I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 970: Old man He Shou's tea

Immediately, news about Lin Tian's destruction of Zhang Jiajia's claim to Zhenbei spread.

Some people say that this is the first step for Lin Tian to take revenge. He has been happy since he was a child. Among the six forces, the Zhang family is relatively weak.

Therefore became Lin Tian's first target to kill.

Along with the outflow of this news, the remaining five powers were filled with anger.

From the six powers to the five powers.

The people of Jinguangjiao, Niujiaoling, North Ice Sword Palace, Northern Sacred Sect, and Xuanwu Island all wanted to kill Lin Tian even more in their hearts.

The news this time undoubtedly pushed Lin Tian faintly to the peak and was killed by everyone.

This time everyone was jealous of Lin Tian, ​​a person who wanted to avenge secretly, which made everyone more determined to kill him.

And at this moment, Lin Tian and Venerable Qingyue had already gone to the mountain range that they had passed by.

For him, it is time to go back now.

The Heshou Mountains, a place where I once passed by myself, and I also encountered a black dragon.

And in this mountain range. There is a terrifying old man named He Shou old man. No one dares to be wild here.

When Lin Tian and the two passed by here, Lin Tian asked to walk.

Once I was young and ignorant, but now for a strong person of this level, I also vaguely feel that there is a sky outside the sky and should not be too arrogant.

Venerable Qingyue still noticed that Lin Tian was acting in a low-key manner.

And here, it must be very difficult.

"Where is this place?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​slightly puzzled and curious.

"A place where I was hunted and killed. There is a terrifying strong man. We should not provoke it easily."

Hearing these words, Venerable Qingyue was taken aback again.

Is that right?

Venerable Qingyue looked into the depths of the Heshou Mountain Range, feeling inexplicably that after a throbbing, he actually felt a little palpitation.

This shocked her heart. There was indeed a horror here. When I just looked at it casually, I felt that the other party was warning her.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, surrounded by cliffs, strange flowers and weeds are interdependent here, and when the two of them walked in it, they felt a force of strength invisibly, slowly dispersing.

"Qingyue, what did you just do?"

Lin Tian was surprised for a while, and he felt a magnificent force appearing around the two of them.

This feeling made Lin Tian very uncomfortable.

"I didn't actually do anything? I just checked to see if there is anything weird around me, and then I looked into the depths and tried it with my strength."

Venerable Qingyue felt a little sorry for some reason, because his actions just now seemed to have caused trouble.

"Since you are here, come and sit down."

An old and simple voice came at this moment.

This voice froze Lin Tian slightly, and immediately Lin Tian was horrified. Isn't this the voice that once made the black dragon go back?

If it hadn't been for the old man who had let Black Dragon go back, he might not be here anymore. In fact, Lin Tian still owed him favor.

"Okay, senior, the two of us broke in here accidentally, don't mind."

Lin Tian quickly apologized at this time.

This Heshou Mountain Range has become serious invisibly. When I came here before, I didn't have such a serious feeling, but now it feels much stronger.

"Haha, it's okay, I'm slightly interested in you two, come and have tea."

Having said that, Lin Tian and the two immediately felt an irresistible force, entwining them directly, and the feeling of turning around and around at any time hits.

"I'm dizzy!"

Lin Tian didn't have any preparations, he was mobilized directly, and his whole person was completely smashed.

As for Venerable Qingyue, the shock in his heart was hard to tell.

She really didn't expect that she would encounter it here, such a shocking power, her own third-tier Tianyuan cultivation base, here in the old man, there is no room for resistance.

"You two, who are quite naughty, unexpectedly killed Zhang Zhenbei. Now Blizzard City has to find the city lord again, I'm afraid there will be a **** storm."

The old man sighed faintly.

Listening to this, Lin Tian was surprised for a while.

At this time, the two finally landed and saw their surroundings clearly, only to see the combination of Yulin and Mountain Forest on the weekend, with a small thatched cottage in front of them.

The old man in front of him should be the owner of this thatched cottage.

"Black Dragon!"

For an instant, Lin Tian was shocked. Before the old man knew that Zhang Zhenbei was stunned by him, he saw a huge monster hovering in the void and occasionally turning, which looked extremely terrifying.

Such a scene is too scary.

A giant dragon hovered directly on top of a person's head. The huge and hard body was black as if it was poured with profound iron, which was shocking.

"Black Dragon, make your body smaller and don't scare my guests."

Old Man He Shou spoke lightly.


The black dragon roared for a moment. The shocking Lin Tian and the two were deafening. They hadn't seen each other for a long time. Lin Tian discovered that the black dragon was in the realm of Emperor Yuan.

After the roar, the black dragon's body shrank instantly, and it still looked a little cute.

Looking at this scene, Lin Tian was surprised for a while.

The old man He Shou opened his mouth and said, "This little guy is a bit naughty.

I saw the little black dragon at this moment, that is, when a human grew up, it was swimming in the void. Looks free and cheerful.

For this, Lin Tian and the two naturally won't blame it, unless they both live a long time.

Lin Tian smiled immediately and said, "Senior laughed. The problem you just mentioned is not that I want to kill the Patriarch of the Zhang family, but that he has been chasing me for some time. ."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he was helpless.

After killing Zhang Zhenbei, the entire city was shaken, he didn't know.

But for Lin Tian, ​​he has no choice.

If you don't kill Zhang Zhenbei, maybe one day, you will die in Zhang Zhenbei's hands.

All this is for a reason.

For Lin Tian, ​​he must do this.

Heshou Mountain Range looked at the two of them, and then said: "Sit down, you two, I will make tea for you. Those who come are guests, you are welcome."

What Lin Tian said, both of them were panicked.

The terrible power just now should have been used by the old man in front of him.

This kind of power is enough to see that the terrible degree of the old man is extraordinary, like a sleeping dragon, once awakened, it is the kind that shocks people.

As for the two of Lin Tian, ​​they can only be polite and modest. Lin Tian secretly guessed that he would not kill the relatives of Old Man He Shou.

I haven't heard that Zhang Zhenbei is related to Old Man He Shou!

If that were the case, wouldn't his life be abolished?

Thinking of this, Lin Tian felt faintly uncomfortable.

Two cups of tea were placed in front of the two of them. On the wooden table, the three of them were sitting opposite each other. Venerable Qingyue looked at the old man with flickering eyes.

The two elderly people brought in, definitely not for tea.

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