I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 945: Undercurrent

For any sect, if the cohesion is not strong, it means that it is not far from destruction.

Therefore, Lin Tian admired the Demon Sect very much.

"No, you follow the nameless brother, then this sect is not guarded, you are all staying here, I really want the nameless brother to go, just because you are injured."

Zhao Hong looked at everyone seriously at this time, giving such an order.

This looks serious, but in fact it is for everyone's consideration.

Many elders, including Zhao Shicheng, wanted to refute this.

They did have a lot of injuries on their bodies, but they still wanted to follow suit. People from the two major sects attacked, which was really annoying.

"Sect Master, I'm fine, I must follow, at least I still have a little effect."

At this moment, Zhao Shicheng wanted to follow, his face was firm, like a child's stubbornness.

This situation just made Lin Tian look at it with a smile.

This group of people is really stubborn and moving. Looking at the elders, in fact, they all seem to be seriously injured.

"Okay, the second elder can follow, and the others stay in the sect to heal their injuries, just because they are optimistic about the sect. This is an order and cannot be resisted."

Zhao Hong spoke again, this time everyone was silent.

In fact, everyone knows that Zhao Hong is doing this for their good.

Therefore, everyone can only accept it.

"My nameless brother, in that case, it should not be too late, let's set off now."

Zhao Hong looked at Lin Tian and just spoke.

Now the disciples of the two major sects should have fled back. At this time, it should be the best time to catch up, and the people of the two major sects will surely be able to completely defeat the law.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Tian nodded, as for some of the disciples outside at this moment, that's just forget it.

The so-called powerful force naturally requires a group of powerful people.

If those disciples go, I'm afraid they will be sent to death, because their cultivation base is still too weak.

Therefore, Zhao Hong was a little hesitant to attack the two lairs.

Because even if it is a strong person like them, there is no guarantee that there will be an accident in the end, if an unpredictable factor is encountered halfway, it will be bad.

"Well, let's go."

As a result, a group of four people left the hall.

At the moment of the Demon Sect, the healing and healing of many disciples was full of vitality.

Because they won.

Becoming the survivor is the winner, so everyone is naturally happy.

At the entrance of the mountain gate, it was still the same dilapidated.

What makes people feel sad at this moment is the sight of this kind of sight. Lin Tian looked at it, slightly unbearable.

"Wait, you guys, I want to bless some things here."

Lin Tian stopped a few people. At this moment, the entire Demon Sect was left with a few old and weak remnants. Someone was coming to attack. I was afraid that the Demon Sect would suffer heavy losses again.

Therefore, he needs a good repair.

When everyone listened, they stopped to see what Lin Tian was doing?

At this moment, Lin Tian became serious for a moment, but the whole formation started.

"Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui..."

The formation is all-encompassing, and even though it seems complicated to arrange it, under Lin Tian's control, it seems handy.

The second elder next to him and Zhao Hong were stunned.

Lin Tian in front of him is even capable of formation.

And Venerable Qingyue is already used to it, Lin Tian has too many secrets in his body, as long as he is used to it.

At this moment, Lin Tian just started the arrangement.

I saw the power of the road, rising in the void, looking very surprising.

Lin Tian at this moment was just smiling.

Even if a huge formation is supported, the spirit stones on his body are also going to the surroundings. This time he has spent a lot of money. Among them, the formation of spirit stones has used several hundred pieces.

Zhao Hong looked at him and looked embarrassed.

Because all Lin Tian used were Grade 3 or 4 spirit stones, they were still very precious.

Lin Tian used it now, and he could only return it to Lin Tian later.


An invisible, hazy formation was slowly born here.

The disciples in the Zongmen were surprised at the birth of this formation.

"Isn't Huzong's great formation broken? This formation!"

"Yes! Why do I feel that this formation is stronger."

The energies of the heavens and the earth around, rushed frantically, building for the entire Demon Sect, so that the Demon Sect would no longer be that broken place.

Looking at this situation, Zhao Hong's eyes brightened in front of him, and Lin Tian was thoughtful. In this case, everyone's cultivation would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

"Huh... alright."

Lin Tian breathed out at this moment, still feeling a little strenuous.

After all, such a big formation is arranged.

"Thank you nameless brother, I am so grateful. I don't know how to repay you. It is really fortunate for the little girl to make friends like you."

Zhao Hong looked at Lin Tian with gratitude in his face.

And listening to this, Lin Tian was embarrassed.

Because this is a lie, after all, the Venerable Qingyue next to him gave Ka a roll of eyes to let him experience it.

Now you know the harm of lie.

However, Lin Tian did not deny, but immediately said: "Uncle Hong is fine, it's just a matter of hand, let's get on the road quickly, otherwise it will be too late and try to solve it in one day."


Listening to Lin Tian's words, Zhao Hong and Zhao Shicheng looked at each other. Lin Tian is too arrogant.

But the two Yezhimen agreed.

"Okay, then act."

Zhao Hong and Zhao Shicheng looked at each other. They were both people of the same age. They also understood that Lin Tian's thoughts were young and vigorous, but Lin Tian did have such strength.

Moreover, in the hearts of both of them, they all believed that the blue moon beside Lin Tian was the most terrifying existence.

And for Qingyue, this kind of sect's little troubles is completely meaningless.

For the strong in the Tianyuan realm, many times they have their own business, that is, cultivation, so they are fully absorbed. Where can there be time to pay attention to these squabbles?

Moreover, a force like the Demon Sect is not very powerful, nor does it have any background.

In front of the super giants, it is vulnerable.

Because the powerful sect forces all have many strong people.

Those strong sects, who came out at random, were extremely terrifying, which was undoubtedly devastating for the entire Demon Sect.

The four of them traveled fast in the void, flying while discussing.

Lin Tian and the two of them were able to talk, and had various discussions. As for the two asked whether the relationship between Zhao Jianrong and Lin Tian was very good, it embarrassed Lin Tian.

This is related to this thing, so naturally you can't talk nonsense.

"Jianrong once saved me, so I owe her life."

That's what Lin Tian said.

If Zhao Jianrong heard it, it would be good to just not fight Lin Tian. When did he save Lin Tian, ​​Zhao Jianrong would be depressed.

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