I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 968: Divine Soul

The most important point is that the owner of this voice sounds like a young man.

So, who is it? I just mentioned, and Lin Tian they discussed.

"Lin Tian!"

Zhang Zhenbei's expression changed, and he never thought it was Lin Tian who was here.

I really mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

"It's me, remember how you chased and killed me?"

Lin Tian walked in lightly from the outside, with a light pace, as if he was walking slowly in the courtyard, as if he was at his own home.

Looking at the appearance of Lin Tian, ​​Zhang Zhenbei knew that this was indeed Lin Tian, ​​the kid he chased and killed.

Lin Tian used to be as simple as an ant in his eyes, and he could pinch to death with his hand.

But now, Lin Tian has grown to such a point, it looks so terrifying.

A terrifying aura, turned out to be in the Yuan Emperor realm, and the speed of this cultivation base was as fast as taking a fairy medicine.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhenbei was shocked, not knowing what to say? He looked behind Lin Tian and found no one.

"Don't look at it, I only have one person here today, just want to personally settle the previous cause and effect, your Zhang Family Patriarch's chasing down the cause and effect."

A person?

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Zhang Zhenbei was dubious, but in his perception, he did not see the rumors of the strong Tianyuan.

"Hahaha, Lin Tian'er, you are so ridiculous that you are so ridiculous, do you really think that you can leapfrog and provoke me at the seventh level of the Yuan Emperor? It is really ridiculous."

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Zhang Zhenbei was inexplicably happy.

The emperor really has eyes. How could he be unhappy that this fellow Lin Tian was sent to die by himself.

The butler next to him just stepped aside.

"Really? You said, if your Zhang family is destroyed, which Young Master Zhang should do?"

Lin Tian smiled indifferently.

"court death!"

Zhang Zhenbei was furious because Lin Tian maimed his son. As a result, the reputation of the Zhang family has plummeted.

Now that it is mentioned again, Zhang Zhenbei is even more furious.

"Really? I'm looking for death, what about you? Is it also looking for death!"

"Swire punch!"


The two separated in an instant, with just one punch, each felt the other's strength.


Zhang Zhenbei looked at Lin Tian in shock. This force was as fierce as a dragon and impulsive like a tiger.

Lin Tian in front of him was no longer the kid kneading at will.

Tianzong talents may leapfrog the level to challenge the strong, but it is only one realm, and the two realms are top-level Tianzong talents.

And Lin Tian in front of him, could he really leapfrog the three realms?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhenbei didn't believe it, but the numbness on the tiger's mouth made him understand that Lin Tian possessed this strength.

"What am I? Did you surprise? Then let me slowly help you remember, what have you done?"



As soon as the two of them shot, the ground was directly sunken in, and the steward next to him was affected and directly injured.

"Puff puff!!"

Uh, it's probably a fight between gods and mortals. At this moment, Lin Tian has no scruples.

And Zhang Zhenbei wanted to kill Lin Tian even more, and the two of them made an all-out effort.

A punch and a kick, the move was deadly, and Zhang Zhenbei was shocked to discover that Lin Tian's body, like a copper wall and iron wall, was comparable to a spiritual weapon, and its hardness was really frightening.

"Don't think I can't break you! The sword is coming!"

In an instant, the sword flew horizontally, and a sword rushed towards Lin Tian's throat, Zhang Zhenbei wanted to seal his throat with a sword.

However, Lin Tian kicked his hand to the ground and hit Zhang Zhenbei's chest with a punch.


Not to be outdone, Zhang Zhenbei also punched Lin Tian on the arm.

The butler next to him looked at him, his eyes shocked.

"How can this person be so terrible! It seems that next year will be quiet, why?"

For the housekeeper, Lin Tian in front of him was too scary.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian smiled faintly and said: "Patriarch Zhang, it seems that you are not very strong either."

"Boy, you will definitely die here today."

Zhang Zhenbei's face was gloomy, and he was a strong Yuan Emperor, but he was injured by Lin Tian, ​​and he was evenly matched, so he was not angry.

"Really? Many people have said that, but in the end, they all lie down, and you should be no exception."



With blood surging in his body, without too many gorgeous moves, Lin Tian punched out.

"Swire Shaking Fist!"

Superimposed more than ten times the power, crazy push out, as if overwhelming.

"Prime Xuantian Fist!"

At this moment, Lin Tian was already like a gluttonous beast, accidentally revealing the wild aura that dominates the world.

"What punch is this!"

Zhang Zhenbei was shocked, and also shot, breaking the void with a sword, turning into a ray of light, wanting to take Lin Tian's life.


The sword was destroyed, and a punch came again.


"Puff puff!!!"

Zhang Zhenbei retreated continuously, and his sword was directly destroyed.

It is hard to imagine what terrifying power Lin Tian has in front of him.

Before he could think, Zhang Zhenbei got up again and challenged Lin Tian. On the side of the housekeeper, watching the paternal host was injured, he was shocked and wondering what to do? Just watched it blankly.

In the heart of the housekeeper, Zhang Zhenbei is the strongest representative. He has not seen Tian Yuan, but for so many years, the people who provoked in the Zhang family have basically been killed by Zhang Zhenbei.

However, Lin Tian, ​​a young man.

Just like this, he has become an old enemy of the Zhang family, and the shot is to make Zhang Zhenbei vomit blood.

And the spiritual weapon long sword of the ground level was directly destroyed by Lin Tian.

This terrifying scene made people feel numb for Lin Tian's strength. After all, such a young genius evildoer, who can subdue it.


"Break for me!"

Zhang Zhenbei roared, Lin Tian's limbs were instantly injured, and his body defenses broke down in an instant.

Even if he was physically strong, he was still injured in the face of Zhang Zhenbei's accumulated strength for many years.

The internal organs were shaking, Lin Tian didn't care so much, and rushed up again, just to fight with Zhang Zhenbei in front of him.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Both of them at the moment are obviously more expensive.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"


The reminder from the system inspires Lin Tian to act fiercely.

"Kill kill!!"

The butler next to him wanted to take action and killed Lin Tian, ​​only to rush out, but was blown away by Lin Tian.

Zhang Zhenbei also seized the opportunity for this distraction.


Lin Tian's hand was interrupted and broke instantly, making his back hurt and chill.

"Break the army swordsmanship!"

"I let you use a sword!"

Void sword rain formed in an instant, and then it rushed towards Zhang Zhenbei's head madly.

"Do not!"

Zhang Zhenbei roared and wanted to resist, but Jianyu wouldn't listen to him at all.


In an instant, his soul was broken, and he lost his breath.

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