I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 953: Power suppression

Suddenly receiving this news is undoubtedly great news for Lin Tian.

Now, the distance breakthrough is fast.

I remember the last breakthrough, although the interval was not very long, but for Lin Tian, ​​he now has the strength of the next realm.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with breaking through earlier.

Surprised in his heart, Lin Tian at this moment took action and quickly led Venerable Qingyue to the depths of the valley.

"Uncle Hong, there is the power I need in this. You will directly find the treasures of heaven and earth in a moment. Leave me alone, I will practice here for a while."

Lin Tian gave Zhao Hong a vaccination at this time to avoid Zhao Hong looking for him for a while.


Zhao Hong looked at Lin Tian in surprise, he actually wanted to cultivate here, this is the place where Ghost Sect practiced.

"All right, then you be careful, the weird power in front is too strong, it should be the training place of the old ghost, we won't go in."

Zhao Hong also didn't worry about the treasures in it. After all, Lin Tian had solved all of this, so it was safe to say to Lin Tian.

For Lin Tian, ​​all this is nothing? After all, I just went in for cultivation. As for the things on the old ghost just now, Xiaodu had put away the things, and it hadn't been verified yet.

"Hey, master, do you guess the price of that old thing?"

A happy voice from Xiaodu.

It sounds like there is good news, but for this, Lin Tian smiled faintly and said: "Say, don't hide it, you guy, every day, you know you want to lie to me."

"Master, I am very pure. The practice points exchanged this time absolutely refresh your previous record."

"Oh, is it?"

Inexplicably, Lin Tian was also looking forward to it.

Because Xiaodu said so, there must be no falsehood.

This can only prove a problem, there must be a lot of points of exercise.

"How much? Say it quickly."

Lin Tian asked Xiaodu as he walked towards the strong ghost power, his face was full of joy, and Venerable Qingyue next to him wanted to give Lin Tian a punch.

Because Lin Tian in front of him was so happy, it was really unbearable.

"Three hundred million exercise points, master."


At this time, Lin Tian directly exported.

Venerable Qingyue on the side was astonished by Lin Tian's words. He looked at him in a circle and said, "What's the matter? Did you say this to me?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian puzzledly, this guy suddenly spoke, making her wonder what happened?

"Uh, that's not it. I suddenly thought of something before, so you can't mind."

As Lin Tian said, he was secretly laughing.

"Three hundred million, so much, it's really a big profit, how many good things this old guy has hidden!"

Lin Tian was happy in his heart, and couldn't help but give birth to a kind that made Venerable Qingyue directly attack the strong man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor.

In this case, the practice points on his body were directly soaring. At that time, he had not directly advanced to Tianyuan.

Three hundred million exercise points are enough.

"Hey, master, you will have fun, we'll be here soon, master."

A small reminder came, Lin Tian paid attention to the front, only to see a strange fog in the front, the fog was mixed with strange power, which seemed to be a little poisonous.

There are still mountains and forests ahead, but those mountains and forests, withered by themselves, seem to be places where birds don't shit.

Lin Tian was slightly surprised at this situation.

I saw a wave of ghost power rising, hovering in this void, the terrifying ghost power was invisible, and there was no way to see it with the naked eye.

"Do you want to absorb these forces?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with surprise in his eyes.

This ghost power is very strange, it is the unique power of the ghost sect. She once encountered it occasionally, but she didn't care, because there was no shocking character in this ghost sect.

Therefore, even if the strength is special, it is still unrefined.

"Well, just to absorb these powers, you keep me here and don't let people disturb me."

Lin Tian gave the order, and immediately moved forward, cross-legged directly in the void, and the Primordial Profound Heavenly Art began to operate, looking extremely serious, which made Venerable Qingyue slightly surprised.

Because she didn't know, or didn't know exactly, why Lin Tian could absorb the power in front of her.

Logically, in order to absorb these powers of the Ghost Sect, at least the unique cultivation method of the Ghost Sect is required, and the cultivation method in the body structure should also be very emphasized, but here in Lin Tian, ​​he has not seen it at all.

Therefore, this is where Venerable Qingyue is more confused.

However, the doubts were blamed on the doubts. Venerable Qingyue was still here to wait for Lin Tian, ​​and he could not let any ghosts and snakes disturb him.


Lin Tian was still unmoved by the waves of yin wind.

In his dantian, which already had the vitality of the vast world, a ghostly power emerged, unexpectedly condensing above this dantian.

"Well, how come I feel a little cold."

Lin Tian felt a little strange at this moment, and he even felt a gloomy feeling coming.

It was as if there was something wrong with his body.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian suddenly thought of this strange power.

Could it be that this strange power came in that made him do this?

Thinking of this, Lin Tian immediately urged the Dharma in his body.

Suddenly, the Buddhism power in the body was slowly generating, and the body was not so cold. The blood of the internal organs boiled again, and was spurred by this cold and cold power.

Lin Tian understood this situation.

This Buddhism and Ghost School, I'm afraid there are two balance points. When the two reach the same water temperature, they will naturally be balanced. If he wants to practice both powers at the same time, he needs to reach a balance point.

In this case, an extraordinary force can be produced.

If these two forces merge, will there be different effects?

Thinking of this on a whim, Lin Tian was happy for a while.

If two peculiar forces were born, then merged and developed together, perhaps different forces could really appear.

It's like knowing the seeds, planted in Lin Tian's mind at this moment, slowly deep roots germinate, and then grow up.

For all of this, Lin Tian was happily running the Primordial Profound Heaven Technique even more crazily.

Outside, Venerable Qingyue looked at the weird power on the weekend in surprise, and crazily penetrated into Lin Tian's body, and Lin Tian's body was also flooded with light of Buddha nature.

In such a situation, Venerable Qingyue had some guesses in his heart, and Lin Tian in front of him was afraid that it was not as simple as he had imagined.

This should be because he is absorbing the surrounding power and then using the power of Buddhism to balance and suppress.

I have to say that Venerable Qingyue is very smart, and he thought of it in an instant.

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