Everyone can guess that in Lin Tian's impression, it is actually not surprising, but at this moment, he is still walking slowly with Venerable Qingyue.

A place with beautiful mountains and clear waters is surrounded by magnificent palaces. In one of the palaces, a middle-aged man looks at his men.

"Idiot, idiot, why did I raise you for food? A Lin Tiannong's Ji Fei Gou jumped, sent me someone to chase me down!"

"Yes, suzerain."

"I want to see people when I live, and the corpse when I die. Tell me where he is? And those people who I refining Jinguang teaches to die, must let him pay for it."

"Yes, suzerain."

The people below trembled in shock.

Not only that, almost all of the six major forces were like this, all chasing Lin Tian frantically.

For a time, hunting down Lin Tian became a piece of news that attracted the attention of everyone in the North Bing Lingzhou, and the Qilin Sacred Egg was also valued, but it did not seem that the attention was not as high as Lin Tian.

Invisibly, Lin Tian has become the focus of the entire Arctic Lingzhou.

As for the Venerable Void Spirit of the Qilin Sacred Egg, it seemed to have evaporated in the entire Arctic Spirit Continent. Everyone looked for a lot of time and still had no gain.

Regarding this situation, the people of the Six Worlds undoubtedly put their focus on chasing Lin Tian again.

Because Lin Tian has not only the heavenly spirit weapon, but also the clone technique, and the possibility of many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, all of this makes people jealous.

In the wilderness, two figures moved slowly in the void.

"Qingyue, how much do you know about Zhongzhou?"

Lin Tian suddenly asked Venerable Qingyue this question. Regarding these words, Venerable Qingyue was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Central Continent is a mysterious place. There are few rumors about where, and I want to go to Central Continent. It’s also extremely difficult."

"Oh, how hard?"

Lin Tian was slightly surprised, his eyes full of curiosity.

"It requires the approval of the senior leaders of the Holy Spirit Continent, and the other is to cross the barren currents, but even the strong Tianyuan may not be able to do it, so do you say it is difficult?"

"Who are at the top of the Holy Spirit Island?"

Lin Tian asked.

"Anyway, the Zhuo family who chased you down is one of them, is it difficult for you?"

Venerable Qingyue gave him an answer. After listening to these words, Lin Tian understood a little, it was really too difficult.

Directly speaking, it is difficult to climb to the sky, and your enemy is the person who has the right to make decisions.

It sounds like there is some irony, but this is the fact, what Lin Tian accepts now is only so.

Want to go to Central Continent, at least break through Tianyuan, and find what he called the truth, that is, his own life experience, what the **** of war said, is it true? Lin Tian had to reveal it himself.

But now he can only let go of the thoughts in his heart.

"Qingyue, do you say flies are disgusting?"

"Well, it's disgusting. I keep following, so it's a fly."

"Then what to do?" Lin Tian showed a dangerous smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Just shoot it to death, there are no other methods, it's the most direct way."

Venerable Qingyue is also extremely violent.

"Come out, disgusting fly."

Lin Tian spoke faintly. Someone was following them in the void. He had already discovered that the controller of space power could not understand the surrounding space?

"Huh, what did you find out? Lin Tian."

A cold voice sounded, and a figure appeared behind Lin Tian and the others.

A terrifying strength, instantly rippling away, this is a man in a blue long coat, exuding a terrible aura.

"Unexpectedly, a boy of the seventh rank of the Yuan Emperor could find me. You should be Lin Tian. Obediently injured, I can leave you a whole body."

The man seemed more rampant, because he was a strong man at the peak of Emperor Yuan, that is, a strong man at Niujiaoling. This time he just wanted to kill Lin Tian by himself, so that he would be able to receive the merits when he returned.

For this, Lin Tian smiled faintly, and said: "Really? You are really disgusting to the extreme. I am Lin Tian. What's wrong?"

Lin Tian is still relatively open, and it doesn't matter if he speaks it out, there is only a man around him.

"Haha, kid, you are looking for death!"

A cold light flashed in the man's eyes.

"Do you need me to take action?" Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and said lightly.

Lin Tian stood in front, said lightly, "It's okay, I can solve this."

For Lin Tian, ​​this problem is not big, and he has nothing to deal with.

Because he now spans three realms, and it shouldn't be a problem to fight with the man in front of him.


The two rushed together in a frenzy of thunder.

"Boy, you just don't know what you can do!"

The man roared, Lin Tian was too rampant, so he provoked himself like this, even if he is not Lin Tian, ​​the man will abolish him today.

Venerable Qingyue looked at this situation with a look of astonishment on his face. Lin Tian in front of him had a somewhat wider range of strength. The horror of this guy's leapfrog challenge was really frightening.

"This is a monster!"

Venerable Qingyue can only describe it like this. Once Lin Tian grows up and reaches Tianyuan, he does not know what it will be like. The terrifying scene is unimaginable for Venerable Qingyue.


The two struggled, and the surrounding sky fell apart in an instant.


The man roared, he felt his arm numb, Lin Tian's body was so terrifying.

"Heavenly Body Art!"

For an instant, Lin Tian's body emitted a faint fluorescence. It looks a little starry. It's like a divine residence.

This situation horrified the man even more. Lin Tian in front of him, what is this for playing? How could it be so scary?

"It's terrible, this guy!"

The man felt inexplicably that his pursuit was wrong. No wonder the previous disciples were almost killed by Lin Tian.

This is horrible.



"Swire punch!"

"God's Wandering Dragon Technique!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


"You die for me!"

The man in the roar also exploded with terrifying strength.

"Ding! Check that the host is injured, consume 1000 power points to repair!"

"No need to recover, let me experience the feeling of injury."

Lin Tian gave orders to the system in his mind.

"Okay, Master."

Xiaodu satisfied Lin Tian's idea.

"Kacha Kacha..."

For a moment, the two tore each other in the void, and the bones and hair made a violent cracking sound, and blood splashed on the spot.

The void is the blood of the two, and Lin Tian is also injured.

"The Yuan Emperor peak is really terrifying."

At this moment, Lin Tian's eyes were full of surprise, thinking that he could rival Yuan Emperor Peak, but at this time, it seemed that it was still a bit far-fetched.

"Boy, I must make you better than death!"

The man looked at Lin Tian wounded, with a terrifying killing intent in his eyes that was hard to hide.

"Really? Come on then."

Lin Tian was also full of enthusiasm, killing him once and hurting himself seriously, so what's the matter.

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