I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 946: Destroy the Gate

And Zhao Hong was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Is there a life-saving grace? It sounds like a great favor, but I don’t know, how are these two people emotional?

For Sovereign Zhao Hong, if Lin Tian could have anything to do with his daughter, such a powerful son-in-law, in fact, he still liked it very much.

As for Lin Tian, ​​he also vaguely felt the meaning that Zhao Hong conveyed, but for Lin Tian, ​​he really had no meaning in this regard so far.

Although he and Zhao Jianrong are a little familiar with each other, they have not yet reached such a step.

"It's almost here, you two be careful."

At this moment, Zhao Hong's face suddenly became serious, because the front was the position of the blood sect.

For this situation, Lin Tian just smiled slightly.

The blood soul child is dead, this blood sect should not have any powerful existence.

Otherwise, the Blood Soul Child shouldn't personally destroy the Demon Sect.

As soon as the three people approached, there was a series of attacks in front, which turned out to be flying swords all over the sky.


At this moment, Zhao Hong snorted coldly, and directly shot out a spiritual weapon in his hand. Obviously, this was a member of the blood sect. It was expected that they would come, so he prepared in advance.

When the four of them approached here, they were discovered, so the attack came naturally.

Faced with this situation, Lin Tian and the others are naturally calm.

It is impossible to kill them.


In an instant, the four moved.

Venerable Qingyue just stayed by Lin Tian's side and didn't even think about making a move, because she was too weak to make a move here.

A strong person in the Tianyuan realm must at least be a strong person at the pinnacle of the Yuan Dynasty. As for the others, they attack one by one.

Even if it is not well controlled, it is a disaster.

Therefore, Venerable Qingyue will not take it easily.

And Lin Tian didn't care about this situation either. After all, he could deal with it himself, and it was okay for the Venerable Qingyue in front of him to not make a move.

The trump card, after all, has to stay behind to make it play a vital role.

"Who is it? This is my Blood Sect Mountain Gate, do you want to die?"

There was a roar from the front, the roar of the strong blood sect.

Lin Tian smiled faintly at this voice.

Zhao Hong looked forward coldly, with a domineering force, directly rippling away.

"I know this is the Blood Sect. Now you have two choices. One is to surrender and the other is to die. Your Sect Master Blood Soul is dead. I am the Sect Master Zhao Hong. You have five minutes to think about it. "

Zhao Hong at this moment has a loud voice.

For a time, those strong ones were shocked.

It was the powerhouse of Demon Sect who came, and it was also Zhao Hong who came.

Among them, no one is Zhao Hong's opponent, once they are up against each other. I'm afraid it's also bad luck.

"Huh! Don't be afraid, everyone, we are so many and there are only four of them, are we still afraid that he will not succeed." An elder looked around at the moment, looking at the many blood sect disciples in the distance.

This made everyone feel unconvinced inexplicably, but they were still desperate.

In the face of absolute strength, it is not that the number of people can make up for it. Once it is shot, it is basically dead. Then who else will do it? Thinking about it is a very simple truth.

The people at this moment were extremely hesitant in their hearts. They didn't expect that everyone in the Blood Sect would have gone without returning, and were directly destroyed. Now they are still looking for the door, although there are only four.

However, the suzerain and elders were enough for them to drink a pot.

The powerful elders of the blood sect, but all went out to destroy the demon sect. Now that they have not returned, the eight achievements are completely impossible to return.

Such a scene is really sad.

"Yes! Fight with them, we must not let the people of the Demon Sect be fooled."

Again, an elder supported.

"Okay, kill!"

Suddenly, a group of people came out and rushed towards Lin Tian.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Hong smiled faintly, and said, "Let me come, you and the second elder, you nameless brothers, just watch."

These people are undoubtedly hitting the rocks with their eggs, and relying on their strengths, they can't compete with Zhao Hong and others in front of them.


In an instant, power bursts out of Zhao Hong, as if to smash the mountain.

"Die to me!"

With a fatal and powerful punch, Zhao Hong at this moment thought of the ruined appearance of the Demon Sect Mountain Gate.

At this moment, Zhao Hong is like a wild beast, with a powerful force of the Yuan Emperor realm in his hand, directly blasting everyone who rushes.

"Boom, boom..."


Everyone fell directly to the ground, screaming one by one.

For them, Zhao Hong in front of them is too powerful.

"Puff puff!!"

The elders just spit out blood, their eyes full of horror.

"I can't beat you."

An elder looked at Zhao Hong sadly, but helpless.

What can he say in this situation? It can only show that the blood sect's fate is exhausted, and struggling again is a meaningless struggle.

"Your blood sect is actually separated from my sky demon sect. Why be so depressed? Follow me, Zhao Hong, and I will take you with you in the future."

Zhao Hong looked at the crowd, and the words meant bewitching.

Hearing this, some people were shaken in their hearts. Obviously, Zhao Hong in front of them was reasonable.

"One more thing, people who have never done an innocent murder before can stay. The rest of the people, if they should leave, I will not kill you, but if you dare to move things in this blood sect, I will not kill you. amnesty."

Zhao Hong looked at everyone, his face cold again.

As for Zhao Hong's words, everyone felt the body cold for a while, as if the Zhao Hong in front of them might rush at any time, as long as they disagree.

However, at this time, they seemed to have no other choice. Others had already hit the gate of the mountain. If they did not surrender, the consequences could be imagined.


In an instant, Zhao Hong shot, and the front Xuezongshan gate collapsed in an instant.


"what are you doing?"

One of the elders who was hesitating looked at this scene and roared at Zhao Hong.

In response to this, Zhao Hong smiled faintly: "Since there is no sect master, then this mountain gate should not exist today. From now on, my Demon Sect will be the largest sect around here."

For a moment, everyone didn't know how to refute this.

Even if they want to fight with Zhao Hong in front of them.

But think about it, do they have this strength? The answer is naturally no.

In the current situation, Zhao Hong has already mastered the overall situation, and Lin Tian, ​​a few people behind, are here to make decorations.

"Okay, now it's time for your consideration."

Zhao Hong looked at everyone coldly at this moment.

"Silent, I will treat you as if you disagree."

Zhao Hong spoke again, the meaning of these words made people chill.

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