I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 960: Peerless delicious

Without system recovery, Lin Tian at the moment is relying on the vitality of the world around him to recover himself.

Experiencing the muscles and bones, the comfortable and comfortable feeling under the nourishment of the vitality of the world around him, really made Lin Tian experience what it means to be from a desperate place.

This is really so refreshing.

Regarding the death of Jinguangjiao, the peak of Emperor Yuan, among the six powers, Lin Tian's reputation was once again spread.

"What? There is a strong Tianyuan to protect him!"

A group of people, completely horrified?

With the protection of the strong Tianyuan, Lin Tian felt a little unscrupulous, making them angry and frightened, and the rest was shocked.

It was because no one had thought that Lin Tian, ​​who seemed to make them careless, had the protection of a strong Tianyuan realm.

I'm afraid that people don't believe it!

"Isn't he without any background? How is it possible?"

Xu Chang looked at the people under him, his eyes full of anger.

When he was investigating Lin Tian, ​​he knew very well that Lin Tian had no background, but what about now? There is a strong person to protect him. This is the past.

"Sect Master, according to our previous investigation, he does not have any background. Just don't know why? A strong man will jump out recently."

Everyone at this time said it was very difficult to understand, even when Lin Tian was chased to Sin Continent, there was no strong protection.

It appears now, it is incredible.

"No matter who he is? If you kill my son, you will have to pay the price of blood. You ask the elder to find several other powerful forces. I heard that he still has a clone and a heavenly spirit weapon. I believe they will Interested in."

Xu Chang said that, everyone below can smell a conspiracy.

In this case, Lin Tian would surely become the target of everyone's pursuit and killing without realizing it.

It's not only against him, but also because he has enemies with everyone.

This is enough for everyone to chase him down. As for the treasures of his body, that is the catalyst, catalyzing the motivation for everyone to chase him, otherwise, how can everyone who does not have the motivation to kill him?

At this moment, Lin Tian had recovered, and he was out of the cave immediately.

I saw Venerable Qingyue looking into the distance. He was actually looking at the stars in the void, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, as if he was recalling some past events.

Lin Tian was taken aback by this situation?

Because he didn't know what was worth remembering in his mind for a strong person like Venerable Qingyue. Sometimes, it seemed that their world was nothing more than cultivation.

Because Venerable Qingyue also said that in this realm, he wants to be infinitely close to death, like the grave of a cultivator, because you don't know how to move forward.

The fate of everyone's death proves that this advancement is just futile.

Some people desperately want to break and become miracles, but they still haven't done it.

This is a kind of unspeakable sorrow, the sorrow of fate. If you want to move forward, you will eventually fail and you can only give in.

"You have recovered, how do you feel?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian coming out with a smile on his face.

In her smile, Lin Tian saw a bit of helplessness and sadness, but there was still some loneliness.

"Qingyue, is there anything on your mind? You can tell me."

Lin Tian smiled slightly.

In this case, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian in amazement. He looked a little handsome under the moonlight.

Facing Lin Tian, ​​Venerable Qingyue did not feel any discomfort.

The permission was that Lin Tian didn't feel the same as everyone else. He had a feeling of rejection of her, because Venerable Qingyue was so powerful that he was unwilling to approach others.

And Lin Tian, ​​although as her current master. There is also no feeling of being superior.

"I just want to see, the moon here is different from the moons on other continents. What's the difference? After thinking about it, why have I cultivated for so many years?"

Venerable Qingyue said, and finally smiled lonely.

"Then you, have you found the answer?"

Lin Tian asked carefully, the Venerable Qingyue at this moment actually made him feel a little pitiful and helpless.

Such a strong man seemed to lose to time in the end.

She seemed to be struggling, but in the end she didn't struggle over. It was an unspeakable feeling.

"I didn't find it, but it looked like I found it. It contained a bit of sorrow. I don't want to say, I want to eat. Are you hungry?"

Venerable Qingyue suddenly looked at Lin Tian and said like this.

In the moonlight, Venerable Qingyue looked a bit sad and soft, beautiful like a fairy out of dust.

The hazy feeling made Lin Tian stunned for a while.

"Ah, do you have it? I have."

Lin Tian reacted, and there was a blush on Venerable Qingyue's face.

This is probably the feeling of being alone in the same room.

After a while, the bonfire rose, and Lu Chen looked at Venerable Qingyue in front of him, and said, "Have you ever had a barbecue?"

Where did Venerable Qingyue understand this, she immediately shook her head, because she didn't know what barbecue was.

"Hey, if you haven't eaten it before, then it's easy to handle. We are ready to start today's rich dinner."

With that said, Lin Tian just started today's barbecue ceremony.

I saw that Lin Tian opened the previous spirit beast fat, and it still looked very fresh and delicious.

Because this was all handled carefully by Lin Tian.

"You are..."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a look of doubt, what is he going to do?

"It's okay, you'll find out later."

Lin Tian smiled mysteriously. Treating Venerable Qingyue who doesn't eat fireworks in the world, let her eat once, and she will definitely fall in love with barbecue.

Lin Tian, ​​like an old driver, has never failed.

After a while, a piece of delicious meat is ready to be grilled directly on it.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

Just put the grilled peppers that were left before, and the delicious feeling was born in an instant.

This made Lin Tian happy for a while. It was a long time since he had not smelled the smell. The Venerable Qingyue next to him was a little eager, as if the barbecued spirit beast meat in front of him was a peerless delicacy.

"What did you put? Why does it smell so suddenly."

Obviously, Venerable Qingyue had already noticed that Lin Tian put hot peppers on it, so it smelled so fragrant.

"Hey, a secret recipe, never passed on, ready to eat."

Even if Lin Tian said it, the Venerable Qingyue in front of him didn't understand it, so he didn't say it at all.

"Well, I'll try it."

With that said, Venerable Qingyue was given by Lin Tian, ​​and it looked delicious, although the appearance was not very good.

However, the taste radiating in the void absolutely mobilizes people's taste buds, and it is simply invincible.

"It's so delicious, this..."

At this time, Venerable Qingyue seemed to be conquered, which made Lin Tian smile slightly.

Then the two are enjoying this rare quiet and delicious time.

For Lin Tian, ​​this feels really good.

And Venerable Qingyue felt even more special, as he had never felt like this before.

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