I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 971: Tianyuan Great Perfection?

For what Lin Tian said, Old He Shou smiled at this moment and said: "Little brother, you don't need to be too nervous, the city lord has nothing to do with me, I just talk about it casually, just suffering from the low-level city monks."

Obviously, the old man He Shou still has some compassion.

Lin Tian looked at the old man in front of him with a smile on his face and said, "Senior, are you the old man He Shou?"

Hearing this, the old man He Shou faintly responded: "That is the name that some people gave me, so I will take it as my name. Do you know why I let you in today?"

Old Man He Shou looked at Lin Tian slightly mysteriously, this flower made Lin Tian even more confused.

Because the old man He Shou would not call people in casually, obviously this all had his purpose.

"I don't know, please give instructions, senior."

"Well, I just want to tell you that everyone is innocent and guilty. The spirit beast on your body should not be known to others. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles. If you are really afraid, you can leave it to me."

Spirit beast?

Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at Lin Tian, ​​wondering what kind of spirit beast Lin Tian had that could fascinate the elderly He Shou in front of him.

And only Lin Tian knew what the spirit beast the old man He Shou was talking about was?

Did he know the situation of Qilin Saint Beast?

Lin Tian looked at the old man He Shou in front of him with waves of horror in his heart. It was hard to imagine how terrifying the old man He Shou would be when he knew this.

The unicorn sacred beast is an indescribable temptation to anyone in the Arctic Lingzhou. Of course, the role of the unicorn sacred beast is naturally the meaning, which makes people scramble wildly.

Numerous spirit beast powers from the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Continent will definitely be swarmed, and the greed of the unicorn holy beast on other continents will naturally be moved.

What's more, it was in the hands of an unpowerful person like Lin Tian.

"Senior, what spirit beast did you say? The junior is a little confused."

Lin Tian pretended that he did not understand.

However, the old man Heshou seemed to have seen everything a long time ago, and said: "Although I don't know what secrets you have, you can hide it so well, but you come into contact with the breath of that spirit beast, my black dragon is one of the holy beasts. Naturally it can be sensed, but if you don’t want it, forget it. This is also a chance and providence."

With such words, Lin Tian's eyes showed ray of light.

The Venerable Qingyue on the side was even more confused, because she didn't know what was going on? The two talked, making her feel dumbfounded.

But it can be vaguely heard that there must be something amazing in Lin Tian, ​​otherwise the old man He Shou would not be so entangled.

"Haha, thank you senior for your understanding, I really don't have one."

Lin Tian smiled slightly at this time, as if another meaning was hidden in his smile.

"Haha, come and have tea with you two, this tea is not easy."

The old man He Shou looked at the two, smiling extraordinarily charity, without a hint of malice.

There was no anger at Lin Tian's denial.

The two of them drank the tea ignorantly.

In the next moment, the two of them felt agitated, feeling that the whole person was too much comfortable.

"It's so comfortable!"

Lin Tian felt a lot clearer, and Venerable Qingyue next to him was naturally the same.

The whole person feels like being thoroughly baptized in the water, and the whole body is comfortable.

"The two can take another sip, maybe it will have a different effect."

Elder He Shou looked at the two of them, and that was the suggestion.

Lin Tian took another sip.

A scent of fragrance hits, and the whole body is rippling in a blink of an eye. The two closed their eyes, feeling that the spirit has sublimated too much, and Lin Tian faintly felt that his spirit realm seemed to be breaking through.

And Venerable Qingyue naturally felt the same.

When the two opened their eyes, they looked at the old man He Shou in shock.

As a result, the two found that the surrounding environment had changed, the figure of Old Man He Shou was gone, and they also returned to the original place, everything seemed like a world away, like a dream.

This situation is too scary.

Lin Tian looked around, then looked at Venerable Qingyue in front of him, wondering what to say?

"Two take care, the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, little brothers are the best, we should see you again, if it is destined, I will wait for you to drink tea at the peak."

The old man's voice came from the depths of the Heshou Mountain Range, melodious and far-reaching, but it rippled in Lin Tian's ear, making him heard clearly.

"You and this senior, do you know each other?"

Venerable Qingyue finally spoke at this time.

Because in front of the Heshou Mountains just now, she felt like a child, not as strong as the Heshou Mountains.

"Huh? Can't you see through this senior's cultivation base? He should also be in the Tianyuan realm."

Lin Tian looked at the Venerable Qingyue with some shock.

The cultivation base of Venerable Qingyue should not be far from that of Old Man He Shou.

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tiandao: "This senior is not as simple as you think. It is very possible for the Tianyuan realm to reach perfection. In short, he is a person standing on the top of this world. I feel that he Any shots can destroy us."

Venerable Qingyue said this, which made Lin Tian feel cold all over.

"By the way, little brother, if you have the heart, that day you feel that you have no strength to protect the spirit beast. Send me here. I can adopt it temporarily. Okay. Go away. Someone is chasing. The cleanliness here should not be broken. it is good."

The old man He Shou's voice came again, seemingly empty. This was telling Lin Tian Qilin about the holy beast, and it also warned the two that there were chasing soldiers.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian was surprised for a while, and the expression of Venerable Qingyue next to him changed slightly.

"Let's go, there is indeed a strong chasing after."

With that said, the two of them moved away at a rapid speed.

During the flight, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​just wondering: "What spirit beast? Are you hiding something from me?"

Although these words had a questioning meaning, Venerable Qingyue still cared very much about Lin Tian.

In response to this, Lin Tian said: "I have a secret that I can't tell, I hope you understand, and this senior, is it really that scary?"

Lin Tian didn't expect that this old man of He Shou was really as terrifying as Venerable Qingyue's mouth, it sounded very surprising.

"Well, it may be more horrible than I said, you'd better not provoke it." Venerable Qingyue was shocked when he thought of the aura on Elder He Shou's body just now.

It is a terrifying breath of returning to the basics, merging into the great path, and everything being sentient beings, which is not something ordinary people can have.

Lin Tian next to him listened, with a faint horror in his heart, thinking about the unicorn sacred beast. It seemed very likely that the black dragon had smelled the aura of contact with the unicorn beast.

This black dragon's nose is really clever, Lin Tian recalled, at most he was in contact with the unicorn holy egg, and the unicorn holy beast was just his clone.

How could it be smelled?

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