I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 984: The disappearance of Zhou Shanshan

For Lin Tian, ​​five years have made him feel very long inexplicably.

Calculating like this, wouldn't the two of them be afraid of any accidents they had in the past five years?

Lin Tian looked at the two men helplessly at this moment.

At this moment, the two deputy deans looked at Lin Tian with smiles on their faces.

"I know your thoughts, but I believe that you will not have these thoughts when you reach that state in five years. And you kid, don't think about yourself as a short-lived person. You have gone through so many pursuits and killings. Come down."

Elder Mi said with a light smile on his face.

Lin Tian was a little speechless when he heard this.

This is light, and how long will it take to reach that realm by oneself!

Besides, how can I survive after being hunted for so long? Of course it is because of my luck and plug-ins.

If it weren't because he owns a system that no one else can own, I'm afraid I don't know how many times it has been linked.

"Well, elder, you are right. I really think too much now. I'd better practice first."

Lin Tian said with a face of silence.

"Hey, your kid is angry, I just said, I want to take you to a place to practice, you think about it, do you need it?"

"Well, where? Deputy Dean."

Lin Tian looked curious about where it was? But I asked clearly.

"It's where you brought back the token to open, which is very beneficial to your cultivation, and some geniuses in the academy, I will also bring some in. You will be the pillars of the Extreme Spirit Academy in the future."


Lin Tian felt inexplicably Alexander after hearing this.

Because what the dean said in front of him meant that they had to support them.

But for him, if he can't hold it up, that's another matter. Now he still has to cultivate well.

Lin Tian was very interested in the selection of geniuses in Zhongzhou, because he thought that he would go to Zhongzhou to investigate his own life experience and his enemies.

"Okay, wherever the deputy dean says it is, I will go to practice. I believe that the five visions of the deputy dean must be the best."

Lin Tian flattered with a smile on his face.

The vice president just smiled indifferently.

"You kid, you really like talking. I will show you in a few days. You can make a decision. As for what I promised you, your current strength is still impossible, so you still need to improve. Let’s talk about it when Yuan Emperor is at his peak."

What else can Lin Tian say when the deputy dean says this? He can only accept it.

Because the deputy dean in front of him meant that he was not qualified.

He wanted to kill the five powers, at least he dared to speak at the peak of Emperor Yuan.

This inexplicable made Lin Tian feel helpless, didn't he say he would rush after he got back? Now it is stranded.

But if the vice president is here, Lu Chen can't say anything? Too much talk at this time, it seems to be embarrassing.

"Okay, go down."

The vice president is driving away the two Lin Tian.

Hearing these words, Lin Tian was a little embarrassed, and Elder Mi was also embarrassed, and immediately took Lin Tian and left.

In response to this situation, Lin Tian smiled slightly and said: "Okay, let's go down first."

With that said, the two went down.

The deputy dean looked at the two figures and smiled faintly.

"Hey, your kid is amazing. Others just want to stay with the deputy dean for a while without a chance. If you have a chance, don't fight for it."

Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian with a smile, a little speechless.

As for this, Lin Tian was taken aback for a while and then smiled: "What do you do if you stay longer? Will I have an extra piece of meat?"


Elder Mi was speechless for an instant, and he couldn't use common sense to understand Lin Tian in front of him.

"Okay, I said I can't beat you. Your kid thinks carefully about it. The opportunity to go to Central Continent is very rare, and the opportunity to practice is also very rare."

"Ok, I will consider it."

With that said, the two are parting ways.

Lin Tian went straight back.

This time when he came back to Ji Ling Academy, Lin Tian found that there had been too many changes, and many things seemed to disappear. I don't know where they went?

Back in his yard, Lin Tian found that Venerable Qingyue was still cultivating in his room, and he did not bother.

At this time, he actually wanted to meet some people, such as Zhou Shanshan and Ouyang He.

Those who didn't show up, and Zhao Jianrong, didn't know where he went? It is reasonable to know that I am here and I should come to celebrate, but not.

This made Lin Tian puzzled and strange for a while, but there was no other way. They didn't come, so he shouldn't be able to persecute him.


At this time, a huge figure appeared outside Lin Tian's yard. Lin Tian was slightly taken aback for this figure, barbarian.

Seeing the barbarian in front of him, Lin Tian was surprised for a while, because the barbarian's cultivation had reached the third level of the Yuan Emperor.

This cultivation speed is too fast.

"Boss, you are finally back, I miss you so much."

Manzi looked at Lin Tian happily, his huge body rushed directly into the yard, just to give Lin Tian a hug.

In response to this situation, Lin Tian quickly stopped him in front of him.


Lin Tian looked at Barbarian and understood his excitement very much, but it was awkward no matter how he was being held by him.

"Okay, the boss didn't expect you to come back. I thought that guy Lin Heng lied to me."

There was a smile that couldn't be hidden on the face of the barbarian.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian also smiled.

In this world, whether there is a group or a person who is worried about you or caring about you, it makes people happy, at least it makes you feel that at least it is quite meaningful.

There are such a group of people who are silently caring about you.

For Lin Tian, ​​it is worth it.

"Come, sit down and have a drink with the two of us."

Lin Tian looked at Manzi. He hadn't had a drink with Manzi when he came back?

"Okay, boss."

Manzi looked happy, and he was happiest to be able to drink with Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian looked at Manzi happy, he was naturally happy.


The two of them had a cup after another, and they seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Barbarian, have you seen Zhou Shanshan?"

Lin Tian asked Barbarian at this time.

"Boss, you said Sister Zhou, since you left a year ago, she has been out of the college, there is no news."

What the Barbarian said, slightly strange, he thought Zhou Shanshan had found Lin Tian, ​​so Lin Tian came back, but he has not yet learned that Lin Tian had a big battle. For Barbarian, he is always practicing in retreat. .


There was a trace of worry in Lin Tian's eyes, and Zhou Shanshan's disappearance made him feel uncomfortable.

My own disappearance may have caused too many problems.

However, thinking too much at this time seems to be useless.

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