I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 959: Seriously injured Lin Tian

Venerable Qingyue in the distance looked at him, and his heart was shocked again. At this time, Lin Tian was almost tied with the man at the peak of Emperor Yuan.

But faintly saw that Lin Tian would still fall into the wind.

some of. Venerable Qingyue was already shocked, thinking that Lin Tian couldn't last long, but he didn't expect that he would not only resist it, but also hurt the man at the peak of Emperor Yuan.

Such a situation is really unbelievable, a seventh-order powerhouse, fighting against a Yuandi peak powerhouse, is simply overpowering.

However, in Lin Tian's body, all this has become normal, Lin Tian directly turned the tide, bombarding the strong in front of him, hitting the mountains and breaking the ground.


In an instant, the ground exploded.

"Prime Xuantian Fist!"



A piece of the skin on the back of the man's hand was directly bombarded by Lin Tian, ​​looking very scary.

The man roared in pain, and the power in his hand directly managed.


In an instant, the two again increased their anger in the fight. This fight was destined to be either you or me.

"Lin Tian child, today I must let you know what is called Yuan Emperor Peak, it is not something you can provoke at will!"

I saw a shocking force in the man's hand, frantically playing out, and it looked really frightening.

Venerable Qingyue in the distance looked at it with a trace of panic in his eyes, because Lin Tian might be in danger.

"Then let the horse come here, a lot of nonsense!"

"Baoshan Monument!"

It's been a long time since the Baoshan stele was missing. Lin Tian burst into pieces in an instant, and the aura on his whole body changed differently.


Countless forces exploded like crazy.

The two figures looked like kites with broken wires, and they flew far away. They were both seriously injured.

Lin Tian felt that his internal organs were almost flying away, and the feeling of serious injury made him feel sick and nauseous.

The man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor was naturally similar.

However, he was still able to stand in the void, and Lin Tian instantly felt a ray of warmth, and he was caught by Venerable Qingyue.

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​slightly hating iron but not steel.

"That's it for a brave end."

Venerable Qingyue felt helpless for a while. Although he said so, he was still shocked in his heart.

"Hahahaha, Lin Tian child, today is your death date!"

The man looked at Lin Tian seriously injured with a happy expression on his face.

Because in his eyes. There was only Lin Tian, ​​and he didn't even notice the existence of Venerable Qingyue. In his opinion, Venerable Qingyue should be a simple maid.

"Okay, Qingyue, you solved this guy, it's an eyesore."

Lin Tian spoke helplessly for a while, but he didn't expect that there was still a gap between himself and the Yuan Emperor peak powerhouse.

"Haha, what are you talking about? It's ridiculous to solve me!"

After the man finished speaking, he saw Venerable Qingyue wave his hand casually.

An invisible force struck crazily. The man didn't take it seriously at first, but when he waited for him to react, he felt a fatal crisis hit.



A splash of blood, the man at the moment, was killed on the spot.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian felt helpless. After playing for so long, Venerable Qingyue waved his hand and resolved it.

It seemed that I was too useless.

Obviously Lin Tian was a little irritated.

"Xiaodu, take things up and prepare to leave."

Lin Tian said helplessly in his heart.

"Master, get it done. This guy is very poor and has no good things."

Xiaodu was complaining, and Lin Tian was even more helpless when he heard it. But he was desperately working, so Xiaodu didn't know how to praise it.

"We need to leave, and there are strong ones coming."

Venerable Qingyue looked into the distance at this time, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, because a powerful breath was coming here.

Listening to this, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, is there a strong person coming? It seems that these six major forces have really done a lot for themselves.

The strong man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor was sent out, I am afraid that this Tian Yuan strong man will slowly appear.

The two quickly disappeared here.

Soon after, a group of figures appeared here.

"Elder Zhou!"

With a roar, the powerhouse of Jinguang Sect of Body Refining arrived, and found that the person of his sect was dead.

Just now, there must have been a fierce fight, but when they checked the wound, there were two breaths, which is really abnormal.

This surprised everyone for a while, not knowing why this happened.

There were three people here, and each of them was a veiled person, obviously a strong man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor.

"This is... the breath of a strong Tianyuan!"

One of the gray-clothed old men spoke, feeling very shocked by the breath.

"Well, is it true that the rumors are true, there is indeed a strong man waiting beside Lin Tian."

The middle-aged man on the side is also a guess.

If this were the case, even if they found Lin Tian, ​​they wouldn't be able to confront the enemy.

The corpse on the ground in front of me is a very good proof.

"We should pass the news back to see how they decide when they are at the helm?" the old man said.

"Well, it's true, otherwise it's just an innocent sacrifice. Brother Zhao is sad."

The middle-aged man looked at the extremely sad man on the ground, which was comforting.

At this time, no matter how sad it is, it is actually useless.

The only way is to catch Lin Tian and then divide the body by five horses, I'm afraid it is the most useful effect.

"Well, I listen to both of you."

At this point, the three of them left here with a corpse, which has no meaning to them.

At this moment, Lin Tian and the two were already in a cave.

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a helpless expression.

"Next time such a strong one, I will solve it."

What this said, some blame Lin Tian for being brave.

"It's okay, the guys I'll fight next time will fall in love. This time it's me careless."

In front of a woman, one must not admit counsel, this is Lin Tian's most reasonable saying, so if it doesn't do it at this moment, it must be supported.

"Hmph, then you are at your disposal, quickly recover, I will guard outside."

With that said, Venerable Qingyue just went out.

Looking at Venerable Qingyue's back, Lin Tian was hit by a burst of pain, this feeling was really very uncomfortable.

"It's really a back, I went, I didn't expect it to hurt so much!"

Lin Tian said helplessly.

For him, this battle is actually very meaningful, at least knowing his own strength? There is also a great help for his improvement.

"I still have to master it, otherwise it will be troublesome."

Lin Tian looked helpless at this moment.

He has already discovered his own problem, which is miscellaneous but not refined, which is very fatal to cultivators, so he has to change this habit, otherwise it will be very serious.

As he said, he sat cross-legged, and the vitality of heaven and earth poured into his body frantically.

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