I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 944: Attack the two major gates

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue felt that Lin Tian was being chased by so many people. It is not without reason.

I'm afraid that some are not only angry because of Lin Tian's talents, but also because of Lin Tian's nosy.

But now, who made her follow such a master? At this moment, Venerable Qingyue is even more unwilling, and can only try to be willing.

Soon, under the restoration of Venerable Qingyue, everything around became flexible and simple. Zhao Hong was shocked when he saw this method.

It’s terrible, the method in front of me is simply not done by humans.

Everyone at this moment had an inexplicable guess that Lin Tian was not the most powerful of the two people in front of them, and the most powerful should be the maid Qingyue.

"All right."

In the past half an hour, several halls were built.

It looks very magnificent.

This situation stunned Lin Tian, ​​and this hall was built.

It seemed that it was really magnificent and fast, and the efficiency of Venerable Qingyue in front of him was too high.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian can only say, envious.

With strong strength, it is not the same. Doing anything can be solved at will. However, if Venerable Qingyue knows Lin Tian's thoughts, he will even want to slap Lin Tian even more.

If powerful strength is used to do these things, what is the point?

"Thank you, brother-in-law, and this one next to you..."

At this moment, Zhao Hong was a little embarrassed, he still didn't know Venerable Qingyue.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, Uncle Hong, don't care about Qingyue too much, she just doesn't like talking, so let's go into the palace by the way."

Lin Tian seemed to have something to say at this time.

Venerable Qingyue was still the same taciturn, and didn't have much to say.

In fact, if Lin Tian weren't here, she would not have much communication with these people in this life.

But now, it's still involved.

For Venerable Qingyue, he can only be at ease when he comes.

Zhao Hong and Lin Tian in front of him, as well as Zhao Shicheng and some elders who survived the Demon Sect, entered the hall.

This time, the elders who can survive the crisis of the Demon Sect are truly loyal to the Demon Sect, and they are loyal to one another, which is equivalent to the two major sects testing talents for the entire Demon Sect this time.

For this situation, let alone Zhao Hong is quite happy.

After all, people who represent their own sect have been cleansed, and those who will be left behind will be loyal and will never reappear like the second elder.

A group of people entered the hall. At this moment, Lin Tian smiled faintly: "Uncle Hong, the incident that happened this time must not be over yet."

Zhao Hong was taken aback. It was not that he hadn't thought about this question mentioned by Lin Tian. Although the lord of the two sects was dead, the foundation of the other two sects was still there.

This is also a threat to the entire Demon Sect.

Because the current struggle has already meant that it has been opened, and now that it has been settled, there must be a solution, otherwise the long-term consumption will be bad for everyone.

"Well, this is indeed not the end, but now the Demon Sect still needs to be rectified, and then to clean up the remnants."

Zhao Hong's face sank slightly. After all, he was the master of a sect. At this time, the first consideration was always his disciples.

For this, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

"Well, Uncle Hong, you are right, but I want to tell you that you can send someone to follow me. I will help the Demon Sect eliminate the remnants of the two major sects, and then unify the Demon Sect, so that the strength of the Demon Sect will be It will be stronger, otherwise the surrounding sects will covet the current ruined appearance of the Demon Sect."

Lin Tian saw a little thoroughness. At this moment, he must take advantage of the victory to directly accommodate the three major sects.

If there is a trace of hesitation, I am afraid that the opportunity will slip away quietly.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian naturally wanted to say that this is not feasible, so we must seize the opportunity.

Zhao Hong listened to this, as did the other elders in the hall, his expression fell silent.

What Lin Tian meant was that he wanted to help the entire Demon Sect to unify and use his own power.

"My nameless brother, you helped me the Demon Sect so much, my Demon Sect doesn't know how to repay you?"

At this moment, Zhao Hong looked at Lin Tian with gratitude in his eyes.

For this gratitude, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

"It's okay, Uncle Hong. Jian Rong and I are friends of life and death. This is just a matter of effort. You don't need to take it too seriously."

Lin Tian seemed to be really not the kind of person who was too small.

The elders around looked at Lin Tian and couldn't help but admire him. Such a young man, with extraordinary bearing, would definitely be a great man in the future.

And Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian strangely.

What does this guy want to do? Not only did it help the entire Demon Sect, but now I want to integrate the power of the entire Demon Sect. Isn't it that simple to help?

Based on Venerable Qingyue's understanding of Lin Tian, ​​some of the things he did did not seem to be as simple as the surface.

And what is Lin Tian thinking in his mind at this moment? I'm afraid only he can understand.

"Uncle Hong is like that. You send people and me to the two major sects, and then directly subdue them. It happens that the current Demon Sect is greatly injured, and it is also the time to supplement, so as not to be taken advantage of."

Lin Tian looked at Zhao Hong, thinking clearly.

What Lin Tian said is indeed not wrong. At this critical moment, the surrounding sects are probably eyeing.

The encirclement and suppression of the two major sects, such a big thing, it is impossible for them to know.

In this case, a big problem will arise.

Now that the demon sect’s vitality is greatly injured, those people will take action if they decide. If this is the case, they can only deal with it. However, with the current strength of the demon sect, they are afraid of other sects, and they will come again at that time. Zong fell apart again.

"Okay, what the nameless brother said, we will do it. You saved this demon sect, and we believe in you."

At this moment, Zhao Hong looked at Lin Tian with a look of trust.

The elders around are afraid to say anything? Lin Tian in front of him was indeed the savior of the entire Demon Sect.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he had actually met Zhao Shicheng. Zhao Shicheng had long recommended Lin Tian an important position, that is, the deputy peak master.

For Lin Tian, ​​helping the Demon Sect now is equivalent to helping his own forces invisibly. This is still very clear in Lin Tian's heart.

But the only thing he could not bear was that he always regarded Zhao Jianrong as the object of lying.

Invisibly, Zhao Jianrong did not know how many lies he had endured.

"Well, I will take the unknown brothers to attack the lairs of the two sects. I know where they are?"

Zhao Shicheng at the moment is just talking.

Some other elders also volunteered.

For this, Lin Tian is still quite happy, which proves that the entire Demon Sect has strong cohesion and belonging.

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