I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 983: Tianyuan threshold

For such questioning, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then he said: "Perhaps, it is because of race."

"Well, I'm right, but the more important thing is that they have different cultivation methods."

"Humanized places have a wide natural territory, and everyone can exist. For example, Xishan Lingzhou is basically a land of Buddhism, and the natural territory is relatively small."

After listening to this, Lin Tian finally understood something.

At this time, Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian mysteriously, and said: "And among the many continents, the most mysterious and highest level is Zhongzhou. I wonder if you have heard of a rumor?"


Lin Tian answered decisively.

"You kid, I didn't say anything, but I can tell you now that it is the legend that all eight continents split from the middle continent."


Listening to this kid, Lin Tian was slightly shocked, there is still such a thing.

It seems that Zhongzhou's position among the nine continents is quite lofty and mysterious.

Inexplicably, Lin Tian just thought of one thing, and that is his life experience. If he really comes from Zhongzhou, who is he? Let the Valkyrie react so much.

I couldn't figure it out for a while, Lin Tianzhimen buried his doubts in his heart.

At this time, it seems impossible to rip it apart. Some truths and mysteries will eventually need to be solved step by step.

"Well, now you should understand that Central Continent is mysterious and terrifying, and do you know how difficult it is to enter Central Continent? It is difficult for ordinary people to enter Central Continent."

"Well, there are those difficulties. It shouldn't be the same as other continents, just teleport and enter."

Lin Tian proposed it at will at this time.

What this said, Elder Mi just smiled happily, as if laughing at Lin Tian's ignorance.

Elder Mi narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Tiandao: "To enter the Middle Continent, you need to reach the Holy Spirit Continent, and you can enter the Holy Spirit Continent with the consent of the senior leaders of the Holy Spirit Continent.

"What? So strict?"

Lin Tian seemed to hear a feeling of entering a high level, as if Zhongzhou was a secret base, and if everyone wanted to enter, they had to go through many selections before they had a chance to enter.

It sounds a bit surprising.

"Well, it's that strict, now you know how difficult it is to enter Central Continent."

Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian with a smile, and he felt a little surprised to Lin Tian. He also felt very good.

At least let Lin Tian understand that he often surprises others, that is not right.

"Okay, I see. Actually, I want to know, what is there in Central Continent? Why is it so difficult to remember? Are there secrets of invisible people, or possess countless treasures of heaven and earth, with limited resources , Can’t let people into the snatch.”

What this said, the vice president and Elder Mi just looked at Lin Tian with weird faces.

"Everything you said is basically there, but we don't know the underlying reasons. You still need to explore it yourself, otherwise everything is vain."

Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian, ​​and when he said this, Lin Tian felt helpless.

The meaning of this is that the front is still a long way, and everything must depend on oneself after all.

As far as Lin Tian is concerned, it seems that a lot of things are on his own, and of course there are systems.

"All right, the deputy dean, do you mean you want me to go to Central Continent?"

Lin Tian looked at the two and understood what they meant. The two had also said very clearly just now that there is a genius selection in Zhongzhou. If Lin Tian can be selected and reach the standard, it will surely soar into the sky.

"Well, we very much hope that you can be selected and go to Central Continent."

Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian with a smile, his eyes full of expectation.

For this, Lin Tian opened his mouth curiously: "So, Zhongzhou must have what you need, can you tell me? Deputy Dean."

The two of them were surprised by Lin Tian's cleverness.

Lin Tian is often different from other people's attention.

When others hear this, they will definitely be unable to fall asleep with excitement, because Middle Continent is so mysterious and powerful.

If you have this opportunity to participate, you must fight for it.

"I will naturally tell you about this, but now your strength has not yet reached the conditions for entering the selected continent."

"Well, what does this mean? Is it necessary to reach the peak of Emperor Yuan?"

Lin Tian said in surprise at this time.

Going to Central Continent by yourself shouldn't ask for such a horror.

Looking at other continents, I'm afraid to say that his young genius, who has reached the peak of the Yuan Emperor realm, can be counted with one hand, and it can even be said that there is no or no existence.

As for Lin Tian's words, Elder Mi just smiled.

"Boy, do you really think Zhongzhou only has a little weight in your heart? I tell you quietly, don't be too surprised."

Elder Mi had a smile on his face.

These words made Lin Tian stunned slightly, wondering what he meant?

"Only at the Tianyuan realm can you qualify for the selected continent."


In an instant, Lin Tian stood up directly, the whole person was horrified and could not tell.

Among these continents, the Tianyuan realm is a group of people standing on the pyramid.

And the selection of geniuses in Xuanzhou needed Tianyuan realm, so he was sure he heard it right.

"You must be questioning the authenticity of all this, but I tell you that this is the most true answer at present, there is no one."

Elder Mi said indifferently.

It seemed that they were very satisfied with Lin Tian's reaction.

For Lin Tian, ​​he was very dissatisfied with the answer.

This seemed to show that he had no qualifications to be selected now, and it was a blow to Lin Tian inexplicably.

Although he used to not care about this feeling very much, even comparing with others, but the threshold set by this middle continent sounds a bit fanciful.

"I can understand the thoughts in my heart, and I definitely think all this is a joke, but Zhongzhou has the mysterious and powerful that you can't imagine, so do you still have the confidence to go now?"

Elder Mi said so and looked at Lin Tian sharply.

The deputy dean also stared at Lin Tian. In this world, some people chose to bow their heads in the face of a terrible future, but some people chose to face the difficulties.

However, those who bow their heads and face difficulties have different endings.

"I have this confidence."

Lin Tian said it without hesitation at this time.

"Okay, it's good for you to have this confidence. There are still five years away from the selection time. You can prepare slowly, and you should start preparing now."

Five years?

Lin Tian looked at the two people in front of him. The two people thought so long ago that the selection after five years now tells himself.

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