I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 963: Qingyue Breakthrough

Elder Mi's face next to him was slightly strange, what did Lin Tian look like when he came back to take off? He was indeed curious.

It's just that Lin Tian today, I wonder if he can come back?

"Associate Yard, that kid is in trouble now, and there are strong men besieging him, which is probably very troublesome!"

Elder Mi finally decided to speak out.

Hearing this, the vice president frowned slightly, and then he relaxed and said, "Is this kid having less trouble?"

Regarding this, Elder Mi was a little bit dumbfounded: "Vice President, the trouble this kid has encountered this time is not small. A group of strong men in the Tianyuan realm want to kill him."


When the vice president heard this, he was finally moved.

A group of Tianyuan realm powerhouses wanted to kill Lin Tian, ​​which really sounded a little scary.

"What did this kid do? You tell me slowly."

The deputy dean looked at Elder Mi curiously. There must be no unprovoked chase in this world. It must have been Lin Tian's act of indignation, that's why this situation happened.

Next, Elder Mi made a series of things that happened recently in Lin Tian clearly, without any concealment.

Because there is nothing to hide from the vice president.

After listening, the deputy dean looked a little weird, and he said: "What you said, I want to chase down that stinky boy. There are so many secrets in him, which is really exciting."

Elder Mi looked at the dean in front of him with a slight astonishment, surprised. Never thought he wanted to kill Lin Tian.

If Lin Tian knew what the deputy dean thought, I'm afraid Lin Tian would be very angry.

Even the vice-president wanted to chase him down, and that Beibing Lingzhou would not make any sense by himself.

"Haha, what do you see in my eyes, Elder Mi? I'm just kidding, let someone investigate and see where this kid is now? When necessary, you can do it yourself."

"Where are the six major forces?"

Elder Mi spoke, looking at the deputy dean with curiosity.

"Huh, it seems that the kid is really going to talk about the promise he had made by hitting my college student's idea."

The vice-president looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, where it seemed to be ebb and flow, clouds and mist, and it looked like a fairyland.

When Elder Mi heard this, his body trembled for a while, was he a promise?

It was the vice president that once promised Lin Tian that if Lin Tian took back what once belonged to the Jilin Academy from Emperor Jiuyang, where would he promise Lin Tian to deal with one of the six forces.

As a result, Lin Tian really brought it back, which was enough to prove that Lin Tian did it, and then the deputy dean fulfilled his promise.

Annihilated a big power. For the vice president, I don’t know if it is true.

Anyway, the elder Mi who was on the side listened for a while, and the whole person was full of surprise, but he didn't expect that the deputy dean really had this idea.

The six powers are all extraordinary.

"Associate Dean, are you really going to help Lin Tian? Realize that promise."

Elder Mi bluntly said that the promise he had made is a bit unbelievable even thinking about it.

To destroy a power, for others, it is a fantasy, a complete dream.

However, Elder Mi didn't have much doubt about the deputy dean in front of him.

"Look at how that kid did it. It depends on him, not me."

In the mind of the deputy dean, he seemed to see Lin Tian, ​​who was once stubborn.

At this moment, Lin Tian is still in the cave. At this time, his soul power is many times stronger than before, and the whole person is full of power.

Slowly opened her eyes, Lin Tian looked around, then looked at Venerable Qingyue, and found that she still did not wake up.


A series of light winds were blowing, and there was someone passing by outside. This was Lin Tian's ability to perceive. He is now stronger than before, from the power of his soul.

Since Venerable Qingyue hadn't woken up yet, Lin Tian still had to wait.

Sudden realization of this kind of practice, if you are not careful, it will be destroyed, so he naturally does not want to disturb the Venerable Qingyue because of himself.

If it is really disturbed, then Venerable Qingyue might have an accident. This is not what Lin Tian wants to see.

So, he can only wait.

Closing his eyes, Lin Tian entered the practice again.

But the outside world is still shaking, about Lin Tian, ​​once again evaporated.

When everyone is looking for him in full swing, there is no news from other countries, which is incredible.

"He won't hide, will he?"

A group of people try their best to guess.

But for their guess, no one can give them the answer.

Regarding Lin Tian, ​​there is only the unknown. The rumored Lin Tian makes people unable to inquire.

"It should have been hiding. With so many people pursuing it, if it were me, I would have been hiding."

Everyone could only guess like this, and a month passed in a blink of an eye, and Lin Tian had no news at all.

No one knows where he went?

Some people suspect that Lin Tian was killed, tragically killed.

However, no one came out to confirm that there was actually a generous reward for killing Lin Tian.

The rewards from the six major forces and even other Lingzhou can make people want to stop.


There was a sudden shaking in a cave.

Lin Tian opened his eyes with a "brush", looked forward, and was shocked. A monstrous force shook for an instant.

The coercion from the strong Tianyuan slammed him outside, and the barrier that Lin Tian arranged next to Venerable Qingyue broke at this moment.

This is the terrifying Venerable Qingyue, the majesty of Tianyuan, it is too scary, there is no way.


The cave shook again. Lin Tian was slightly shocked, and could feel the formation that he had set up, shaking slightly.

This can only illustrate one problem. That was Venerable Qingyue in front of him, who was about to wake up.

The strength of the whole body shook again, and this time the cave was completely collapsed.

But Lin Tian could only see that she was surrounded by a bunch of masks, and obviously she would be fine.

Take a look at Venerable Qingyue. The forest flew out of here immediately, not leaving at this time, I'm afraid he will soon become the person buried here like Venerable Qingyue.

In an instant, Lin Tian disappeared here. Venerable Qingyue was able to survive here because of his power. Lin Tian just didn't want to be buried here too.

The moment he went out, the whole mountain collapsed, looking terrifying.

For this situation, Lin Tian was surprised for a while.

"Qingyue's movement is really not small."


A small mountain just collapsed in this way, and Venerable Qingyue was buried under it, which looked surprising.

Don't know, what did you think happened?

Fortunately, no one passed by here at this moment.

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