This makes Lin Tian really wonder what to say? These guys are indeed a little scary at their eyes.

In this place, I don't know how many strong people who haven't shot.

Vaguely, Lin Tian felt that his eyes were staring at him, as if they were all shining.

This made him feel helpless for a while, and the world was really terrifying.

"Xiaodu, can you break free of this restraint?"

Lin Tian hurriedly asked Xiaodu, if there is anything to ask Xiaodu, he will surely get an answer.

"Master, of course it can, and the system can't do it. Of course you are like this, but your practice points may be exhausted."

"Okay, wait a minute."

At this time, Lin Tian planned to take a slight gamble.

"Okay, Master, I won't notify you of the exchange after a while, just release it and let you run."

Xiaodu understood what Lin Tian meant.


"Boy, so ignorant, then go see the king obediently, the dead also have the answers I want, so your threat is of no use to me."

Lin Tian was surprised by the cold voice of the strong man in the dark. This guy's method should be very difficult, otherwise, even if he is a dead person, he can know the news he wants.

"Really? A guy with a tortoise head and a tortoise also wants my life. I am just curious, who are you? I have been reluctant to show up. Are you afraid of it?"

Lin Tian guessed casually.

"Huh, no matter what you say? It's hard to escape today, kid!"

The mysterious powerhouse in the void, with his big hands hitting the sky and the earth again, this time he was planning to pinch Lin Tian to death.

For this, Lin Tian smiled faintly, looking calm, but the whole person's heart was very nervous.

Elder Mi, Ouyang Cliff and Venerable Qingyue struggled to get out of the entanglement, but the five powerhouses were seriously injured, and the three of them were not allowed to help Lin Tian.



The faces of Qiao Lang in the distance were full of tension. Lin Tian faced this situation, even if they were not there, it was very nervous to look at.

"Hey, don't worry, I will help you make good use of your body, go to hell!"

The strong man in the dark was full of excitement. He seemed to covet for Lin Tian's body for a long time, and it sounded disgusting for Lin Tian.

"Do you have this qualification?"

Lin Tian spoke coldly, and the power in his hand directly stretched out. This was the rhythm he was preparing to meet, but he couldn't leave this restraint.


With a cold snort, as if coming across thousands of miles, Void's hand directly paused.

As if he was drunk by this cold snort.


The powerhouse of the five major forces was shocked. I didn't expect that at this critical time, a cold snort would cause the powerhouse of the void to directly stop the attack. This was really amazing.

And their minds were also slightly shocked, because that cold snort had a mysterious and powerful force.

"North Bing Lingzhou, it's not your turn to go wild, get out!"

The cold voice came again, which sounded surprising.

Hearing this, everyone in Ji Ling Academy was shocked. This mysterious voice that appeared again in the dark was speaking to the strong man who had just shot Lin Tian secretly? Who is this mysterious powerhouse in the dark?

"Huh! Beibing Lingzhou is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, but you want to keep this kid, but it's not as simple as it seems."

The strong man in the dark actually made a move in an instant, that terrifying hand, mixed with thunder-like power, rushed towards Lin Tian frantically.

Faced with this situation, Lin Tian was shocked and ready to retreat.



The voice of the mysterious strong man appeared illusory, and the hand of the void was suddenly broken.

At this moment, Lin Tian looked horrified in his eyes, this mysterious strong man was too terrifying.

He could feel that the open hand was at least the power of the Tianyuan realm, but under this ignorance, it seemed so fragile and rich.

"Die to me!"

The strong man in the dark still refused to give up, turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards Lin Tian frantically.


Two words.


I saw the black shadow's body, shattered.

The five powerhouses who were facing the three of Ouyang Duanya felt a chill in their back inexplicably.

It's terrible, it's simply not a human being, what exactly is this secretly strong man? How could it be so scary.

"It's terrible, unbelievable."

"Did you die like this? Just now, I felt that my heart was shaking, and I was killed by two sentences."

"Is this a fairy? How could it be so powerful?"

In the distance, the people of Ji Ling Academy, their entire world has been subverted.

The strong man they thought was killed by two sentences, just two sentences, ignorant and ridiculous, just like that.

Lin Tian also watched this scene sluggishly, and the dark shadow man died not far from him.

The explosive sense of power is shocking.

"Huh! Kid, remember, I will find you again, you can't get rid of my nightmare, I see who can protect you forever."

The strong man in the dark just now heard a voice from a hundred miles away.

"He didn't die, but fled."

Everyone was shocked, the good guy's body was directly broken, he was not dead yet, and he wanted to hunt down Lin Tian.

"Haha, you'd better fix yourself first, shrink your head."

Lin Tian's voice resounded loudly in this sky

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and they were all speechless. Lin Tian was indeed a bit arrogant.

"How many, are you still fighting?"

Elder Mi looked at a few people and stopped at this moment.

The five powerhouses also consciously stopped their shots. The appearance of the mysterious powerhouse just now made them feel an unprecedented crisis.

Does this mean that once they take action on Lin Tian, ​​the mysterious strong will kill them, and the reason why they haven't done it is entirely because they haven't hurt Lin Tian yet.

"Hmph, today he escaped a catastrophe, and one day, he will die in our hands."

Taoist Tiemu gave a cold snort, then turned into a magic rainbow and left here.

The other four people gave Lin Tian a fierce look, as if to remember Lin Tian's appearance, hard to remember.


The four also left.

In the void, a rainbow of divine rainbows cut through the void.

This shocked everyone in the distance. It seemed that there were more than five powerhouses, and the natural treasures and secret techniques in Lin Tian's body all aroused the curiosity and pursuit of many powerhouses.

Therefore, they came here to wait in ambush, just to hunt down Lin Tian.

Lin Tian at the moment finally felt a lot more relaxed.

The chasing of everyone is too terrifying. The five powerhouses are not afraid of being fake when facing him. Lin Tian is only in the realm of Emperor Yuan, and naturally he can't win. Any powerhouse can crush him.

"You brat, you are scared."

Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian with a smile, somewhat surprised.

With this, Lin Tian smiled faintly and said: "It's okay, I know Elder Mi you will come."

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