I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 967: The strong is coming

Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at the two of them, but he was uncomfortable for a while, so he didn't look at it.

"Did you recognize me just now?"


"That's okay, you can't see it, can others see it?"

"Definitely not."

Lu Ming looked at Lin Tian in surprise. He really didn't recognize Lin Tian. He just put Lin Tian in the crowd and changed his face. I'm afraid he himself would not recognize Lin Tian.

In such a situation, Lin Tian said with a smile on his face: "Well, don't worry about this problem, the spirit weapon is for you, and the price is the same for you. Give me a little more."

"Okay, during this period of time you disappeared, I was dying of poverty. I couldn't sell my things, so I had to do it myself."

Lu Ming said, just as tears flowed.

"Haha, it's okay. From now on, I will be your biggest benefactor. Look for the spirit weapon. I will definitely give you the pill and spirit stone."

The two people felt inexplicably that they were cooperating.

Soon, Lu Ming adapted to the fact that Lin Tian came back, and people stood in front of him. He didn't accept it and there was nothing he could do.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing now? Why do I feel that I can't see through you."

Lu Ming looked at Lin Tian curiously with a look of surprise.

"Me? The Yuan Emperor is fifth-order."


At this moment, Lu Ming just stood up and looked at Lin Tian in shock.

Emperor Yuan is in the realm, and is still a fifth-order, five higher than himself, no wonder he can't see through.

In fact, Lu Ming didn't know that Lin Tian had already become a powerhouse of the seventh-order Yuan Emperor. If he knew it, he would have passed out directly.

Because Lin Tian's cultivation level was so abnormal, he would be so fast, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

The two chatted again for a while. Lin Tian got a whole storage ring from Lu Ming. Although they didn't have much spiritual energy, Lin Tian asked Xiaodu to verify and found that they were all good.

In other words, this time he also successfully earned some treasures.

For this kind of situation, Lin Tian was happy in his heart, and Lu Ming was also happy, because he could get a lot of spirit stones and pills.

"Yes, Brother Lin, you are still as generous as before."

Lu Ming was so happy that he finally met Lin Tian, ​​otherwise he was a kind of magic weapon. Basically no one wants to sell it to others.

"Well, you continue to find it, and then send it to the Extreme Spirit Academy."

"Okay, I sent it to you before, but it was your brother Mou Yan and they kept it for you."

Everyone, Mou Yan?

In Lin Tian's mind, a former brother and deceased appeared.

"Okay, you go, as for whether you know me or not, you can weigh it yourself."

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

The meaning of this smile made Lu Ming feel a chill on his back. He could think that if he betrayed Lin Tian, ​​the consequences would be very serious.

That kind of unspeakable seriousness, Lin Tian in front of him is really too scary. The cultivation base and the speed of improvement are absolutely abnormal.

Therefore, Lu Ming secretly swears in his heart that no one can offend Lin Tian, ​​otherwise how would he die? I don't know.

"Okay, brother Lin, be careful. I heard that a strong man in the Tianyuan realm is chasing you, but you should be careful not to cause any trouble. I also hope that you can give me a good alchemy that day. Perfect."

A smile appeared on Lu Ming's face.

"Dreaming? Brother Lu, I will fly to the sky."

Lin Tian looked speechless, Lu Ming did so many daydreams.

"Brother Lin, I believe in you. You are the best alchemy technique I have ever seen, surpassing the predecessors, and there is no problem at all. I believe in my vision, not to mention I am going to the tomb, and I will complete my pill plan as soon as possible. "

Listening to this, Lin Tian was shocked for a while.

This guy, what other pill plan, don't know what it means?

But no matter what Lu Ming does? As long as it does not harm his interests.

Seeing Lu Ming dancing and dancing away, Venerable Qingyue couldn't bear to look directly: "Do you like to work with such a person?"

"Although he has a problem with his head, he can still do things."

Lin Tian spoke lightly.

If Lu Ming, who had left in the distance, heard this, he would probably fight Lin Tian desperately when he turned his head.

At this moment, Lin Tian and the two of them found a place to stay at will.

"Who are you going to kill?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​very curious.

"A person who has chased me and is still chasing me."

Lin Tianji knew exactly how he had escaped from this city.

Now that I have encountered it again, then just solve it directly, so that I can settle a period of grievances.

"All right, do I need to take action?"

"No, just look at it."

For this person, Lin Tian has some certainty, because now he has a stable cultivation base and realm, and his soul power is even stronger, almost reaching the Tianyuan level.

In the late stage of Yuyuan Yuan, this is no joke, facing the enemy's shots, even at the level of Gao Lintian. He can also catch it clearly.

This is some of the most basic information for the enemy, that is, know the speed and direction of the enemy's shot, and then complete the kill.

Killing like running clouds and flowing water, more still need the assistance of the soul realm, otherwise it will appear weak, like a child with strong power, but only the body, but can’t keep up with the speed of others, and see their movements clearly. Even if he is strong, it will only be in vain.


Venerable Qingyue agreed, then closed his eyes and practiced by himself.

Since the breakthrough, Venerable Qingyue seemed to have entered another realm.

And Zhang's house in Blizzard City.

At this moment, the Zhang Family Patriarch, who was chasing Lin Tian, ​​Zhang Zhenbei was in the hall.

"Huh! That Lin Tian is not dead yet, it's really a blessing."

Zhang Zhen's anger at the North Pole, for Lin Tian, ​​he believed that he should be dead, but he did not expect to be alive.

"Patriarch, he must be alive soon, Tian Yuan chased him down, I don't believe he has three heads and six arms."

Zhang's housekeeper spoke.

As for this, Zhang Zhenbei's eyes showed a trace of worry.

Among the six major forces, he was the only one in the Zhang family who had no Tianyuan strong, and the gap naturally emerged at this time.

As for Lin Tian, ​​it is rumored that a strong man is guarding him, and he is in the realm of Tianyuan.

This is a problem that bothers Zhang Zhenbei.

If this were the case, if Lin Tian retaliated against the Zhang family, it would be devastating to the Zhang family.

"Hmph, I hope so, that kid must die!"

At this moment, Zhang Zhenbei's hatred for Lin Tian can be said to be very deep.

Not only because of his own son, but also for so long, between Zhang Family and Lin Tian, ​​there has been a relationship, that is whether you die or I live, this must be the winner.

"Really? Patriarch Zhang hates me."

A voice came from the void, resounding the entire hall.

For this, Zhang Zhenbei's eyes were horrified. Someone entered Zhang's house, but he didn't notice. What does this prove? It's not easy to come.

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