I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 956: Chase all the way

Rumors from the outside world were that when the Demon Sect was destroyed, a mysterious powerhouse appeared, and Niu reversed all this situation and turned the world upside down.

However, no one can prove the existence of the mysterious strong man.

However, the demon sect's guardian formation is iron-like evidence, which proves that the strong man really exists.

Without the realm of the Yuan Emperor's peak, this great formation would never be broken.

This was a test by Lin Tian himself. Based on his own experience in array formation, with a little help from the formation, he forcibly turned this formation into a five-level formation, which consumed a lot of power points. .

Of course, the entire Demon Sect also spent a lot of heaven, material and earth treasures, and finally set up this five-level formation, known as the Great Demon Guarding Formation, Lin Tian took it randomly, and everyone was quite satisfied.

The sun was in the sky, and the golden light struck. In the hall, Lin Tian and the two people looked at the many demon sect elders and suzerain Zhao Hong with smiles.

"Everyone, we are leaving. For many days, thank you for your care."

Lin Tian looked at everyone and thanked them with a smile, which made Zhao Hong slightly embarrassed.

Because of them, feelings are not to take care of Lin Tian at all, but Lin Tian in front of them takes care of them.

"My nameless brother, don't you stay here for a while? Haven't you taken a good stroll around here?"

Zhao Shicheng looked at them with embarrassment.

For many days, I have been busy teaching and restoring the Demon Sect every day, completely neglecting the important position of the two in this Demon Sect.

"Haha, the second elder, don't bother you. In the past two days, the two of us should have turned. The Demon Sect is now strong again, and it is also counted in this position, dominating one side, we should also leave. , We still have something to do, I hope to be considerate."

Lin Tian looked at Zhao Shicheng, and then at the lord Zhao Hong, he was very happy.

"Uncle Hong, you help me express my gratitude to Jianrong for her life-saving grace."

It also needs to be better, Lin Tian is professional.

For this, Zhao Hong was embarrassed and said: "My nameless brother, it is an honor for my daughter to know you. If you want to leave, I will not stop it. The door of the Demon Sect will always be opened for you, as long as If there is any difficulty that needs my Demon Sect, I must go all out."

Many elders also looked at Lin Tian.

These two people may be said to be the most mysterious and terrifying characters this time, and they will surely shock everyone if they shoot them, even stronger than the sovereign.

This point, they have slowly believed in these past few days.

From the moment Lin Tian arranged the demon guarding formation, they knew that Lin Tian was not simple and terrifying.

This is not just a vain and ridiculous guess, but also the real truth they have seen in theory and practice.

From this point of view, Sovereign Zhao Hong has the most profound experience.

Because the day before the two left, the lord Zhao Hong was singled out by Lin Tian.

As a result, Zhao Hong never wanted to think back.

"Uncle Hong, come on!"

"Uncle Hong, your speed is lacking!"

"Uncle Hong..."

The guidance from Lin Tian seemed to be mocking Zhao Hong. However, the facts proved that Lin Tian's guidance was correct.

In many ways, Lin Tian was too terrifying, and Zhao Hong deeply felt that not only his strength, but also his physical body.

The two fight hand-to-hand, Zhao Hong is not Lin Tian's opponent at all, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Tian directly single-handed Zhao Hong.

"Well, everyone, don't give it away, we have a chance to see you."

The two Lin Tian turned into a divine rainbow and disappeared in front of Mozong Mountain.

When everyone looked at it, Zhao Shicheng and Zhao Hong were the most reluctant.

Only they understood the terrifying extent of Venerable Qingyue beside Lin Tian. They faintly guessed that Venerable Qingyue was a strong man in the realm of Tianyuan.

Although there are some speculations on this point, at the time of the ghost sect, that terrifying ghost ancestor was also a strong man in the peak realm of the Yuan Emperor.

Invisible death, there is such a coincidence in the world, so they are willing to believe that it should have been secretly made by Venerable Qingyue.

As for Lin Tian, ​​although Tianzong is a wizard, it seems that he has that strength. They have also seen the shot. It is absolutely impossible.

"Sect Master, is it possible that there is a strong person in secret to protect the unknown brother?" This is Zhao Shicheng's guess.

As for this speculation, Zhao Hong just believed a little, but some did not believe it.


The two can only put this conjecture in their hearts.

"Hey, they left, suddenly a little uncomfortable." Zhao Shicheng looked at the two divine rainbows at this time, just like that.

As for this, the Sect Master Zhao Hong just next to him said: "The Demon Sect disciple is still too weak. I still remember that the nameless brother said that I should make me more powerful Demon Sect disciples, otherwise it would be futile."

"Yes, we still have to strengthen our disciples."

"Okay, let's start real training for them next."

A group of elders just went back enthusiastically.

If many disciples knew, it was because of Lin Tian's words that the provoked Sect Master Zhao Hong paid so much attention, leading to their bitter days, I'm afraid they have the heart to kill Lin Tian.

Because from that day, many disciples began to suffer.

"You said, you are so arduous, you really make me unable to see through." Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a helpless expression, the two were flying in the void.

The two of them now have left the Demon Sect for thousands of miles.

"Really? This is actually called a good person. I am such a person. Don't worship me."

Lin Tian said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Venerable Qingyue was just a blank eye.

When Lin Tian said that he was good, he was easily narcissistic, and for this, Venerable Qingyue didn't want to pay attention to him.


"Someone is coming, let's hide."

Lin Tian's expression changed slightly, because he had already smelled the breath of Jin Guangjiao among the six forces.

It's not a good thing, so it's better to wait and see what happens.

So far, Lin Tian has enough strength to kill among these strong, as long as he is not a Tianyuan strong, he is not afraid.

Even now. It may be tied with those Yuan Emperor peak powers, or even half-step Tian Yuan powers severely injured.

But for Lin Tian, ​​he still had to keep a low profile.

Because the ghost knows whether these strong men are investigating him secretly.

And the last time, Lin Tian thought about the Qilin Sacred Egg, it was an explosion, not to mention that there was a clue about him. I am afraid that everyone will not let go of themselves.

For Lin Tian, ​​this is very noteworthy.

"Huh! This Lin Tian really has evaporated from the world. It has disappeared for several days without a single figure."

Five men flew quickly in the void, all of them were from Jinguang Cult. These five people were observing everything around them very carefully, just looking for Lin Tian.

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