I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 938: Fiasco Ghost Moon

Regarding the arrival of Lin Tian and Venerable Qingyue, the three of them stopped and looked at him, not knowing which group he was.

"who are you?"

Sect Master Gui Yue looked at Lin Tian with a cold face. She was a woman who looked extremely thin, and the main palace seemed to be sucked up.

On the other side, Lord Blood Soul is a black long dress, with a black mask, it looks mysterious and strange.

As for Zhao Hong, his long face with Chinese characters was already injured at this moment, obviously in pain.

"Oh, I just came to see if there is any need for help? By the way, you look so ugly, or it is scary by mistake, and the masked guy should often do shameful things, I suggest you do too Come out less scary."


Guiyue's eyes were filled with merciless murder in an instant.

Lin Tian in front of her was really deceiving too much, arrogant and ignorant, even insulting her.

And the Lord Blood Soul is undoubtedly the Blood Soul Child, Lin Tian is sure that he is right.

"Boy, do you know? You are looking for death, you are killing yourself!"

The voice from the Blood Soul Child was full of gloom and gloom, making the scalp numb.

What the words said, Lin Tian smiled indifferently.

"Really? I just have a bad habit. I don't like talking to ugly people. You two are disgusting to me, so you say how to compensate me."

Lin Tian said as if nothing had happened, letting Zhao Hong next to him listened, he was surprised.

This young man looked plain, as if the blood soul son and ghost moon in front of him did not pose any threat to him.

Regarding this situation, Zhao Hong just noticed that Lin Tian was unusual.

And Guiyue was already in anger.

"Nonsense boy, go to hell!"

A cold force in Gui Yue's hand directly attacked Lin Tian.

Venerable Qingyue next to him just wanted to make a move, but Lin Tian directly blocked her hand and motioned for him to make a move.

"Foshan Wuyingjiao!"

In an instant, Lin Tian was out of his legs.

Treating a guy of the fifth rank of the Yuan Emperor, in fact, he would be more casual. If he directly exerts all his strength, I am afraid that the ghost moon in front of him will be defeated in an instant.

"No ghosts!"

At this time, Guiyue shot again, and his power began to flourish.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The two collided in an instant.


At this moment, Guiyue was hit by Lin Tian's nose with a punch, and he was directly hit and thrown to the ground.

"Hey, I'm really sorry that I disfigured you. You, who was originally ugly, can't stand it anymore now."

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

Seeing this scene, the blood soul son next to him looked at Lin Tian in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian was so powerful, Gui Yue was directly injured, and Zhao Hong was stunned.

This young man is a bit fierce.

"You... die for me!"

Guiyue was furious and was hurt by a junior, and she just couldn't bear it.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian said with a full smile: "Really, I told you not to come out to scare people. You still don't listen. This is embarrassing."



"Puff puff!!!"

Guiyue spit out one mouthful of blood and was already seriously injured.

Feeling the terrifying power fluctuation from Lin Tian's hands, her eyes were full of shock.

It was too scary. Lin Tian in front of him didn't look scary at all. How could he be so powerful?

"I'm really sorry, I accidentally used force, you say you are now completely inhumane, and you can't drive it anymore."

Lin Tian looked at the ghost moon on the ground and smiled indifferently.

Guiyue is only the fifth-order strength of the Yuan Emperor. If he wants to compete with him, it is his physical strength, relying on the Primordial Holy Physique to destroy this guy.

Therefore, Guiyue's defeat was only a matter of time, and Lin Tian was just accelerating the progress at this moment.

"Who are you? You are not from the Demon Sect."

At this time, Blood Soul Child looked at Lin Tian with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Lin Tian made the shot, he had never heard of it, nor had he seen it, which attack method was used.

It looks extremely messy, and there is no trace of tactics to look for.

For Lin Tian at this moment, it was a faint smile.

"Do I have to tell you? You masked your face like this and saw no one for a day. I really feel sad for your parents. I think it is because you are too ugly to be born, so..."

Lin Tian is a burst of dismay.

Such words made the blood soul tremble all over, Lin Tian was not big, but his mouth was so venomous.

If this is to be said. It just makes people want to kill Lin Tian directly.

"You are fine, you angered me, no matter who you are? You must die here today."

The blood soul son looked at Lin Tian, ​​his expression full of anger, endless anger.

For these words, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Really? I really want to see, what can you do to me?"

This blood soul son, once encountered, is now solved here, that is also for the people, so as to avoid trouble in the future.

Thinking like this in his heart, Lin Tian shot.

"Be careful!"

Zhao Hong looked at him, and he felt nervous, although he didn't know who Lin Tian was? Why would you come to help him.

However, at this time, it was obviously from the same camp, so he naturally cared about Lin Tian.

"It's okay, Sect Master Zhao just stand beside you."

Lin Tian took the time to respond to Zhao Hong, which made Blood Soul spit fire in his eyes. This kind of distracted feeling during a fight made him extremely angry.

In an instant, the two of them acted, and the pillars of the palace couldn't hold up this time.


I saw the pillar, which broke in an instant.

Regarding this situation, two figures still shuttled back and forth among the ruins.

"Master, this person's mental power is very strange. It is very similar to your clone technique."

A voice from Xiaodu.

Listening to this, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, and there was still this situation.

"Hey, master, I suddenly have an evil constitution, don't you know if you want to hear it?"

A small evil voice came, and it sounded quite evil indeed.

"Oh, you said."

Lin Tian shot and listened to Xiaodu's words, the blood soul child in front of him was much stronger than before, and at this moment, he had reached the realm of the seventh-order Yuan Emperor.

It is conceivable that after this guy came out, how many people have been harmed, Lin Tian has always been very clear that this blood soul son cultivated an evil technique.

The people who had died tragically in the sect were directly killed by the blood soul son. This ghost sect guy cooperated with him, I am afraid that he will eventually be sucked up.

Lin Tian had no sympathy for such a person.


The more the Blood Soul Child fought, the more horrified he was, because he discovered that the evil power in his body had no effect on Lin Tian.

In other words, Lin Tian's strength is really terrifying, even above him.

Thinking of this, he wanted to leave in horror.

This is really horrible, Lin Tian is a devil.

Not to mention a terrible power, still so young, this kind of genius is still good.

Because behind him, there may be something you can't afford to offend.

The blood soul child has been around for many years, and he is very clear about this principle.

The blood soul child at this moment had noticed Venerable Qingyue, and his pupils closed.

Because invisibly, he had already sensed the difficulty of Venerable Qingyue.

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