I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 955: Demon Rebuilding

For his own practice, there are so many people here. Lin Tian, ​​according to what Xiaodu said just now, shows that Gui Qing ancestor killed a lot of people.

And judging from these bones, some are still fresh, and it shouldn't be long before they die.

"The poor man is really cruel."

Lin Tian sighed for a while and came to Venerable Qingyue.

"Hey, this is a cultivator. There is no cultivator who has a shocking cultivation base. He didn't crawl over other people's corpses, no matter good or bad."

Venerable Qingyue sighed so much, as if he had become accustomed to everything.

Lin Tian listened, his expression gloomy, looked at the words in the distance, and said, "If this is the case, what is the point of this strong person?"

"Protect yourself, it's more like a living space fighting between heaven and earth. Sometimes, it's really ridiculous. Let's go."

As he said, Venerable Qingyue waved to the mountain forest.

In an instant, the yellow sand flew, like locusts, directly piled into graves, and this place became their cemetery.

And Venerable Qingyue, this is a place for everyone to bury, which is considered a good deed.

Lin Tian looked at this situation, smiled slightly, and said: "Unexpectedly, Qingxue, you still have some sympathy."

"I just don't want too many people to even have a burial place after death."

Lin Tian smiled faintly when he said this, not because he still had some sympathy in his heart.

This shows from another point that the Venerable Qingyue in front of her is actually quite good, but no one can walk deep into her heart. If she sees more killings, she naturally becomes cold.

"My nameless brother, the wave of power just now. Was it yours?"

From Zhao Hong looked at Lin Tian with surprise, he had already felt it just now, it should be the movement of Lin Tian breakthrough.

"Well, it's mine, this ghost sect is okay."

Lin Tian looked at the heaven and earth spirit weapons scraped in Zhao Hong's hands. They were all of a good grade, and the people around them also began to carry valuable things.

"That's really congratulations. This ghost sect is actually quite poor. They have used corpses for many years to cultivate, improve the communication between themselves and the bones of the corpse, and naturally reduce their dependence on the treasures of heaven, material and earth."


"Then we should leave here too, I wonder what happened to the Demon Sect?"

Sovereign Zhao Hong led the crowd to drive a rainbow of divine rainbows, across the void, and quickly returned to the Demon Sect.

The Demon Sect has now suffered a terrible defeat, and his departure with the second elder undoubtedly made the Demon Sect a lingering appearance.

Who is going to attack the Demon Sect at this time, isn't that the best opportunity?

Cut through the void, when a group of people returned to the Demon Sect, they saw a group of people waiting outside from a distance, and people were constantly attacking the Demon Sect Mountain Gate, but the front array was blocking it.

"You waited too much!"

Sovereign Zhao Hong roared, everyone's tinnitus ringing.

"Zhao Hong is back! Withdraw!"

The group of people in front of the mountain gate left like a bereaved dog.

For them, it is okay to bully the weak. Facing Zhao Hong who came back, and with the appearance of a bunch of terrifying powerhouses behind them, they naturally fled.

"You remember for me, who came to my Demon Sect to make trouble today, and in a few days, our Demon Sect will definitely get it back!"

Sovereign Lord Zhao Hong Tiexue looked at everyone, the momentum of the Sect Master swayed, everyone's heart was shaken, those who had just joined, inexplicably admired Sect Master Zhao Hong.

"The Sect Master is back, the Sect Master is back..."

The cheers from the people of the Demon Sect, as if seeing the light of hope, the shattered people of the Demon Sect, dragging their defeated bodies, also looked happy, a little dying, seeing that the Demon Sect was not perished, so he closed his eyes at ease. .

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian felt a little sad in his heart, which was exaggerated.

The people who were subdued in the two blood ghost sects, looking at the scene of the demons destroyed by your own people, bow their heads. It turns out that they are so cruel.

Those who are willing to submit in fact still have some sense of belonging in their hearts. Looking at this situation at this moment, they will feel some heartache and guilt inexplicably.

"Sorry, we..."

The elder of the blood sect spoke with guilt.

"It's okay, we always came from the same place, but we were affected by some outsiders. From now on, there will only be the existence of Demon Sect."

Sovereign Zhao Hong's voice was loud and resounding through the clouds.

"Sect Master Wise..."

A group of people also support Zhao Hong very much, but only Zhao Hong understands. The man and woman standing silently in the corner are the most terrifying existence here.

These two are naturally Lin Tian and Venerable Qingyue.

Venerable Qingyue arranged the barrier at will, looked around and said, "What are you helping them for?"

Lin Tian suddenly depressed: "I look so like a profit-seeking person? I am doing good deeds, and good people are rewarded."

"That's a joke from heaven."

Venerable Qingyue didn't believe this, the weak preyed on the weak, and the strength was the respect, she wouldn't believe Lin Tian's nonsense.

"Hmph, if you don't want to say, forget it."

Venerable Qingyue snorted coldly.

Regarding this, Lin Tian said helplessly: "In fact, there is nothing wrong. I just want to come here to help the forces of old friends. You can't help the old friends. Besides, there may be useful places in the future."



Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian dubiously, and finally understood something. This guy was laying the groundwork for the future, but he looked at it more than anyone else.

"And this time we are not at a loss. Anyway, I have broken through a realm, but unfortunately you haven't made much progress."

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue with a pity on his face.

This Venerable Qingyue just rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think that the strong Tianyuan can make progress at will? When you are bold and Tianyuan, you will understand that some people have spent their entire lives, one thousand and several thousand years, They will all be in the same realm, waiting for death to come."

Is it so scary?

Lin Tian was slightly guilty of hearing this.

"Isn't Tianyuan the realm that everyone yearns for? Listening to you, how do you feel that it is the final tomb of the cultivator?"

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue in front of him with a slight doubt in his eyes.

The Tianyuan realm seemed even more cruel in the eyes of Venerable Qingyue.

"Yes, it's the grave of the cultivators in this world, you can think so. Anyway, you are stronger and it's not wrong, come on."

Venerable Qingyue even encouraged Lin Tian, ​​which is a very rare event.

This day is destined to be exhausted.

The Demon Sect was reorganized, and the whole heart was united. The people built the inner structure of the Demon Sect in front of them. Although it was not magnificent, it still looked simple and natural, and very harmonious.

Two days later, Lin Tian watched the people of the Demon Sect take on a new look. He was slightly happy, anyhow he was one of the rescuers here.

And the Demon Sect has experienced this time. Among the surrounding forces, the morale has greatly increased. Although there is no Yuan Emperor peak powerhouse sitting in the battle, but invisibly, it is like a mysterious powerhouse.

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