I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 939: Admit defeat?


For an instant, the blood soul child panicked.

Because of the vagueness, he felt his own breath in Venerable Qingyue's body.

This situation makes the blood soul helpless.

Lin Tian in front of him was really terrifying.

With such a powerful guardian, the Blood Soul Child is beginning to retreat.

"This brother, there may be some misunderstanding just now, how about we reconcile this?"

The Blood Soul Child looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes restored some harmony.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback, wondering what happened?

Why did this guy give up suddenly?

"Master, you can absorb the soul of this guy and increase your spirit realm."

"Can you do this?"

Lin Tian was surprised for a while.

In response to this, Xiaodu opened his mouth and said: "This guy's soul is peculiar at this moment, and it is very helpful for you to absorb it. Master, in fact, it is usually possible, but I am afraid that you absorb too much, which will affect your own cultivation situation. ."

It is very thoughtful to consider small.

As for this, Lin Tian smiled faintly before saying it earlier.

"Okay, how many points?"

"Hey, 100 million exercise points, master."

"I'll go, how come this is so expensive now."

Lin Tian said depressed in his heart.

He didn't expect that this small opening is the big opening of the lion, and it needs so many power points.

"Master, this method of increasing souls is very expensive, and the magical effect in it, I believe you should know it by listening to what I just described,"

"Also, master, you are now in the early stage of the Yuanyuan, after swallowing that guy's soul, you will be able to reach the realm of the mid-Yuanyuan. This is vital for your promotion to the Tianyuan realm."

Xiaodu's voice came, full of endless temptation.

For Xiaodu's words, Lin Tian was taken aback, and the whole person was lost in some thoughts.

If it is really like what Xiaodu said, and it is so magical, then this one hundred million is worth the cost.

Besides, at this moment, I can be considered helpless. All the treasures on his body have been exhausted, but he has not added many cultivation points.

"By the way, Master, you are now afraid that you have to redeem the last batch of natural treasures, otherwise the billions of skill points will be a drop in the bucket for you."

Xiaodu's voice came, this is bewitching Lin Tian to exchange something.

For Lin Tian, ​​this was a little helpless. Once for the Qilin Sacred Egg, he had consumed a lot of things.

This time it was really exhausted.

"All right, exchange."

"Go! Master."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Soul Eater Holy Power..."

Lin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to the prompt from the system, and directly accepted the soul-eater from the system.

At the beginning of this soul-devouring holy art, it was a pile of long stories about the soul, and then it talked about cultivation, Lin Tian just read it once. After all, my mind is integrated.

"It's really against the sky!"

At this moment, Lin Tian felt a sigh in his heart.

"Haha, you joked, just forget about it, then how come I am going to confuse?"

At this time, Lin Tian looked at the blood soul son in front of him in a good mood.

In his mind, it was already planned.

Today's Blood Soul Child can't run away anyway.

If you want to leave here, leave all the treasures you have on your body, otherwise, isn't your practice points just for nothing?

Thinking of this, Lin Tian looked at the blood soul child with a more evil look, which made the blood soul child's body chill slightly. I don't know what Lin Tian wants to do?

If this continues, I am afraid it will be bad for anyone.

"Do you have to do this? Brother."

The Blood Soul Child looked at Lin Tian, ​​his eyes showed impatientness, thinking that Lin Tikong had listened to his persuasion.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian didn't listen to anything, and even mocked himself.


It's totally impossible. In Lin Tian's view, since he had already started, there was no room for recovery.

There is a saying that if you are offended, you should offend it directly to death. Don’t have any mercy from your subordinates, otherwise it will be the rhythm of your own death.

For Lin Tian, ​​he felt that was the case.

Once the enemy is given a chance to breathe, it is not to give oneself back, so as long as the opponent is killed, there is nothing else to worry about.

"Swire Shaking Fist!"

In an instant, Lin Tian rushed out of his hand.

"this is?"

Zhao Hong next to him was shocked, and the blood soul son looked at Lin Tian in horror.

At a young age, is Emperor Xuan's sixth-order power?

This power is too scary.

It looked terrifying, Lin Tian seemed like a young supreme powerhouse, making quick moves. Once he made a move, he would be the kind of endless death.


Everyone in the distance looked at this place, all shocked, such a big shock occurred.

The people of the three sects are watching this battle.

"It's the suzerain!"

A member of the Blood Sect looked at Void and saw the Blood Soul Child, his eyes filled with surprise.

"Who is that person? How can you fight the Sect Master?"

"very young!"

"And where is our Sovereign watching? No..."

Shock from everyone nearby.

They were a little unbelievable, how Lin Tian fought with the Sect Master of the Blood School.

"Swire punch!"

"God's Wandering Dragon Technique!"

"Break the army swordsmanship!"

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

In an instant, Lin Tian directly mobilized some of the swordsmanship he had derived, and the blood soul child was complaining at this moment.

Lin Tian, ​​like a lunatic, made him extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, Lin Tian shot too fast, and with real power, the whole body of the blood soul was broken.

"Qiang Qiang..."

The fight between the two, he hit Lin Tian's body, as if hitting the black iron, he couldn't shake it at all.

What does this show? It shows that Lin Tian's fear lies not only in the fear of strength, but also in the fear of the flesh.


At this time, Lin Tian, ​​endless attacks, struck again.

"Who on earth are you? My blood soul son seems to have not offended you. Isn't it a bit too much to kill you like this?"

There was some angry voice from the blood soul son, and as he shot it, his body felt sore.

This was Lin Tian's power, constantly walking around him, and started bombarding him.

So this made the blood soul child extremely angry.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy is so annoying, his power is weird.

I thought I was weird enough, but I never thought of meeting Lin Tian, ​​a guy even more weird than myself.

"Really? I said I just saw you not pleasing to your eyes, how?"

Lin Tian looked at Blood Soul Son with a smile, his eyes full of smiles.

Seeing others start to panic, that is the dawn of victory.

All the people below are dumbfounded. What's the situation? Is Blood Soul Child giving up?

Isn't this possible? Blood Soul Child is the belief of the entire Blood Sect.

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