I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 975: Five strong

Xiaodu's words brightened Lin Tian's eyes.

But he reacted in an instant, what is reasonable.

What I mean by this is that there is something that cannot be realized. Thinking of this, Lin Tian just wants to figure it out.

"Master, I know what you want to do in your mind? It's just that you rushed over. The enchantment arranged by the powerful meta-realm that day still exists, so you can't break through."

A small reminder came, and it sounded like a blow.

For this, Lin Tian just smiled.

"Who said I intend to break through the barrier, if I fail, I want to escape back in stealth."

Lin Tian told Xiaodu like this.

"Master, I found your brain circuit is still very strange."

The description from Xiaodu surprised Lin Tian for a while. Xiaodu's speech became more and more modern.

"Hey, Xiaodu, give me the calculation, is my current practice point enough?"

"Enough, master, you can splurge once."


Lin Tian was bleeding in his heart. If he returned, it would be his practice point.

"Qingyue, when I told you to withdraw for a while, you just rushed back with me, don't care why? Did you hear it?"

Lin Tian spoke with a serious face, not joking at all.

Venerable Qingyue next to him was surprised when he heard this, but Lin Tian suddenly confessed to her like this.

"Well, I got it."

Although I don't know what Lin Tian meant by saying this? However, Venerable Qingyue would still follow suit.

Very often, Lin Tian would make people think that he was doing something inexplicable, but after that, everyone could understand him.

"Well, you don't have to wonder, if we leave in a while, I will explain to you, but I hope there is no time to leave."

Lin Tian looked into the distance. Under that towering building, those familiar with him, whether he can meet them or not is because of today's battle.

"Let's go, just fly over, someone shouldn't be able to wait."

Lin Tian said lightly at this time, and went from there to the Extreme Spirit Academy.

In this situation, the Venerable Qingyue was slightly taken aback.

Because she was a little unclear, Lin Tian rushed in like this. Isn't this just telling everyone that he Lin Tian is back?

Such an appearance is too arrogant.

But it seems that Lin Tian has always been, and nothing has changed.

"You may be wondering, but this is the best thing. If I didn't guess wrong, there is no living thing in the radius of a hundred miles. Those people have already drained the siege around the Extreme Spirit Academy."

Lin Tian looked ahead and spoke lightly.

Venerable Qingyue felt for a while and found that what Lin Tian said was really accurate.

The surrounding situation is indeed like this, there are no more people, everything has fallen into silence.

"It seems that you know these people well."

Venerable Qingyue knew that Lin Tian must have his reason for doing this. Lin Tian was not the kind of idiot who came to die for no reason.

Since it is here, it is prepared.

"The shamelessness of this group of people has been seen a long time ago, and they have seen it now. There is no surprise."

After speaking, Lin Tian and the two flew in the void, and they were about to reach the quiet and void place, Lin Tian stopped.

"The front can't go any further, I may feel that as long as we move forward, we will step into the trap set by others."

Venerable Qingyue's warning sounded in Lin Tian's mind at this time.

Lin Tian smiled faintly and stopped.

It is true that he can no longer advance, and there must be an enchantment in the place where he rushes to the Extreme Spirit Academy.

And here they move forward, and they are afraid that they will be enchanted by the strong behind, and then the two will be really hard to fly.

Venerable Qingyue looked into the distance with a look of surprise.

In the current situation, there is still a long way to go from the Jilin Academy, and you can see the buildings in the distance.

And this group of people is here to intercept Lin Tian, ​​thinking about it, they are afraid of Ji Ling Academy's intervention.

"Are you looking at the college people will come out?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian and suddenly spoke.

"Everyone, since I've already arrived, don't hide, like tortoises with heads down. It's really shameful. Is this how your five major forces acted?"

Lin Tian didn't answer Venerable Qingyue's words, but instead spoke to the empty crowd.

This is particularly rampant and loud.

Lin Tian's voice resounded in the surrounding space.

In the distance, a group of figures flew out from the sky above the Extreme Spirit Academy.

At first glance, it turned out to be Ouyang Breaking the Ice, as well as Qiao Lang, Lin Heng, Mou Yan and others.


Lin Heng just roared.


The same goes for Qiao Lang, and the voices of several people are full of shock.

For them, this moment is too exciting, because they have been waiting for this moment for a very long time, just want to see Lin Tian come back.

Today, they finally saw that Lin Tian was back.

It was such a highly anticipated return, and the people in the Jilin Academy also came out. Surprisingly, today's Jilin Academy is not blocked by anyone.

All the disciples, watching this scene from a distance, their eyes were full of shock.

Because they saw it, saw Lin Tian.

This legend, which belonged to a year ago, continues to come back like this. It is hard to imagine, what kind of identity does he come back now?

"Huh! Ignorant boy, do you really think you are a character?"

A loud voice came from the void, full of old people.

I saw an illusory figure appearing in the void.

"Kill him, don't talk too much nonsense, lest you lose your status."

"Indeed, **** man, there is no need to talk nonsense with him."

"Wait, let me see what the three-headed and six-armed people who have been hunted down by the five major forces for so long are."

A group of figures appeared in the void.

"Huh! The guardian of a third-tier Tianyuan powerhouse will make you know that the sky is thick, boy, you are really ridiculous."

Obviously, a strong person saw the cultivation level of Venerable Qingyue in front of him.

For this situation, Lin Tian smiled faintly, he didn't care.

And the Venerable Qingyue next to her was gloomy.

Hearing what this person meant was to look down on her.

But from this person's words, it can be proved that this person is more powerful than Venerable Qingyue.

The five figures appeared in the void and looked shocking.

In the distance, Lin Heng and several people looked at this situation, their complexions changed after another, and Lin Tian was really at risk when faced with this situation.

Although Lin Tian at this moment did look stronger than before.

However, it can be seen that Lin Tian seemed too passive in front of so many powerful people.

In such a situation, the only way is to escape from here, but Lin Tian came today, I am afraid it is impossible for him to leave.

"What about the boss? There are too many strong people here!"

At this time, Qiao Lang looked at Lin Tian with worry in his eyes, and the few people next to him were naturally the same.

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