With that, Feng Yang went back.

Lin Tian looked into the distance with a faint sadness in his eyes.

"Why? I want to save your little lover. If you want to, I can accompany you. If you publish my subordinates in the Tianyuan realm, those people will naturally not underestimate you."

Venerable Qingyue spoke at this time.

Listening to this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, Aunt Linti smiled bitterly: "Qingyue, what you think is simple. It's not your own strength. After all, it's not your own. I'm afraid I will announce it. Those people are more curious about how I control you instead of respect I."

Lin Tian spotted the problem at a glance.

Regarding this, Venerable Qingyue was taken aback for a moment, but Lin Tian didn't expect Lin Tian to see it quite thoroughly.

However, Lin Tian had been chased for so long, he should also be very aware of these situations.

"All right, if that's the case, then forget it."

With that said, Venerable Qingyue just continued to practice.

Lin Tian looked at the sky, the sky here was still the same blue, but it was no longer the smell he had seen before.

He used to be weak and incompetent, but he didn't have so much worry in his heart. However, after that, the system appeared, so everything changed.

He is extremely powerful now, and the worry in his heart has become very much. For Lin Tian, ​​he doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

"Master, if you don't worry about it. Your meaning in this world will seem more confused."

Xiaodu's voice came, seeming to remind Lin Tian not to get lost.

"Hey, Xiaodu, you guy, I forgot, no matter when, there will be you with me."

Lin Tian didn't feel lonely anymore. Although it was only an existence in the illusion, he and Lin Tian had already formed a feeling of being inseparable.

If there is no Xiaodu in his body one day, Lin Tian will definitely feel very uncomfortable.

At least, Lin Tian couldn't accept it.

The Xiaodu who used to accompany me all the way will disappear invisibly.

"Xiaodu, you fellow, you said that one day you become substantive, what will it become?"

Lin Tian asked curiously.

"Hey, what do you want me to become, Master? What do I become?"

"I'm going, really? If you become Lori Yujie or something..."

In an instant, Lin Tian began to fantasize.

All kinds of scenes seem to be a bit crazy, and Xiaodu is still a modern person.

"Master, you are too bad, I don't want to talk to you at the moment."

Don't say, Xiaodu's words really smell like some women.


At this time, the sound of footsteps came, and Lin Tian listened and was taken aback for a moment, only to see a figure walking in from outside.

"Ouyang breaks the ice!"

Lin Tian looked slightly surprised at Ouyang breaking the ice, this guy who has been in the coffin all the year round, under normal circumstances, would not find himself.

This time I came to find myself, I'm afraid something is wrong.

"Is there any wine?"

Ouyang Bing Bing looked at Lin Tian, ​​and suddenly asked this question, which made Lin Tian even more puzzled.

Everyone knows that Ouyang Breaking the Ice is very cold, not to mention drinking, even talking, you can feel his coldness.

Although he looks a little fat, but this seems a bit majestic.

"Well, yes, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Tian asked slightly, anyhow this is also his future brother-in-law.

"Hmph, I didn't do anything, I just felt a little uncomfortable, so I wanted to drink with you."

"Hey, you still have some discomfort."

Lin Tian looked at Ouyang Breaking the Ice in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Give me wine."

With that said, Lin Tian showed up with her daughter red, and Ouyang Breaking Bing just came to drink.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tian was astonished for a while, this guy should be okay, otherwise he wouldn't drink so much.

"Oh, tell me, what happened?"

"Ouyang He will marry soon, do you know?"

Ouyang Bing Bing suddenly talked about this, which made Lin Tian stunned slightly. Was it upset because of this? To be honest, he was also upset.

"Well, I know something, can you be more specific?"

Lin Tian wanted to know some news from Ouyang Breaking the Ice, but Feng Yang didn't tell him the news.

"What I can tell you is that you are weak now, and you still need to improve your strength."

As Ouyang Breaking Bing said, it was crazy drinking, and the whole person seemed to be starting to get drunk.

This situation made Lin Tian helpless for a while.

Isn't it the same as Fengyang?

"You are from the Ouyang family, how is Ouyang He now?"

Lin Tian missed the cute Ouyang He who followed him.

"She is okay now, but occasionally talks about you. I haven't seen her for months."

With that said, Ouyang Breached the Ice just to stand up, drank all the wine in his hand, then grabbed the wine next to him and drank it again.

In such a situation, Lin Tian felt distressed for his wine for a while, but in his heart, he felt even more distressed for Ouyang He. What did he experience in Ouyang's house?

"But I tell you, her love for you has never been broken, I just hate my inability to change all of this, and I am not satisfied with the so-called smelly family, you work hard."

With that said, Ouyang Breaking the Bing left here with a pot of wine.

Lin Tian looked at the empty wine bottle on the table with mixed emotions in his eyes.

Judging from this situation, it all shows that Ouyang He must have been unhappy at this moment.

However, he doesn't seem to have much ability to change all of this now.

The only way is to strengthen yourself and make yourself more terrifying.

"Maybe, I should fight hard, but when did I not fight hard?"

Lin Tian smiled bitterly, he was working hard all the time, but facing these families that had been rooted for a hundred years, with a strong heritage, he still seemed thin.

"Boy, what do you think? The vice president is looking for you, come here quickly."

A voice came from the void.

This was the voice of Elder Mi, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, Elder Mi's strength was still very terrifying, and the sound was directly transmitted to him.

"Okay, Elder Mi, I will come right away."

With that said, Lin Tian just went outside.

As for Venerable Qingyue, he must still be practicing well.

Before long, Lin Tian arrived at Elder Mi's residence.

Among them, the vice president and elder Mi were inside. They were drinking tea at the moment. The two of them had no other hobbies. They were basically drinking tea.

"Here, how are you thinking about it?"

The deputy dean poured a cup of tea and motioned Lin Tian to sit down.

"Associate Dean, I..."

At this time, Lin Tian wanted to say something, but was still silent.

For this situation, the deputy dean was aware of it.

"Well, if you don't want to go, I won't force you, but you have to understand that if you practice alone, you may not make any progress after one or two years. When the time is five years, you will have no chance in Zhongzhou."

The vice president seemed to be seducing Lin Tian.

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