I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 940: Blood Soul Fury

Anyway, everyone just didn't believe that the Blood Soul Child would be defeated by such a young boy who looked so young.

"Are you the aid of the Demon Sect? If so, I won't fight the Demon Sect's idea today. How about our well water in the future?"

With that said, the blood soul child just wanted to leave.

Because he felt that Venerable Qingyue below faintly revealed a trace of murderous intent to him.

He has always been a strong Tianyuan, and he is naturally uncomfortable in his heart when he is looked at like this at this moment.

No matter what Lin Tian thinks at the moment? He just wanted to leave.

"You really made a concession, how about giving me your blood sect?"

Lin Tian's voice was loud and full of madness.

The many blood sect disciples below were so angry that they were too mad. Lin Tian was an insult to them, how could a hairy boy be their suzerain.

"Huh! Don't go too far, that's it for today."

At this time, the blood soul child went far away.

"Where to go!"

"Chaos Wings!"

For an instant, Lin Tian stopped the blood soul son at the moment.

The Blood Soul Child wanted to continue to leave, but an enchantment appeared around them instantly.

"this is?"

The blood soul son's complexion changed slightly.

What was worried about eventually happened.

"Sorry, I can't leave now, I said why are you leaving in such a hurry? It turns out that you have found some clues."

Lin Tian looked at the Blood Soul Child with a sneer. It turned out that this guy felt the existence of Venerable Qingyue, so he wanted to leave a long time ago.

So cunning, he almost let him leave.

This enchantment was naturally arranged by Venerable Qingyue.

And below, Zhao Hong had already killed Gui Yue, who was seriously injured by the Ghost Sect. When he came out and looked at the void enchantment, he was shocked.

Because of the power of this enchantment, he felt very powerful.

"Is this young man so strong?"

He was shocked with doubts in his heart, this is a stranger from heaven, who came to help him directly.


From a distance, Zhao Shicheng just roared, it would be great to see that Zhao Hong was fine.

And Zhao Kun, who was fighting with him, looked at this situation, his face changed drastically, and he didn't expect that Zhao Hong was still alive.

According to the original plan, shouldn't Zhao Hong at this moment be dead?

Looking at the hazy enchantment again, Zhao Kun's expression became gloomy again, not knowing what happened.

It seems something happened!

Everything did not go as planned as planned, because of the youth who disappeared just now.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

There was a sound of fighting from the void.

"Second elder, I will help you and kill this traitor!"

Zhao Hong at this moment just roared.

The two wanted to kill Zhao Kun. Zhao Kun wanted to leave, but the road was blocked instantly.

People in the two blood ghost sects around saw Zhao Hong's appearance, and they all subconsciously felt bad, although they didn't know what happened? But faintly, they knew that something unknown must have happened.

That is right now, the previous perfect plan may have been broken by others, and the demon sect will be destroyed, I am afraid it is a little suspended.


In the void, Blood Soul Son looked at Lin Tian with a gloomy expression.

"If it weren't for the help of the strong, do you think you can beat me?"

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​the blood soul son opened his mouth uncomfortably, his words full of contempt and disdain.

For a junior like Lin Tian, ​​he did feel shocked, so powerful, but it was still very difficult to convince him that Lin Tian was stronger than him.

For this, Lin Tian just laughed, a little weird.

"Really? Then if I say, you can beat me, I will let you go, will you?"

Lin Tian looked at Blood Soul Son with a smile on his face.

As for this, Blood Soul Child was shocked, looking at Lin Tian with surprise in his eyes.

"Is what you said true?"


Lin Tian didn't look at the Blood Soul Child falsely.

The Blood Soul Child looked at Lin Tian and fell into deep thought. Because Lin Tian was young and vigorous at his age, he wanted to beat himself.

"And you have no other choice now, so you can only beat me, come on."

Looking at the blood soul son, Lin Tian smiled again.

"Humph, since you're looking for death like this. No wonder I am."

In an instant, the blood soul son shot.


I saw this terrible power dissipated in an instant.

Lin Tian rushed directly to him.

"What a terrible blood!"

Lin Tian was secretly surprised and a little angry at the same time. How many innocent people did this guy kill, and he managed to produce so much blood.

"Buddha mantra!"

In an instant, a Buddhist curse appeared on Lin Tian.

And, from the role of the relic, a statue of Buddha appeared behind him. It looks solemn and terrifying.


Pieces of spells just appear.

Xuehunzi's complexion changed drastically, and the whole person went crazy for a moment.

"Impossible! How could you be that bald person?"

The blood soul son at this moment was full of panic. He didn't expect Lin Tian to have the breath of Buddhism in his body, and he could also use Buddhism spells.


A series of miserable and miserable voices sounded in this barrier. It was a Buddhist spell that awakened the power of the remnant souls who died under the hands of the blood soul. These remnants were full of despair and grievance.

So once it was released, it was out of control.

The entire enchantment seemed to be filled with endless resentment.

"Is this guy from Buddhism?"

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at everything in the barrier from a distance, feeling extremely surprised.

Buddhism, this is only the talents of Xishan Lingzhou, and to learn this Buddhist spell, to a high degree, they are the unique disciples of Xishan Lingzhou.

And when Lin Tian showed it at this moment, there was not only the blessing of Buddha, but also the power of Buddhism in the spell.

This shows a problem. Currently, Lin Tian still uses a more advanced Buddhist mantra.

Counting it all up, Lin Tian at this moment, I'm afraid he is half a Buddhist man.

Then, will he be from Xishan Lingzhou?

Venerable Qingyue had guesses in his mind, and the blood soul in the enchantment was so angry and uncomfortable.

"Death to me later!"

Because the power of Buddhism is specifically aimed at these evil monks.

It seems that there is a terrifying and magical power specially to transform those grievances in them, and then attack them frantically.

"Oh, are you angry?"

At this time, Lin Tian spoke faintly, looking very solemn, really like a Buddha.

"Whatever Buddha you care about, you will die for me today, and the blood will turn to heaven and earth!"

In an instant, countless blood rushed up again.

The blood soul child in front of him, when he played in this way, was already far above his own realm.

As expected to be an evil monk who used to be in the realm of Tianyuan, Lin Tian was secretly surprised.

"In that case, let's see who is strong!"

"Baolong Seal!"

As soon as the heavenly weapon came out, it hit the blood soul son directly.


The Blood Soul Child flew far away. He looked at Lin Tian in shock, which was really terrifying.

The heavenly weapons were taken out at will.

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