this frankly.

"Hey, don't say this is really good."

Lin Tian touched this congenital spiritual stone with a look of enjoyment, and it could produce heaven and earth aura, which was simply too cool.

At this moment, he was pleasantly surprised. It was really good to find such a baby once, and he hadn't noticed before.


At this time, a cracking sound suddenly came.

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