A strong man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, perhaps he would feel very powerful and under pressure.

But the eighth-order guy of the Yuan Emperor wanted to kill him, it was just a dream.

"Give you a chance, but if you don't leave, don't blame me!"

In an instant, Lin Tian shot.

"Prime Xuantian Fist!"

The terrifying impact force killed the dragon and tiger beast in front of him in an instant.


The flesh and blood splattered, like a dragon and tiger beast on a hill, without its breath, it could not look at it to death, how could it be defeated by Lin Tian in front of him.

"It's really laborious. I don't blame me for asking you to leave."

Lin Tian looked at the dragon and tiger beast in front of him, and said helplessly, this guy was looking for death, there was no way, maybe he hadn't been able to do it before, but at this moment, Lin Tian has this strength and can easily clean up the guy in front of him.

"This meat, it should be pretty good, and his inner alchemy, but don't waste it."

With that said, Lin Tian quickly took out the inner alchemy and directly exchanged the success points.

"Huh? How does it feel?"

At this moment, Lin Tian felt inexplicably a power throbbing in his body.

"What's going on? Xiaodu, why is my body close to this guy's blood, so excited."

Lin Tian was surprised that it was indeed the blood of this dragon tiger beast.

Hearing Lin Tian's doubts, Xiaodu was silent for a while, and then answered Lin Tiandao: "Master, based on the current situation, it is most likely because of your special physique. This blood is helpful to you. This is a physical instinct."

Does your physique still have this function?

Lin Tian was slightly agitated, saying that this dragon and tiger beast looked huge as a mountain with blood rushing like water, could it help him temper his body.

"Master, you can use this blood to temper your own physique. Although your Celestial Body Art has already brought your physique to a very good state, you still have to make some effort if you want to be better."

Xiaodu's suggestion came, and Lin Tian listened, Xiaodu's suggestion would definitely not harm him.

Therefore, following Xiaodu's suggestion, Lin Tian felt it was okay.

"Okay, just as you said, I use it for tempering."

Looking up, there were no pedestrians around. Lin Tian directly absorbed the blood in front of him and sat cross-legged. The blood of the dragon and tiger beast flowed directly into Lu Chen's body.

A scorching sensation came, as if a fire was burning all over his body, making his blood surge, and Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

The essence and blood of this dragon and tiger beast actually had such an effect, so this way, wouldn't he be able to use the essence and blood of the spirit beast to refining and build a copper wall and iron wall.

One day, even if you lose your strength, as long as your body is still there, you can hurt others.

This body is comparable to a spiritual weapon.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian was inexplicably excited, this is a guess. The next step is the implementation process.

Thinking in his heart, he absorbed the blood of this dragon and tiger beast, refining more quickly.

The power of essence and blood, burning the body in sections, made Lin Tian look happy at this moment.


The burning sensation in the body, although a little painful, he is moving towards strength.

"In other words, what if the blood of the unicorn beast?"

Lin Tian suddenly thought of the unicorn cubs evilly, but instantly dispelled the idea, the unicorn cubs themselves were fragile, and a drop of essence and blood would weaken him countlessly.

So, it's better to look at other spirit beasts.

With some basic plans in his mind, Lin Tian just wanted to act. However, it is still very difficult to find a spirit beast like the dragon tiger beast.

"This kind of thing depends on chance."

Standing up, Lin Tian went back to the hole.

It turned out that Venerable Qingyue was still enlightened and did not wake up at all.

"This is really true. There are no years of cultivation. If you are not careful, countless years may pass."

Lin Tian sighed slightly, there was no other way but to sit down and wait.

I can also consolidate my various skills, such as formation, alchemy, control of space power, and cultivation from the practice.

In short, he has no time to stay.

"Wait, if we don't set up a formation here, looking at Qingyue's situation, I don't know when it will be better."

Lin Tian thought in his heart that he planned to arrange the formation to prevent people from seeing this place and having other ideas, and then there would be more incidents, which would be very unfavorable for Lin Tian.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian took action.

As long as the formation is arranged to make this place completely disappear, no one can explore it. No one knows how long the two will stay in this cave.

After half an hour, Lin Tian finished the arrangement, and then sat in Shandong to start practicing.

As for the outside world, the hunt for Lin Tian has already exploded.

Rumor has it that the powerhouse around Lin Tian killed the Yuandi peak powerhouse of Jinguangjiao. So everyone was angry.

This is not only a provocation to Jin Guangjiao, but also a provocation to the six major forces.

As a result, the six forces jointly dispatched the Tianyuan powerhouse to chase and kill Lin Tian.

At this time, it was the most explosive, Tian Yuan chased and killed, I am afraid that only Venerable Venerable Spirit is enjoying this treatment in the entire Arctic Lingzhou.

However, Lin Tian, ​​a small junior, although he was also a talent of Tianzong, reached the realm of Emperor Yuan, but he was chased and killed by Tian Yuan, which was really shocking.

Therefore, the disciples of the six major forces frantically searched for Lin Tian, ​​and as soon as they heard the news, they would notify the people above and hunt down Lin Tian.

"It's terrible."

"Too scary, Lin Tian is completely dead this time."

"Yeah! There is no way out."

Everyone's view of Lin Tian is that no matter how strong this time is, it will be a life of nine deaths, or ten deaths without life.

The Tianyuan powerhouses of the six major forces, the five Tianyuan powerhouses, of which the Zhang family does not have the Tianyuan powerhouse, but there are still a lot of them.

Speaking out, it is no one can match, Lin Tian also let these big forces twist together like never before.

To embarrass so many people together, Lin Tian is also the first person, don't know how long he will live? Everyone is looking forward to it.

Everyone in the Extreme Spirit Academy still received this news, the news about Lin Tian being hunted down.

Lin Heng, Fengxue Old Ghost, Mou Yan, Qiao Lang and others were all nervous.

Originally thought Elder Mi said that if Lin Tian had the protection of the strong Tianyuan, he would be safe. However, the current situation is that Lao Tzu, the king of heaven, is guarding Lin Tian, ​​and the people of the six major forces want to kill him.

At the highest peak of the Ji Ling Academy, the vice-president looked into the distance, his eyes were deep without light.

"Associate Dean, that kid, it's almost time to come back."

Elder Mi spoke at this time, looking helpless.

Because of the news about Lin Tian chasing and killing, he naturally heard of it, but he didn't expect such a horror.

The people of the six major forces were completely shameless, and sent so many people to chase Lin Tian madly. It was really embarrassing to say it, but the six major forces still did so.

"Well, I really should be back. It really surprised me. I don't know what will happen to him after this time? I really look forward to it!"

The deputy dean spoke with a smile on his face.

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