I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 941: Life and death

"Hey, it's been useless for a long time, or the two come together."

At this moment, Lin Tian spoke on a whim.

These words made the blood soul child stunned, wondering what Lin Tiemu is coming for?

At this moment, Lin Tian made a sudden move.

"Baoshan Monument!"

I have a monument in my hand.

It's a heavenly weapon again!

The blood soul child's pupils widened in an instant, and the whole person was full of disbelief.

Two heavenly weapons appeared in the hands of the same young man.

How rich this guy is, he has two heavenly weapons.

"Sorry, I surprised you, I will send you on the road right away."

Lin Tian looked at the blood soul son in front of him with a smile on his face. In fact, he just wanted to try his hand, and did not intend to scare the blood soul son.

The stone tablet vibrated, and the Panlong seal was also vibrating, slamming it at the blood soul child quickly.



The Blood Soulzi screamed, and the bones were smashed and exploded.

It suddenly occurred to him that Lin Tian said just now that he would be able to leave after winning. All this seemed to be too far away.

Lin Tian in front of him is simply not human.

It is as terrifying as a spirit beast, like a gluttonous cub or a unicorn cub, which makes people have no desire to resist at all, that is, a situation of intention and powerlessness.


In an instant, Lin Tian made another move, which was terrifying.

The space was smashed, and the two heavenly spirit weapons were shot together, and Lin Tian's strength was directly elevated to the realm of the Yuan Emperor's peak.

"I can not be reconciled!"

The Blood Soul Child roared, he was injured by the Buddhist spell just now, and now he was suppressed by this heavenly weapon again.

Here in Lin Tian, ​​he just didn't take any advantage.

This is a great shame for him.

"Not reconciled, is it useful?"

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Those people you killed, have you asked them willingly? I didn't expect that I would have today."

Lin Tian looked at Blood Soul Child coldly, it was not a pity that this fellow died, but it was a pity that those who died in his hands.

"The Soul of the Blood River!"

For an instant, the blood soul child seemed to explode all his power at this moment.

Vaguely, a river of blood unfolded from the side of the blood soul child. In that blood river, countless blood was solidified, and in it, there were a series of unusually terrifying and scary powers rotating in it.

In addition, there is the lion roar of the unjust souls, as if the people who are imprisoned are locked in it, without seeing the sun, this is the secret weapon of the blood soul child, the blood river.

"You forced me, you must die today!"

The Blood Soul Child looked at Lin Tian with infinite killing intent in his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were also red, especially when he saw Lin Tian's two great heavenly weapons with a killing intent.

"come on!"

Lin Tian looked at him and his expression was full of anger. This guy should be killed. Killing is used to describe him. It is not an exaggeration, because in the river of blood, Lin Tian faintly saw babies and old people, women and girls roaring. .

This is the cultivator, the evil cultivator, sometimes it makes people angry.

Their behavior is really hateful.


In an instant, the two rushed to each other frantically. In this battle, either you die or I live.


The skin of Blood Soul Child was directly blown away by Lin Tian with a punch.


Lin Tian watched, his scalp was numb, this guy turned out to be a skeleton of human skin.

"Jiejie, kid, do you really think you can kill me? It's naive."

The ridicule from the blood soul son.

At this moment, he was in the bone frame, a soul flame appeared in the middle of the bone frame.

This should be the soul of this guy.

It is also what Xiaodu said, soul flame, Lin Tian only felt a horrible power, coming from him, it shocked Lin Tian slightly, this guy's soul power is really powerful, giving people a sense of vigorous illusion .

"Boy, let you know today, my blood soul is amazing."

At this moment, in the river of blood, a behemoth came out of it.

"I go!"


Lin Tian looked at what came out of the river of blood, and was caught in an instant. The appearance of a behemoth and terrifying blood flow from this guy.

Bull body, antlers, tiger teeth and wolf hair, this is an alien beast mutated from a spirit beast, known for its infinite power.

Unexpectedly, this blood soul son will not only let people not let go, but also the spirit beasts that should be killed. There is no room for mercy.

"Haha, shocked, then go to hell, you are a treasure of heaven and earth, I will help you make good use of it."

The blood soul son at this moment is extremely arrogant.


Lin Tian looked a little disgusting, the **** scene, to this guy, it was a symbol of strength.




The river of blood was shaking, and the endless resentment was shaking.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian's face was slightly gloomy, which was a bit detrimental to him and would affect his speed.


"Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui gossip, heaven and earth are in motion..."

"Space is broken!"

At this moment, Lin Tian used his own means.

"Space power!"

The Blood Soul Child looked at Lin Tian in horror, but he didn't expect Lin Tian to be a master of space power.

In the outside world, Venerable Qingyue was also shocked.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy has so many talents, the formation mage, the master of space power, it is not scary to say it.

"How can it be?"

The blood soul child's bone frame trembled, and the strange beast that he controlled was also trembled. He was completely shocked by Lin Angel's approach.

This Lin Tian is simply not human.

Using people to describe Lin Tian is really belittling the average. What Lin Tian does is really unexpected. Is he in touch with people?

Obviously, none of this seems to be connected.

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled faintly, and waved the two heavenly weapons together.

"Kill kill!!"

The Blood Soul Child was also unwilling to show weakness, and must kill Lin Tian and get all of Lin Tian's things.


The attacks of the two people spread out in the void, and the barrier trembled. Fortunately, it was arranged by Venerable Qingyue, otherwise it would have broken directly.

"Puff puff!!"

Lin Tian was slightly injured at this time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

Although he was injured, the reward from the system made Lin Tian very happy. This kind of thrill of fighting made people happy.

"Come again!"


The two killed Red Eyes, and the soul flame of the Blood Soul Child was trembling.

In the scene at this moment, the two of them were really crazy, and they didn't keep any hands.

In order to solve the other side's unscrupulous means.

"Space is shattered! Qiankun Xuanyuan Formation!"

In an instant, the emptiness of space fragments rushed towards the blood soul son at this moment.

The soul flame of the blood soul is trembling.

"You can control space debris!"

At this time, the huge body of the alien beast rushed directly to Lin Tian's tiny body.

At this moment, the two were in a fight for life and death.


Both understand that victory or defeat lies here.

This strange beast was indeed the peak strength of Emperor Yuan, as if it was the second clone of Blood Soul Child.

This made Lin Tian feel a little horrified, but he was not envious at all.

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