What Lin Tian said, the elder Mi just couldn't laugh or cry for a while, this kid wanted to cause trouble for himself every day.

"Your kid made such a big disturbance and appeared blatantly. I'm afraid it won't work if I don't show up. In the future, others will say that the students of the Ji Ling Academy are good bullies."

Elder Mi had a smile on his face, and in Lin Tian's eyes, it was a bit cute.

"Haha, it really is different, the kid is good." At this moment, Ouyang Cliff looked at Lin Tian, ​​slightly satisfied.

"Thank you Senior Ouyang for your rescue. Daeen doesn't say thank you, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

Lin Tian looked at Ouyang Cliff with gratitude. The person who can help you in times of crisis is Mi's life.

For such people, Lin Tian is very grateful.

For this, Ouyang Duanya smiled and said: "You don't have to thank me. I just came to help you because of the girl and the kid in my house. This fact proves that their eyes are still Good bye."

Speaking of Ouyang Cliff, it turned into a magic rainbow and left quickly.

Lin Tian looked confused, girl boy?

Ouyang's family, suddenly he understood, this should mean that Ouyang He and Ouyang broke the ice.

He knew these two people from Ouyang's family. The arrival of Ouyang Cliff should be attributed to them, but it has been a long time since I saw the two of them. I didn't expect the love to still exist, which made Lin Tian's heart warm.

"Hey, you guys have a lot of favors. Tell me, who is this?"

Elder Mi looked at Venerable Qingyue next to him with a smile on his face.

"This is my friend, Venerable Qingyue, from Donglin Lingzhou." Lin Tianli introduced Venerable Qingyue.

Venerable Qingyue paused slightly when he heard this.


When Lin Tian introduced them, he specifically emphasized that they were friends, not slaves. This was undoubtedly protecting the self-esteem of Venerable Qingyue.

Because if others knew that Venerable Qingyue was Lin Tian's servant, Venerable Qingyue would be laughed at by many people, and those people would not care about her self-esteem.

Moreover, think about it, the Tianyuan realm served as a slave to the Yuandi realm. If he had a strong background, Lin Tian had been hunted down for a long time, so everyone would naturally find it strange.

"Oh, then you have to thank people, I heard that this girl was escorted you back from Donglin Lingzhou, not to mention your group of brothers, seeing you is crazy, we should go back quickly."

Elder Mi suddenly saw the people rushing from a distance, and it was a headache.

Qiao Lang, Lin Heng and others rushed frantically, looking happy and happy.

"Okay, thank you Elder Mi, I will talk to them first and then talk to you about what happened this year."

"Okay, your kid finally has some conscience."

With that said, Elder Mi just went to the void, leaving this place to Lin Tian and Qiao Lang.

When he left, he took a special look at Venerable Qingyue, and Elder Mi naturally heard that the relationship between the two was not as simple as imagined.

It's just that if Lin Tian didn't say anything, he wouldn't break it.

"Boss, you're finally back, boss..."

At this time, Qiao Lang called out in waves, looking extremely excited, Lin Tian flew towards everyone with a smile.

Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at this scene with a strange expression on his face.

She could feel that the group of people in front were all happy and happy for Lin Tian's return.

In order to think that Lin Tian still has so many friends, Venerable Qingyue was inexplicably surprised. This guy has such a mean and troublesome character, and there are so many friends.

"Boss, you are finally back, let me see if you are hurt?"

"Brother Lin, you really made us wait, you beast..." Feng Yang almost burst into tears with excitement, looking very sensational.

"Just come back."

Old Ghost Fengxue didn't have much words, it was the same as before, but it could be seen that he was happy in his eyes.

A group of people, a relationship, it is difficult to tell, everyone is extremely happy about Lin Tian's return.

"Well, go back, and I will treat you well. I have a lot of fresh meat here, hehe."

Lin Tian smiled sinfully, and everyone looked happy, because they all knew what did Lin Tian mean when he said this?

It means that he has spirit beast meat in his hands, ready to barbecue.

"Long live the boss!"

A group of people rushed to Lin Tian's yard, talking and laughing along the way.

"Boss, you were really a wise martial artist just now..."

Mou Yan is all sorts of flattering, Lin Tian couldn't laugh or cry, this guy used all the wrong words.

And here is very happy, and some people are just very unhappy.

For example, Zhang Yuxuan, there are people from the five major forces.

The siege failed, and the news spread across the entire Arctic Lingzhou in an instant, and everyone was in an uproar, but it failed.

The five powerhouses, it is said that there are secretly powerful players, but the results are all failures. It is said that the final word is the mysterious powerhouse, killing the body of a Tianyuan powerhouse and shocking everyone, so it is to let everyone leave.

It was such a rumor that shocked everyone, a mysterious powerhouse, they could imagine how terrifying it was.

Tianyuan powerhouses are all random bombardments.

"Is Lin Tian really the offspring of a strong hermit?"

"I suspect that Lin Tian is a descendant of the Ouyang family. He just changed his name and was hidden by Xue. Otherwise, how could the Ouyang family take action?"

"Yes, very likely."

"What you said is wrong. I suspect that he is the illegitimate son of the deputy dean of the Extreme Spirit Academy. If the deputy dean is an absolute powerhouse, will it be the deputy dean who made the shot?"

"But it is rumored that the strong man came from thousands of miles away, but Ji Ling Academy is right by."


A group of people, all kinds of rumors, everything.

Many people say that Lin Tian is the illegitimate child of a peerless strong man. If Lin Tian hears it, I'm afraid he will have to cry and laugh for two days.

These guys can really make up.

But in fact, Lin Tian himself didn't know who was the mysterious powerhouse? Because he didn't hear it at all, who did that voice belong to?

However, the sound is illusory, just let people listen carefully, I'm afraid it will be fruitless.

When night came, the entire Jilin Academy became lively inexplicably.

In Lin Tian's yard, the inexplicable thing is to become crowded.

Those who admire, as well as some old acquaintances of Lin Tian, ​​are here.

Everyone was excited about Lin Tian's return.

And Lin Tian also communicated with many people, but found that some people did not show up, just in order not to affect everyone's mood, he did not ask.

"Boss, today we must not get drunk or return!"

Qiao Lang, Lin Heng, and Mou Yan directly used wine to fill Lin Tian.

"Okay, come on!"

Lin Tian smiled wildly, letting go, and it's been a long time since he felt so happy.

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