I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 932: Unicorn cub

This sound made Lin Tian's ears move. What broke?

For an instant, there was a shock in his mind.

"not good!"

Looking at the unicorn sacred egg next to him, it was bursting, and Lin Tian quickly took the unicorn sacred egg to the ground.

Lin Tian brought him up and was shocked by the unicorn holy egg in front of him.

Because the unicorn sacred egg burst instantly, it was even more eye-catching.

"Xiaodu, redeem it for me quickly! This guy is coming out!"

Lin Tian let out an angry roar, it felt like it was too late at this time.

"Master, this..."

A slightly hesitant voice came.


In an instant, a huge force shook away directly.

Lin Tian's body was instantly bounced off, and the Xue Ling beast beside him was the same.

The sacred egg of the unicorn was born, with a red head and a thin body with antlers slowly exposed.

"I...cough cough cough..."

Lin Tian got up slowly, looking at the situation in front of him, he didn't know what to say for a while?

It's loss, horror, surprise...

I don’t have any emotions. I just watched it blankly. A new life was born before my eyes.

"Eh, oh oh..."

Xue Ling Beast came to this unicorn holy egg and looked at the shell, wondering what it was? There was such a powerful force just now.

"Kacha Kacha..."

At this time, the unicorn holy egg uttered a voice again.

"What's the situation? Xiaodu, please explain to me."

Lin Tian now has a lot of anger in his heart, feeling uncomfortable.

Is now a living unicorn born?

Then, what else are you redeeming?

Isn't this bullshit? One's own 500 million power points.


The shell was being quickly taken out by the unicorn cubs in it.

In a blink of an eye, a huge shell was actually digested by the unicorn cub.

This time, Lin Tian saw a live unicorn cub standing in front of him. Although small, but also a little cute.

However, there is no way to hide the powerful aura in it.

"This is... a unicorn?"

Looking at this unicorn, Lin Tian was shocked, this is exactly the original image of China's unicorn.

The ancient sacred beast, the unicorn, stood in front of him like this.

"Eh, oh oh..."

The Snow Spirit Beast danced around it unexpectedly, not at all shocked by the domineering spirit of the unicorn cub.

This surprised Lin Tian, ​​isn't there a blood line between the spirit beasts?

Although this Xue Ling Beast was strange, it was too calm in front of the Qilin Ling Beast.

"Master, I can't blame me for this, it's the Xue Ling Beast who brought the Qilin Holy Egg into the pool. The Qilin Holy Egg used the power of the pool and then hatched directly."

Hearing this, Lin Tian almost didn't get angry.

He also said that the Xiantian Lingshi was good. At this moment, it was self-sufficient, and he even took 500 million points of his practice, and it was so hatched.

This is simply meat buns hitting dogs, there is no return.

"Eh, oh oh..."

At this time, the unicorn cub actually learned to speak from the Xue Ling Beast.

Xue Ling Beast came to Lin Tian with the unicorn cub.

I saw the Xue Ling Beast climbed onto Lin Tian's shoulder skillfully.

The unicorn cub looked at Lin Tian for the first time, feeling extremely unfamiliar, and then showed a smile that looked like but did not look like it.

Seeing it, it actually climbed onto Lin Tian's shoulder.


Lin Tian just wanted to slap these two guys.

"Xiaodu, I want to ask, can the live ones be exchanged? If so, I will exchange both of them."

Lin Tian wanted to kill someone angrily.

"Hey, Master, this is really not possible. It is impossible for a living creature to exchange success points."

Xiaodu at the moment, the voice came loudly.

"Eh, oh oh..."

The two spirit beasts, like children, were beating on Lin Tian's shoulders.

"Hey, why is this life so bitter? I originally thought that I would ascend to heaven, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

At this moment, Lin Tian looked sad, lost, and helpless, and countless emotions were mixed together.

For Lin Tian, ​​it was the same ups and downs.

This fate was really a trick, but he was also to blame, he hadn't considered such unexpected products before.

In fact, Lin Tian just wanted to enjoy this surprise when he was quiet, but he didn't expect to become frightened now.

And this guy Xiaodu, who is not reliable at all, does not supervise such an important exchange item as Qilin Holy Egg.

But looking at the two guys beating on his shoulders, Lin Tian felt unbearable for some reason.

It seemed that if he had done something to exchange this unicorn cub, he seemed to be inferior to some beasts.

"Hmph, little guy, follow me from now on. I am your master. If you hear it, your master won't let you suffer."

Lin Tian held the unicorn cub in his palm and looked into its eyes solemnly.

This unicorn cub looked very cute.

Faced with these words, the unicorn cub was fluttering with her eyes wide open, as if she didn't know what Lin Tian was talking about?

But it seemed to understand what Lin Tian said.


It can only make such a sound, as if responding to Lin Tian.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian smiled faintly. He didn't know whether the unicorn cub understood or not, but this little guy is still determined to himself.

Such a little guy has the strength of the Yuan Emperor's first-order. If he continues to cultivate like this, he will be fine. It is simply the rhythm of going to heaven.

"All right, you two go and play."

Lin Tian put down the unicorn cub, and the unicorn cub has become one with the snow spirit beast.

In this situation, Lin Tian didn't know what to say?

These two little guys are really a perfect match.

"Hey, it's a pity for my practice point. If this guy can't become the realm of Tianyuan, it will be a waste."

Thinking of this, Lin Tian was out of this time ring.

Inexplicably, I feel lost.

This may be a joy and sorrow.

At this time, it was almost dawn outside, Lin Tian looked into the distance and slowly got up, without disturbing Venerable Qingyue.

For him, this time was too risky.

If someone finds out, he is really not enough for ten destiny.

Fortunately, everything is unpredictable.

Looking outside, he gradually fell into contemplation, all of which seemed to be not as simple as imagined.

And his life experience, the mysterious Central Continent.

After solving the trouble here by myself, I should also take a look and find out who I am?

from where? At least understand, what kind of parents in this world, right?

Not to mention greed of those fathers and mothers, but at least understand, how are they doing now? It is worthy of this life.

Lin Tian sighed inexplicably.

A little bit of time passed, and it was dawn in a blink of an eye.

As for the entire Arctic Lingzhou, the major forces are shaking.

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