I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 966: Do not kill me

In response to this, Lin Tian smiled faintly, without any emotion.

Instead, he said, "I have something to ask you, Lu Ming, big business."

Hearing the words "Big Sale", Lu Ming's eyes lit up at this moment.

For Lu Ming, only buying and selling can make his eyes bright.

"Okay, wait for me, I will clean up and go with you."

As long as there is a big deal, what Lu Ming can do is negotiated. Lin Tian looked at him with a smile on his face. This guy is looking for money.

If there is a big deal, he will still leave with him.

Venerable Qingyue on the side looked at him, wondering what Lin Tian was looking for in front of him? It seemed that Lu Ming was also unremarkable, without any outstanding feeling.

However, Lin Tian always makes people strange when he does things, and Venerable Qingyue just thinks just watching.

After packing up, Lin Tian led Lu Ming to an alley, with Venerable Qingyue guarding behind him.

"Hey, brother didn't notice, you still have a maid."

Lu Ming looked at Lin Tian wickedly. For these words, Venerable Qingyue just wanted to slap Lu Ming.

This guy speaks so badly, what is a maid?

"Haha, that's not important. I heard that you were a tomb robber before. Didn't you do business?"

Lin Tian spoke directly to expose this guy's profession.

What this said, Lu Ming was watching Lin Tian cautiously, and said with a look of surprise: "How do you know? Who are you?"

Obviously, Lu Ming seldom talked about this to provoking people.

Lin Tian in front of him was really suspicious.

As for this, Lin Tian smiled faintly, and said: "Don't be nervous. Relax. I don't have too much malice. In fact, I just ask casually. And I heard that you still have a lot of abandoned spirit tools. Let me take a look."

When these words came out, Lu Ming stepped back three steps and looked at Lin Tian more cautiously.

"who are you?"

He has asked this sentence twice. Obviously, what Lin Tian said is correct, and it is indeed his true identity.

At this time, Lin Tian showed a ray of light in his eyes and said, "I said, I am Lin Tian, ​​do you believe it?"

When he said this, Lu Ming was shocked.

Obviously, Lu Ming in front of him is a little unbelievable. He still has some understanding of Lin Tian.

But the person in front of him, he didn't even notice that this was Lin Tian.

"Impossible! Lin Tian disappeared a year ago, you can't be him, that kid, I don't know where he went?"

With that said, Lu Ming hated his teeth.

"Oh, you haven't heard, has he returned recently?"

Lin Tian looked at Lu Ming with a smile, and depending on the situation, he had a deep misunderstanding of himself.

"Hmph, he's back, it's impossible, he just fooled everyone, do you really think he's back?"

Lu Ming in front of him did not believe him when he was killed.

For this, Lin Tian just laughed. This guy really had a deep prejudice against him, and he didn't want to believe that he was back.

Depending on the situation, something should have happened.

"If you don't believe me, then I will tell you something to make you believe it."

Looking at Lu Ming, Lin Tian's eyes suddenly became a bit sharp.

When Lu Ming heard these words, he was slightly taken aback. Could it be that the person in front of him was really Lin Tian.

In his impression, Lin Tian, ​​the out-and-out **** kid, actually cheated himself.

"Okay, you say, I will listen."

"You have had a deal with him."

"Nonsense, I basically have deals with people who know me." Lu Ming looked at Lin Tian with a blank face, even more disbelief in his heart.

"Really? You used to..."

As Lin Tian said, he recalled the place of the previous transaction, the time of the transaction, the last consecutive turning point, and the time when they went to the tomb together.

After all these words were spoken, Lu Ming was stunned. Is the world crazy? Still crazy, a strange young man, told all the details about himself and Lin Tian.

"Now, do you believe me?"

Looking at Lu Ming with a smile, Lin Tian wanted to see his reaction.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, you are Lin Tian, ​​haven't you already died in the space channel a year ago? That guy is not joking."

"Who do you curse to die? Lu Ming, your mouth is really poisonous."

Lin Tian looked at Lu Ming angrily, then his whole body changed and he returned instantly.

At this time, Lu Ming looked up and down, carefully observed, and finally saw Lin Tian in front of him, some familiar feeling.

"Are you really Lin Tian? Change it back for me, let me see, you are invaluable now, everyone is looking for you."

Lu Ming looked at Lin Tian with a smile and joy in his face.


In an instant, Lin Tian returned to his original appearance, looking handsome and handsome. The Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at him, and he was slightly taken aback.

"It's really you!"

Lu Ming was shocked, and he backed away in a panic.

Lin Tian also recovered instantly, watching Lu Ming said, "Brother Lu, what are you doing so nervously? I won't eat you again."

"You will not eat me, you will kill me!"

Lu Ming became nervous and frightened.

What this said, Lin Tian was taken aback, and then smiled: "Why can I see Brother Lu? I will kill you."

Obviously, Lu Ming was still very cautious, but after looking around, it was a dead end. It felt impossible to escape.

"Brother Lin, the spirit weapon you wanted, I gave you all that I should give you. Later I heard that you were dead, so I didn't give you any more spirit weapon. You must not kill me. Yes."

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment. Is he going to fight for this matter?

"Brother Lu has misunderstood. This time I came here to let you continue to give spirit weapons. I have been very short of spirit weapons recently."

With a smile on Lin Tian, ​​he just took out the Lingshi.

"Brother Lu, take it away. Here are ten thousand second-grade spirit stones. They are from the past. I will give you the ones I owe. Do you have any extra spirit tools?"

Lu Ming took it dubiously, looking extremely wretched.

The Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at the scene and was speechless for a while, and Lin Tian wanted to cooperate with this kind of person, which was really unintelligible.

But he couldn't read it. It didn't seem to be important. The important thing was that Lin Tian and the two started chatting, looking extremely happy and assured each other.

"Brother Lin, you really are back, won't you?"

Lu Ming looked at Lin Tian, ​​still feeling unbelievable. The person who had disappeared for a year suddenly appeared recently. He thought it was a lie, but he didn't expect Lin Tian to return.

"Do you still have a magic weapon here?"

Lin Tian asked directly without any delay.

For this, Lu Ming smiled and said, "Of course it is, as long as you want it, Brother Lin. Recently, I found several large tombs, so I didn't dare to go down. Besides, you are being chased everywhere. , You still came out so blatantly."

Lu Ming knew all about Lin Tian's legend.

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