I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 942: Blood soul despair

Because this strange beast was brought up warmly with the blood of countless people.

Lin Tian is full of disgusting disgust for the things obtained by this trick, so there is no such thing as envy at all.

On the contrary, he is the real doppelganger technique, this blood soul child is only afraid that it has used some sideways to create a doppelganger.


At this moment, Lin Tian's body, as if turned into a knife, instantly rushed towards the alien beast.

"The breath of Tao!"

Seeing this situation, the blood soul child was shocked, but the two great heavenly weapons, space debris and formations attacked, so that he could not take care of his strange beasts.

"How many secrets does this guy have?"

Venerable Qingyue in the distance looked at Lin Tian with horror.

This is the aura of Dao, something that the experts of the Tianyuan realm have only begun to touch.

But here in Lin Tian, ​​he had such a thorough grasp.

How can she accept this situation?

But with Lin Tian, ​​she felt that she shouldn't use ordinary people's thinking to understand Lin Tian, ​​otherwise she didn't know what she should do? It will definitely be subverted by Lin Tian.


At this time, rumbling voices came.

The void is an explosion.

Not only Lin Tian and alien beasts, but also various powerful attacks from Blood Soul Child and Lin Tian.

I saw a loophole appeared in the enchantment for an instant.

A terrifying attack rushed out of it and directly hit a mountain peak.


The mountain peak collapsed instantly, and it seemed extremely fragile. Naturally, it wasn't the mountain peak anymore, but the terrifying attack by Lin Tian and the blood soul son.

Venerable Qingyue was shocked, and quickly took action to fill the loopholes.

The barrier he arranged was actually broken by two people, enough to see that the attacks of these two people have exceeded the same level too much.

But at this time, a blade of light that Lin Tian turned into disappeared in the body of the alien beast.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, the soul flame of the blood soul child trembled for a while, and the bone frame might fall from the void at any time.

Where he looked at the strange beast in front of him, there was a burst of joy.

"Hahaha, boy, you are still too tender."

The blood soul son let out a frantic roar, and the whole person was full of joy.

"is it?"


A voice sounded, and accompanied by the body of the alien beast, it fell apart and shattered instantly.


The blood soul son was shocked, and the white bone frame trembled instantly.

"Soul Devouring Holy Power!"

In an instant, Lin Tian's overwhelming soul power came frantically towards the comparative blood soul son.

"What power? Why is my soul?"

The blood soul child was horrified to find that his soul power was rapidly losing.

And the culprit was Lin Tian who struck.

"what did you do to me?"

The blood soul son's voice was full of unspeakable terrifying roars, which seemed to hate Lin Tian.

Soul power is his foundation, even if he doesn't have a body or life, then he needs to have soul power.

As long as the soul power exists, then he himself can continue to survive and continue to grow stronger.

But at this moment, Lin Tian was absorbing his soul power frantically, how could this not make the blood soul child panic.

"Don't be afraid, what about me? Just like it a little, let you try, this feeling of being deprived of your life."

Lin Tian looked at the blood soul son in front of him without mercy at all.

Once the Soul Devouring Holy Power is activated, it cannot be stopped.

"I must kill you!"

The blood soul child was excited for a while, but under the control of Lin Tian's power, he could not move.

"Haha, come on, the more angry you are, the easier it is to get this soul power. It's really happy to think about it."

Lin Tian spoke very casually, and these words made the blood and soul vomit blood.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy, was too insidious. Before he knew it, he had become his prey. Only then did the blood soul son realize that he had encountered an opponent.

In the past, others were his prey, but now, Lin Tian regards himself as his prey. This feeling really drives him crazy.

"Do you really think that you can kill me? One day, I will definitely reappear and kill you, including your relatives, friends, family, hahahaha..."

The endless roar from the blood soul son.

For this voice, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"I will make you better than dead...ahhh..."

The feeling of separation from the soul made the blood soul child angry at this moment. He really said that life is better than death.

"Do you want to say that you still have a soul body, but it's not here, it's in the Xuanhe School."

Lin Tian spoke at this moment and looked at him with a sneer. For Lin Tian, ​​isn't this where this guy will survive?

"How can you... know?"

The blood soul son at this moment looked at Lin Tian in horror.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian in front of him is so terrifying, knowing where he is? It stands to reason that Lin Tian could not know unless the two knew each other.

But on Lin Tian's body, the blood soul son did not see a familiar figure.

So how can Lin Tian know him?

But in front of him, the address that Lin Tian said was indeed the place where he himself exists. This is absolutely impossible by coincidence. The blood soul in front of him can be 100% certain. Lin Tian must know something?

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at Blood Soul Son with a cold smile.

"How do I know, you don't seem to need to know, but you should worry about your current ending, Blood Soul Son."

With that said, Lin Tian just increased the intensity of the Soul Eater Holy Power.


Blood Soul Child opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Tian again.

Lin Tian definitely knew him.

He hadn't told too many people about the name Blood Soul Son before, almost no one had said it.

But at this moment, in his silence, a faint soul flame suddenly flashed, as if he still wanted to say?

"Do not!"

What was left behind was a scream.

This was the gift Lin Tian gave him, the last terrifying attack.

The terrifying power eroded directly into his soul and swallowed his soul instantly.

And the Venerable Qingyue in the distance, looking at this method, the whole person was shocked.

this is too scary!

Lin Tian at this moment is like a monster.

It actually swallowed the souls of others, this method, if it were said, it would be extremely vicious.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian looked forward with a faint smile at this moment.

"It's really comfortable, now I want to enjoy the power of sublimation, but unfortunately there is still something to do."

Lin Tian looked helpless at this moment.

Because there are indeed a lot of things still waiting to be handled by myself.

And now, I'm afraid I can't digest here quietly.

Immediately, Lin Tian looked towards the void and said, "Qingyue let me out."

He knew that Venerable Qingyue was watching everything happening here at this moment, and Venerable Qingyue should have seen his own behavior just now.

This is my secret.

However, Lin Tian didn't conceal anything, after all, Venerable Qingyue was now a slave to his heart.

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