I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 954: White bone bank

But slowly, Lin Tian had mastered the strength of the incoming power.

Without any hesitation, he directly started to act, rushing the power in front of him frantically towards his acupuncture points.

This time, he was going to make a fierce breakthrough, so Lin Tian could not fail. This was also an opportunity Xiaodu said.

In an instant, Lin Tian started to act.

Infinite power, crazy breakthrough.


In his body, a wave of power, a crazy breakthrough.

For Lin Tian at this moment, a heart-wrenching feeling struck. This was the consequence of his acupuncture points being broken through by a series of terrorist forces, as if he was being constantly attacked by someone with a knife.

Lin Tian was horrified at this situation, but he continued to make breakthroughs.

"What is he doing?"

Venerable Qingyue in the distance looked at Lin Tian with strange eyes. Because she had noticed that Lin Tian was shaking frantically at this moment.

This can only explain one thing, that is, Lin Tian at this moment is choosing to break through.

"He's going to break through again!"

The shocking Venerable Qingyue, looking at Lin Tian, ​​didn't know what to say?

It was terrible, it didn't take long for Lin Tian to break through.

Now it's going to break through again, it's a madman, terrifying, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

What made her even more incomprehensible was that in Lin Tian's body, two forces rushed wildly, as if two forces were constantly competing for the body.

But Lin Tian still bears the living, it looks scary to rent a car.

"Crazy, this guy!"

At this time, Lin Tian was too scary, it was almost lifeless, two forces broke through his spiritual veins and acupoints at the same time, moving forward like a prehistoric force, extremely arrogant.


Lin Tian naturally understands what he is doing? However, he could feel that the spiritual veins and acupuncture points in his body were fully able to withstand the impact of strength. Fortunately, he could fully support it with his powerful physique.

At this moment, two powers impacted in his blood, bones, and traces of flesh, constantly tearing Lin Tian's nerves.

Such a situation caused Lin Tian to be tortured, but he could feel that his strength was sublimating a little bit.

This makes Lin Tianxin. I also feel a little bit happy, because this is a precursor to a breakthrough.

Slowly, the power is converging little by little, and the two forces in his body are also balanced little by little. The Buddhism power absorbs the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth faster, and the gathering speed of the strange power in the void does not slow down. .

With such a situation, Venerable Qingyue in the distance really wanted to help Lin Tian.

However, at this moment, she had no other way. In fact, she had seen Lin Tian's situation for the first time.

For Lin Tian, ​​this is a breakthrough test of his own.

Only by passing by yourself can you become the so-called king, a person who truly breaks the shackles and blazes a new path.


In an instant, a predominant force in the muscles and bones successfully rolled away, breaking through the acupuncture points and spiritual veins in Lin Tian's body, directly breaking his shackles, and he successfully broke through.

"Congratulations Master, you have broken through again."

Congratulations from Xiaodu, Lin Tian is in a perfect mood.

I finally broke through, this time I really have to thank him, Xiaodu, if it were not for his instigation, he would not have come to this place and made such a big decision.

Be aware that any carelessness at any time may cause major problems.

At this moment, Lin Tian was obviously such an adventure. As long as his strength was too strong, or Lin Tian made a mistake in his judgment, it could cause the danger of direct rupture of the spiritual veins and the destruction of his dantian.

All this makes people nervous, but Lin Tian at this moment is calm and calm.

"Master, all this is because of your own courage. Most people really dare not try. Your success is inevitable."

"I found that Xiaodu's praise is getting deeper and deeper."

"Hey, this is not what you learned from the director."

"Really? It turns out that I have such depth. It seems that I have to take a look at my perfection."

Xiaodu was silent for Lin Tian's narcissistic thoughts, I'm afraid he would rather have not said that word just now.

But Lin Tian smiled faintly at this moment, opened his eyes, and said: "It's not easy, I finally broke through."

"Really broke! This guy is so perverted."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​and the shock in his eyes was no less than seeing a peerless battle.

The breakthrough was so strange, and the power of the whole body burst out, so that Venerable Qingyue felt that this power was not lower than the peak of the Yuan Emperor. This is the place that shocked Venerable Qingyue at this moment.

Lin Tian in front of him was simply a young gluttonous food, and he was born with the power of the Yuan Emperor realm.

It can be said that from birth, he has won many people's lives. Such a life is really enviable.

But Lin Tian, ​​standing in the void, looked at this mountain forest, feeling strange and gloomy.

"Xiaodu, the ghost power and Buddhism power in my body can be absorbed and formed by myself, I can't stay here forever."

Lin Tian found this problem, the ghost power of this and that, it seems that this place is alone, if he leaves, it will be fine.

"Master, you don’t have to worry at all. The power in your body, the power of ghosts, called the power of ghosts, will produce a lot of dead people and places of great resentment, and you can actually produce it, but It’s a bit slow,"


Lin Tian listened, in this case, he was still acceptable.

Because if it doesn't happen directly, wherever I go to look for such a place in the future, wouldn't it be a waste of the cultivation of the two forces.

"Okay, so be it."

Lin Tian nodded slightly.

Immediately, Lin Tian was about to leave, but found that something was exposed beneath him.


Lin Tian was slightly surprised. Could it be that there are dead people in this place, but this mountain forest is exuding the power of ghosts, are they all dead?

With this conjecture in his heart, Lin Tian moved with a force in his hand.

"Get up!"


In the distance, the soil of this mountain forest was instantly shaken by the power of Lin Tian.



The collision sound of a pile of bone racks sounded, and the mountain of white bones appeared.

Lin Tian was dull, and Venerable Qingyue was a little better.

"What happened?"

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at all this in shock, the whole person's inner world. Just can't calm down.

It's hard to imagine that all of this was born like this. How many people have to die to have so many bones. Is this the reason for so much ghost power?

Thinking of this is just to make people feel disgusted.

It's too terrible, or too crazy.

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