For these strong men, Lin Tian at the moment is as weak as an ant, and as long as they want, they can pinch Lin Tian to death at any time.

And Lin Tian, ​​naturally, is also very aware of this problem.

"Hahahaha, really ridiculous, don't you think it's just your old stuff?"

Lin Tian smiled frantically, it sounded really frantic.

At this, everyone in the distance was surprised.

When is it all? Lin Tian could still ridicule many powerful people.

"Is he crazy?"

"Five great Tianyuan powerhouses, Lin Tian is really at the end of the road today."

"Is this our number one? It is indeed a generation of Tianjiao, but this is a pity. It may be buried here today."

A group of college students, their voices are full of regretful openings.

For Lin Tian, ​​they have heard a lot of legends. For Lin Tian, ​​they are also very envious and jealous.

Unexpectedly, they would finally see a living person today.

It can only be said that all this is not easy, it is a miracle that Lin Tian can appear here alive today.

From the space debris a year ago, but to survive today, this is indeed a rare miracle.

Although everyone was reluctant to believe, or did not want to believe, real people appeared in front of them and made them have to believe.

"Die, die, do you think you can come back alive? You must die today!"

Among the many college students, a man looked at Lin Tian with a vicious expression in his eyes.

This man is Zhang Yuxuan.

For him, Lin Tian is now an enemy who does not share the sky, because Lin Tian killed his father, Zhang Zhenbei.

Because of this incident, everyone knew that Lin Tian was back.

And when Zhang Yuxuan got the news, his whole person collapsed. He never thought that his father would die in Lin Tian's hands. Thinking of it, his whole person collapsed.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy is really hateful.

"Lin Tian child, really knows how to live and die!"

At this moment, a powerful man in Void made a move, a pair of big hands with the power to destroy the sky and the earth, madly heading towards Lin Tian.


Venerable Qingyue snorted, these people did not put her in their eyes.

Although there are many people here, but her Qingyue Zun is not a display.


The invisible power is spread out in the void.

The two shot each other, and the void shook.

"This person is not easy."

At this time, Venerable Qingyue sounded in Lin Tian's mind, and it was obvious that the shot just now made Venerable Qingyue aware of the opponent's strength.

"Huh! Just a girl, I really think how strong I am."

The strong man who shot just now just snorted, obviously being blocked by Venerable Qingyue was very shameless.

"Tiemu Taoist, it seems that you are old, and even a girl can't solve it."

A slightly sharp ridicule sounded nearby.

"It is Taoist Tiemu. It is said that he has already entered the realm of Tianyuan in his early years. There is a piece of sacred tree that is terrifying.

"Real Hongxiu, are you taunting me? I'm afraid it is a little inappropriate."

Timu Taoist, his voice started slightly coldly.

"Real Hongxiu, it turned out to be her! It's also said that this person is actually the only female Tianyuan strongman in Niujiaoling. In order to kill Lin Tian, ​​she was dispatched."

The remaining three people did not speak. Those three were the North Ice Sword Palace, the North Sacred Sect, and the three major Tianyuan experts of Jinguang Sect.

"It's really shameless. The five powerhouses besieged a junior of me. You said your cheeks are really not so thick."

Lin Tian looked at the five people with a smile on his face.

Facing the five great Tianyuan powerhouses, Lin Tian didn't even feel nervous at this moment, and looked very calm.

It's such calmness. People secretly admire Lin Tian can still be so calm, this is already very good.

"Don't talk nonsense, this kid just wants to delay people to save him, just kill him, why give him this opportunity."

With that said, the strong person who saw the body refining golden light was shot.



There seemed to be a red thunder in the void.


Venerable Qingyue took this palm again, and a force was to directly blast on Venerable Qingyue's body, causing a trace of blood to appear at the corners of her mouth.

The strong shot is obviously extraordinary.

"Huh! Looking for death!"

The strong man shot again, and Lin Tian just looked forward, without a trace of fear in his eyes.

For Lin Tian at this moment, he just wanted to say that it was time to leave. Since no one showed up, it would prove that he was right this time, at least proved some problems.

At this time, the other four people disappeared in an instant, and Lin Tian felt an infinite crisis.

"What are the four of you doing? It's too much."

At this moment, a flat voice fell from the sky.

"Huh? People from Ouyang's family."

Taoist Tiemu watched Void fall in surprise and came directly to Lin Tian.

Looking at this person, Lin Tian's thoughts of running away stopped in an instant.

"This is a student from my Ouyang family. I naturally need to take care of Ouyang Cliff. If you shot him today, you shot me. I hope the five will be cautious."

Ouyang Duanya looked at several people with sharp eyes.

In response to this, the five people in front of them glanced at each other, and one of the strong men said: "Brother Ouyang, you have to figure it out clearly. Although we are afraid, we must kill this kid today."

One of the strong men spoke, indicating that Lin Tian's heart must be killed.

Lin Tian listened, unmoved, a group of people wanted to kill him so madly, but to him, all of this was not important at all.

There are too many people who just want to kill him, but this is not important at all.

"This kid can't die today, I promise you, I will keep him safe today."

In an instant, the entire void was filled with a raging aura, which shocked everyone, because of Lin Tian, ​​it turned out to be like this now.

"This Lin Tian is really not easy, but now he is the top six, plus the one next to him, the top nine, are all fighting for him."

The people in the distance are indescribably envy and hatred.

Lin Tian in front of him, it can be said that he has everything that no one else can have.

It can be said to be too legendary.

"Huh! If that's the case, then we will see the real chapter under our hands. We now have five people, and you are two. Ouyang Duanya, you have a clear idea."

One figure spoke.

"Really? What if you add me?"

A faint voice came, full of peace.

Lin Tian's body trembled slightly when he heard this voice. This voice is too familiar. Isn't this the Elder Mi? Unexpectedly, he appeared.

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