I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 952: Ghost power breakthrough

And everyone outside, especially the Ghost Sect, their complexions changed again and again.

I originally thought that the appearance of the Guiqing ancestor could change the current status of the ghost sect, but now it seems that the Guiqing ancestor has encountered difficulties.

The aura on Guiqing Old Ancestor's body gradually weakened and became dying.

"This is impossible, impossible!"

An elder quickly rushed towards the ancestor of Guiqing, just to rescue him.

However, he rushed out, and the fluctuating power around him flashed for an instant, turning into a beam of light, directly blocking the person in the middle, splashing blood on the spot, **** and violent.

Everyone looked at this situation with horror.

The source of that wave of power fluctuations is so terrifying, how can this make them good!

Everyone in the ghost sect is sad, and everyone in the demon sect is filled with surprises and doubts. I don't know who is helping them? Everyone looked at Zhao Hong, thinking that Zhao Hong knew the strong man in secret.

However, Zhao Hong had no choice but to look at the two Lin Tian.

His guess was that the strong man who appeared secretly must be inseparable from the two of them.

If he knew such a strong man, I was afraid that the current Demon Sect would not be reduced to this way.


At this moment, the ancestor Guiqing screamed, and saw that his exhausted body fell directly into the huge pit, which can be regarded as buried in it.

This scene horrified everyone.

However, at this time, Lin Tian was in a surging mood, because he felt that after these two absorptions, his soul realm this time would definitely reach the mid-Yuanyuan realm. Maybe with good luck, he could reach the late-Yuanyuan stage.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian felt happy in his heart.

And Venerable Qingyue, just watching all this, his eyes were full of shock.

Lin Tian did it. He swallowed the power of the soul of the ghost ancestor in front of him, and he seemed to have reached the peak.

At this moment, Lin Tian didn't seem to have changed from the outside, but Venerable Qingyue who was beside Lin Tian could clearly feel the terrifying soul power from Jin Tian.

That powerful soul power seemed to be beyond Lin Tian's control at all, and could explode at any time.

With inexplicable worry Lin Tian, ​​Venerable Qingyue opened his mouth and said: "You pay attention, this will cause invisible damage to you."

Lin Tian smiled slightly when he said this.

He naturally saw that he also had a lot of problems, but he was still in a controllable range, and he did not go too far.

The many people in the Guizong looked at this scene, a little unbearable, all kneeling on the ground, as if they were feeling sad for the dead Guiqing ancestor in front of them.

The people of the Demon Sect who retreated to the distance looked at this scene, the whole person was dumbfounded, they did not expect to solve it like this, and they did not take any action.

It's as if everyone came here just to watch a play.

"Sect Master, is it dead? Is this really dead?"

At this moment, an elder looked at Zhao Hong with disbelief in his eyes. A scene that was supposed to be a decisive battle ended in this way.

Whether they believe it or not, everything is over like this.

At this moment, Lin Tian returned to his normal expression, but there was a wave of soul power in his body that was constantly churning.

The power of this Dao is naturally derived from the soul power of the ancestor of the ghost. For this soul power, Lin Tian feels that his soul power will become more powerful and terrifying, because the soul power of the blood soul son before No absorption.

All power disappeared at this time.

Zhao Hong at this moment naturally felt it.

"Everyone from the ghost sect, listen carefully. I think you are all very clear about the situation of the ghost sect. Now you must make your own choices."

At this moment, Sect Master Zhao Hong gave everyone a choice. At least it proved that he was not cruel, and at least he gave everyone a chance to leave.

And when everyone listened to this, some people just looked unwilling and left the ghost sect like this? Here is their long-term effort, and some people can only accept this helpless fact.

In this world of the weak and the strong, sometimes even if you are unwilling to accept all this, the world will still choose to brutally kill you.

So they have no choice but to accept it.

"I'm going."

"I'm going."

A group of people chose to leave, and the destruction of the Ghost Sect meant that everything was gone.

"Sect Master, just let them leave like this?"

The elder from the blood sect turned to look at Zhao Hong in front of him with a look of doubt.

"Yes, Sect Master, if this group of people go to other places and stand on another hill, what will happen then?"

An elder raised this question. Although this group of people are not very powerful, their terrifying strength is more or less scary.

"My Demon Sect does not take away the two-hearted people. They have no intention to stay. It is useless for me to stay. It is even more impossible for my Demon Sect to kill innocent people."

What this said, the group of people in the back just felt a little embarrassed.

Obviously Zhao Hong is more affectionate and righteous, and this Demon Sect is also affectionate and righteous. They are very fortunate to have joined, and they did not leave. Assuming that they left alone, in this North Bing Lingzhou, sometimes it is difficult to move.

Misfortunes fall from the sky, that is also a common occurrence.

Many ghost sect people left, no one dared to go deep into the ghost sect's remaining heaven and earth treasures, because they knew very well that once they did that, they were afraid that what they were waiting for was the killing from the ghost sect.

This is a default rule, which almost everyone understands, so they are also very clear.


Immediately, everyone from the Demon Sect went to the depths of the Ghost Sect.

Zhao Hong came to Lin Tian and Lin Tian and looked at Lin Tian and said: "Thank you just now, nameless brother, you are really kind to my Demon Sect, and you have nothing to pay for it."

Zhao Hong looked at Lin Tian and really felt that Lin Tian was the savior sent by God to the Demon Sect.

If there were no two Lin Tian, ​​I'm afraid that the Demon Sect would have been destroyed overnight, and there would be no current attack.

"The Demon Sect is indestructible. This is God's will. You don't have to be too polite, Uncle Hong." Lin Tian said with a smile on his face.

The Venerable Qingyue next to him remained silent, but after this time, Zhao Hong felt that the strong man who secretly shot was the Venerable Qingyue in front of him.

It was just this speculation that the two of Venerable Qingyue didn't want to talk, and he couldn't follow up at will. After all, this is a secret, and everyone will have a secret.

"Go, let's go in and see, what is in this ghost sect?"

Zhao Hong took Lin Tian in with a happy face.

And Lin Tian is not very curious about the things in it.

"Master, the ghost power you need is right in the depths of this valley. You can directly absorb it. It is estimated that the realm can be on another floor."

"so smart?"

Lin Tian was slightly surprised, this ghost force rushed into his body, could he raise his realm?

"Master, you are the Primordial Eucharist. This ghost power not only has no repulsive effect on you, but also promotes your cultivation, so you can just use it to break through."

"Well, this is really great."

There was a trace of joy in Lin Tian's eyes.

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