I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 961: Dragon tiger beast provocation

And she has firmly remembered the scene before her, and she will not forget it in her life.

A genius young man, barbecue for himself, a unique secret recipe. In a quiet cave, two slightly lonely and strong figures.

The former Venerable Qingyue never thought that one day he would be in such a place, eating the flesh of a spirit beast with a young man he had never known before, and become so happy.

Now, she felt it, and had a different experience in her heart.

"Are you ok?"

Lin Tian found that the Venerable Qingyue seemed a little strange.

"I'm fine, it just seems to have some different experiences, thank you, I think I need to practice."


Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue with surprise.

Eating barbecue and eating beyond the realm of understanding, this practice is really a genius cultivator.

Lin Tian had forgotten that when he had a sudden enlightenment, it was also a moment. I guess it was a little scary to say it now.

And he is continuing to eat at this moment, not to mention the taste, it is very authentic.

The whole person is caught in this joy of eating,

After eating, seeing that Venerable Qingyue was still enlightened, Lin Tian just sat cross-legged, ready to absorb his soul power.

That is, the power of the ghost green ancestor that he once had, and the blood soul son.

The soul power of these two people is completely enough to break through the previous shackles.

After calming down, Lin Tian was running the Soul Devouring Holy Art. At this time, the soul power in his body could be said to be very rich.

I saw a little bit of light in the body, which came from the soul power of the two people. Without hesitation, Lin Tian directly turned the Soul Devouring Holy Power.

These two people deserved their sins. They both wanted to kill themselves, but they were killed by themselves. Now it is very good to increase their soul power.

The so-called murderer, people always kill, is the reason.

Once absorbed, Lin Tian felt a sense of swelling in his brain.

The power of the soul has been full of mystery since ancient times, and it takes a very significant price to increase it. Today, Lin Tian, ​​using this method, is naturally the same.

"Break for me!"

For an instant, Lin Tian felt a burst of comfort.

This is the feeling of breakthrough, unspeakably refreshing, and the whole person is a lot of fun.

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled faintly in his heart, and finally broke through. For him, this was really not easy.

"Hey, Xiaodu, you are really awesome this time."

Lin Tian couldn't help but praise Xiaodu. If Xiaodu hadn't reminded himself, I was afraid that his soul power would not know how long it would take to break through.

"Master, don't praise me, I will be proud."

"Haha, you fellow, you are still proud, I believe you are a ghost, I will go see what happened to Xiaoxue and Qilin Beast?"

With that, Lin Tian appeared in the time ring.

As soon as they appeared, the two cubs rushed towards Lin Tian.

"Eh oh oh..."

These two chirping sounds made Lin Tian's whole person as big as a cow, and these two beasts were too fierce.

"Stop! Your master, I finally came in. Are you going to blow my ears deaf?"

The two spirit beasts stopped their calls immediately, and both crawled onto Lin Tian's shoulders.

Looking at the smart eyes of the Qilin Beast, Lin Tian was angry.

Five hundred million practice points, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Among them, the culprit was Xue Ling Beast.

"Hmph, you two give me a good practice, don't just be lazy for a day, have you heard?"

Lin Tian spoke sternly to the two beasts, but found that the cultivation base of the two beasts had reached the third level of the Yuan Emperor without realizing it.

I go!

So powerful, especially the unicorn holy beast, isn't this guy just born not long?

For this situation, Lin Tian was shocked for a while.

As for this situation, the two beasts are just about to move on Lin Tian's face, and they rely on Lin Tian directly. This is acting like a baby.


Lin Tian couldn't laugh or cry for this situation.

"Okay, go play by yourself, I'm going out, no one can bully anyone?"

Lin Tian told the two beasts not to fight.

Who knew he just left, the two beasts just fought directly and moved directly to each other. Although they didn't use any power, they still fought very cheerfully and cutely.

After a while, the two beasts even rushed directly into the water, swimming and taking a bath.

If Lin Tian saw it, he would definitely be very envious. The two beasts are too happy. With such a comfortable gameplay, the cultivation base is still scary.

In Lin Tian's impression, Xue Ling Beast didn't like cultivation very much. As a result, his cultivation level was also very scary. Under such circumstances, he didn't know what to say?

Should we say that these two beasts are abnormal? Still say something.

In short, this is a good thing.


Before dawn, waves of vibrations came.

Lin Tian opened his eyes instantly and saw that Venerable Qingyue hadn't woken up yet. He immediately arranged the barrier around Venerable Qingyue to prevent being disturbed.

immediately. He just went out of this cave.

I saw a huge monster appearing in the distance, rest assured that it is here, obviously going by here.

"Dragon Tiger Beast!"

Lin Tian was slightly surprised. This is a descendant of a dragon family, handed down from ancient times, mixed with dragon blood, but very weak.

If this guy stepped on from here, it would definitely affect Venerable Qingyue's cultivation.

Lin Tian could handle the eighth level of Emperor Yuan.


At this moment, Lin Tian appeared beside the Dragon Tiger Beast a few hundred meters away.

"You can't pass!"

Standing upright in front of the dragon and tiger beast, Lin Tian finally clearly saw the monster who was several feet tall in front of him, and the mouth of the blood basin was full of thick blood.

"Go away!"

Dragon Tiger Beast speaks, it can be regarded as a kind of spirit beast with higher intelligence.

It feels very upset that a human being is blocking the way in front of it.

"No, I now advise you to go from another place. Someone is cultivating in front, so you can't be disturbed."

Lin Tian didn't want to talk to this big guy too much, because at this moment he didn't want to fight as soon as he woke up.

"Roar...find death!"

Obviously, the dragon tiger beast was very angry about Lin Tian's blockage. It just shot, and the breath on his body exploded in an instant.

Within a hundred miles, it vibrated for an instant.

Lin Tian secretly rejoiced in his heart, but fortunately, Venerable Qingyue had just been assigned a barrier, otherwise she would have fallen short when she woke up.

"Huh! You are also looking for death!"

Lin Tian had no choice but to slay the spirit beast. Everything was decided quickly and resolved early.


"Baolong Seal!"

Take out the Heavenly Rank Spirit Tool directly, it is ready to hit.

For Lin Tian, ​​he didn't want to delay at all. He would kill this guy early and end it early, so as not to be consumed here.


The dragon tiger beast's huge body was knocked down, which surprised him for a while. Isn't the human in front of him the seventh-order Yuan Emperor? Why is there such power.

"Boom boom..."

Regarding Lin Tian's power, the Dragon Tiger Beast was terrified, but he had already started it, and it was impossible to stop at this moment.

"Humanity, death!"

Dragon Tiger Beast thought that Lin Tian would definitely die with such a blow.

However, in Lin Tian's eyes, it was ridiculous.

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