I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 987: Han Shuangyue's whereabouts

Lin Tian naturally understood what the deputy dean meant, but there were still some things in his heart that he couldn't let go of.

"Associate Dean, I know, it's just that I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I still want to stick to my own path."

Lin Tian said solemnly, without joking at all.

In response to this, the deputy dean sighed helplessly: "Okay, in that case. I'll take your kid to have a look. You can decide whether to go after reading it?"

As he said, the deputy dean waved his hand.

Lin Tian instantly felt that the space had shifted, and his whole person, as if not following his own command, moved in the space.

The deputy dean next to him continued to have tea with Elder Mi, and the two were not affected at all.

"Good tea, Elder Mi, you bring a little more back next time."

"Hey, you don't know the deputy dean, those guys at the Holy Spirit Academy are really stingy."

The two were talking in their ears, Lin Tian could hear clearly, but he was a little dizzy, making him unable to see clearly.


In an instant, Lin Tian felt like he had landed.

A strong energies of heaven and earth hit Lin Tian's heart, because his pores seemed to open in an instant.

Looking at the front, there are drops of clock emulsion, dripping in front.

And in the hot spring ahead, that is considered to be the condensation of the heaven and earth vitality, the heaven and earth vitality in this place is completely dozens of times that of the outside world.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian was shocked.

This is a treasure land, larger than any place for cultivation in the Academy, and even more advantageous.

"how about it?"

The deputy dean's faint voice came. This was to ask Lin Tian how he felt?

"This is too extravagant."

Lin Tian finally said this sentence, yes, it is indeed too extravagant here, a bit too extravagant, whoever cultivates here is simply getting the best resources.

These things are simply impossible without the accumulation of hundreds of years or thousands of years.

"Okay, since you also know how extravagant these things are, are you tempted?" The vice president looked at Lin Tian as if he was tempting a child.

But Lin Tian smiled slightly.

"Associate Dean, I still have to think about it, sorry."

What this said, the vice president just wanted to punch Lin Tian, ​​and the elder Mi who was next to him couldn't help it.

"You kid is quite picky. No one else has this opportunity. You don't want this opportunity if you give you this opportunity."

Hearing this, Lin Tian immediately smiled and said: "Elder Mi, I really didn't think well. You don't care about me. By the way, if you come in, how long will it take to practice before you can go out?"

"It must be two years as the standard. As soon as you come in for cultivation, you can put your heart and soul into it, and you will not think about external affairs at all. Besides, when you reach the breakthrough of Tianyuan, do you really think that it is two days a day? Five years of cultivation talent is the shortest."

Elder Mi looked at Lin Tian and said so.

When Lin Tian listened, he naturally understood.

To break through Tianyuan, five years seems to be really short.

Just here, it seems that there is nothing impossible to do, just need endless resources, and if you stay here, it will undoubtedly be your own crazy cultivation, and spirit stones are impossible to get.

Therefore, Lin Tian now faces a choice.

Either practise safely here and wait for a breakthrough, or go out and continue to look for resources to make a breakthrough.

"Hey, Elder Mi, I understand, I still think about it."

Lin Tian said this to make both of them have the urge to beat him.

"Okay, let your kid think, think hard."

The vice-president hated that iron can't make steel, as if there is no other way, he immediately waved his hand, and Lin Tian once again experienced the feeling of spatial rotation.

After coming back, Lin Tian found that the two of them just drank tea on their own, completely ignoring themselves.

This is a bit embarrassing. Obviously, the two of them are angry. Regarding this situation, Lin Tian said cleverly: "Vice President, Elder Mi, I will go down first. Drink slowly."

With that said, Lin Tian left in a hurry.

That kind of speed is completely different from human beings.

This made the vice president and elder Mi want to pick up the tea cup in their hands and directly clean up Lin Tian.

"This kid, I'm so angry."

The deputy dean looked angry.

In response to this, Elder Mi said helplessly: "I don't know what he is thinking about a day? Such a good opportunity, no one else wants it, I really don't understand."

For Lin Tian, ​​Elder Mi felt that he rarely understood.

"Hey, after all, he has his own way. I hope he can really get through."

As the deputy chief said, he took a sip of tea, and Lin Tian also returned to his yard.

After returning, there was no one else, he still sat down, quietly thinking about where to go.

A retreat is at least two years, or even five years. Who knows what happens during this period?

And in Lin Tian's heart, there is another concern, and that is Ouyang He.

If you go in to retreat and practice and wait for yourself to come out, but Ouyang He will marry someone. At that time, I am afraid that your intestines will be regretful. There is no way.

"No, I decided, I won't enter."

Lin Tian spoke at this time.

For these words, Venerable Qingyue naturally heard clearly.

"When you speak, don't be surprised, it will easily affect my cultivation."

Venerable Qingyue's voice came.

"Okay, Qingyue, practice hard, be stronger, and protect me."

Lin Tian said with a smile on his face. It sounded like eating soft rice.

"Huh, I know."

However, Venerable Qingyue still responded to Lin Tian.

For Venerable Qingyue, protecting Lin Tian seemed to be her duty.

In this way, Lin Tian began to enter the normal training program in the academy, occasionally doing crazy exercises in the training tower. Now he has been able to reach the sixth floor and has persisted.

Then I went to Xianxia Island and practiced crazy.

In a blink of an eye, a few months passed and everything seemed calm.

And all of this, when Lin Tian returned from practicing, he felt the vibrations coming from around him.

"Huh? Yin Qi."

Lin Tian frowned.


A tearing voice sounded, and a figure rushed towards him.

Lin Tian was taken aback for this person, this was Zhang Yuxuan.

That is, Zhang Zhenbei's son, he used to be, but he wanted to kill this guy, but he didn't expect it to be delivered now.


In an instant, Lin Tian shot.


Zhang Yuxuan at this moment was directly beaten into flight.


Zhang Yuxuan's eyes showed anger, and the bones all over his body were shattered again, and he became a useless person again.

"Sorry, you are not far from death. I won't kill you. You just came to die by yourself. You can't blame me."

Lin Tian smiled lightly, showing no sympathy for Zhang Yuxuan in front of him.

Because this guy, from beginning to end, took the initiative to provoke himself.

"Hahaha, I'm dead, it was buried with someone, do you remember your mentor? Han Shuangyue, you must have forgotten, but she never forgets you, hahaha...cough cough cough..."

Zhang Yuxuan coughed instantly and blood ran all over the place.

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