I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 957: Chase and counterattack

For this group of people, Lin Tian really didn't know what to say.

Should I praise them for their extraordinary perseverance? You can chase yourself, chase and kill so frantically, tracking all the way, it can be said to track half of the Arctic Lingzhou.

"You said, we should really have a hard life, and we have to track down Lin Tian's trash and look for the unicorn holy egg."

"Yeah! Isn't Lin Tian supposed to have died long ago? It's a fate to be alive even now."

"Don't tell me, that Lin Tian killed several powerful people at the peak of Emperor Yuan. If we meet him, maybe we will be more ill-fortuned." A man in a blue long coat said.

As soon as this person said, the others laughed.

"Haha, you said that Lin Tian, ​​killed the peak of Emperor Yuan, I also said that I killed the strong man in Tian Yuan." One of the men in cyan coat looked forward with a look of disdain.

For Lin Tian, ​​they have always heard from the hearsay, where can they have a good understanding.

Rumor has it that Lin Tian hid because of his cultivation, so no one knew.

Rumor has it that there is a strong Tianyuan guarding Lin Tian around him, which is extremely powerful.

All kinds of rumors, people don’t know which one to believe,

All this gives people an illusion that Lin Tian is not very good at all, it's just that others are blowing it hard. Many people think so, but people who really understand what happened a year ago are very clear. Lin Tian's terrible.

"You said it's meaningless for us to hide like this?"

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue and said so suddenly.

Venerable Qingyue's eyelids twitched. Because of the vagueness, she seemed to guess what Lin Tian was going to do?

"What are you going to do?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and still couldn't help asking this question.

In response to this, a terrible killing intent flashed in Lin Tian's eyes, and he said: "I think we may start to compete. Do you know what a contest is?"

Regarding Lin Tian's words, the inexplicable Venerable Qingyue realized what Lin Tian wanted to do?

Perhaps Lin Tian should have done this before.

"I know, it's just..."

Venerable Qingyue hesitated slightly, thinking that there was not much need, but looking at Lin Tian's appearance, she still felt that Lin Tian should choose by herself.

"I'm not a good person, nor a bad person. If others want to kill me, then I won't be a saint, so I should kill."

In an instant, Lin Tian disappeared here.

"Swire punch!"

A fist blasted out, and a series of terrible powers shook away directly. At this moment, Lin Tian looked scary.

"who is it?"

Several talents of Jin Guangjiao reacted, and one of them was killed by a single blow.

They believed that you just took a breath, and the whole person was helpless. Didn't expect it to be so fast?


The incoming people seemed to be a gust of wind, directly attacking them fiercely, so that everyone could only see the shadows.



Several men were directly injured, terribly hurting. It's simply not something ordinary people can resist.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

A faint voice sounded, and several men heard this, just to see that this man was a young man, and they didn't even know him.

"Who are you? We don't know you. We are from the Jinguang Sect, so are you not afraid of being hunted down?"

One of the men is obviously panicked, and all he can think of at this time is to use his martial art to suppress the youth in front of him.

However, they thought Lin Tian would be afraid.

"Oh, chase it? Don't you chase me all the time? Goodbye, a few."

Lin Tian said lightly.


In an instant, the eyes of the few people widened. Did they hunt down the person in front of you? That is Lin Tian.

"You are Lin Tian!"

One of the men roared.

However, Lin Tian shot in an instant, like a thunderous force, mixed with terrifying murderous intent.

"Puff puff……"

A sword sealed their throats, and everyone left without any resistance. Since Lin Tian severely injured them just now, they can already see the victory or defeat. In the end, Lin Tian only left them time to relax.

"Let's go, Qingyue, maybe this game can be played slowly."

When Lin Tian said this, the words were full of smiles.

Venerable Qingyue left here with Lin Tian, ​​while the other clone came out to move.

With a radius of a hundred li, Lin Tian could summon it back, and now he let the clone go around, check it carefully, and kill as much as possible if he can kill.

People from the six major forces would have to pay a price if they wanted to find him. They were accustomed to being chased and killed.


Lin Tian and two of them were a hundred miles away, and they screamed.

"Congratulations on finding me, goodbye."

With that, Lin Tian disappeared out of thin air.


"Lin Tian child, I want to kill you!"

The roar from the Yuan Emperor peak powerhouse was full of unwillingness and anger at this moment.

While waiting for him to arrive, many of his men were already dead, but in the end there were still writings on the scene, and Lin Tian came here for a visit.

furious! This is so rampant!

Lin Tian's unbridled provocation simply exploded the Jin Guangjiao, Niujiaoling, the Arctic Sword Palace, and the Arctic Sword Palace.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy, became more and more unscrupulous, even if he didn't chase him down, his actions and actions were still so terrifying.

This situation is really shocking.

The news about Lin Tian quickly spread throughout the North Ice Lingzhou. Everyone believed that this was Lin Tian's revenge against several major forces.

"You said, is Lin Tian strong, so he is so unscrupulous?"

"It must be true. Lin Tian must have been chased and killed intolerable. Now that he is strong, he is avenging the six major forces?"

"Is that really the case? That would be terrible. I heard that several monks in Lingzhou in Xishan were also hunting down Lin Tian."

"Oh, you saw it."

"Well, those people are very weird, so I paid attention, and the monk was still asking about Lin Tian's news everywhere, didn't he just want to chase him?"

A group of people seemed to be waiting for the final result.

It seemed to be a farce, frantically opened, everyone is here waiting to watch the show, waiting for the end.

In a wilderness, four figures are walking fast.

"Elder. We just go ahead, can we find Lin Tian?"

These four people are the people of Xishan Lingzhou. At this moment, they want to kill Lin Tian. The one who takes the lead is the Puhui Master.

"Hmph, this kid can't run, don't worry, I will definitely kill him and let him double the compensation for the relics. I heard that he came from the Extreme Spirit Academy and is now being chased by many forces. I guess he will go back. , We can wait for him wherever we go."

With that, Master Puhui speeded up.

If Lin Tian listened to these words, he would definitely sigh, this Puhui Mage is quite magical, and he guessed it.

In this North Bing Lingzhou, the only place Lin Tian felt as a souvenir was indeed the Extreme Spirit Academy.

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