I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 993: Three Eyed Monster

The route appeared. Then it's easy to find.

A look of surprise appeared in Lin Tian's eyes, which made the Venerable Qingyue next to him stared for a moment. Is there anything so happy about this?

Lin Tian in front of him seems to have found someone?

"What are you happy about?" Venerable Qingyue still couldn't help but asked Lin Tian in front of him, a little surprised in his eyes.

"No, I feel her breath now, you follow me." Lin Tian took the lead directly in front of him.

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian's advancing step, and was puzzled, because she didn't know, what was Lin Tian doing? How come you want to move forward so suddenly.

And so sure, why didn't she feel any breath?

"Don't doubt, just follow me."

Lin Tian walked forward. At this time, he had no time to explain too much. The only way was to move on by himself.

Only finding Han Shuangyue was Lin Tian's goal.

"Okay, I believe you." Venerable Qingyue was following Lin Tian at this time. Although she was wondering why Lin Tian was so sure, she still chose to be sure.

"Well, thank you."

The two of them continued to advance, and there were more and more haze obstacles around them, and some of them were poisonous, but fortunately, they were all blocked by the power of Venerable Azure Moon.

However, this made Lin Tian more worried, worried that Han Shuangyue would be okay?

"Speed ​​up, Qingyue."


Lin Tian quickly followed the route in his mind, no matter what appeared in front of him? He had to bite the bullet and rush down at the moment.

Now that there is hope, he does not want to wait any longer.

"Master, be careful, there seems to be danger ahead."

A reminder from Xiaodu, what Xiaodu said must be true, and Lin Tian slowed down at this moment.

"Be careful, it's dangerous."

Venerable Qingyue also spoke at this time.

Unconsciously, the two came to a valley. The top of the valley seemed to be a cliff hanging down horizontally. If anyone fell from the top, he would die.


Suddenly a flood dragon rushed out frantically from the side, and the mouth of the blood basin opened in an instant, looking terrifying.

"this is………"

Lin Tian was shocked, and saw Venerable Qingyue take action.


The dragon flew upside down, glanced at Venerable Qingyue with trepidation, and then went away into the smog again, never looking back.

This was enough to see that the water dragon in front of him was very intelligent, otherwise he would not be able to measure the gap between himself and Venerable Qingyue.

"Be careful, it's weird everywhere."

Venerable Qingyue looked around vigilantly, this was just for Lin Tian's advice.

At these words, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Well, I will pay attention. Let's move on."

With that said, Lin Tian is leading the way, and Venerable Qingyue is responsible for all the surrounding situations.

In any sudden situation, she must ensure Lin Tian's safety. After all, Lin Tian will not be able to live if Lin Tian is dead, and her cultivation is more terrifying than Lin Tian, ​​so injuries like this will hardly happen.

I saw the black haze in front of me, looking very strange and scary, as if there was a demon in it, watching the two men eagerly, and might rush out at any time.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​he was inexplicably panicked.

This shows that there must be a big horror in this black haze, otherwise I wouldn't feel that way.

Fortunately, the route he suggested did not pass through the black haze.


Suddenly there was such a vibrating sound from the front.

"What breath?"

Venerable Qingyue appeared alert in his face at this moment, and found Lin Tian in front of him in an instant.

This made Lin Tian stunned, and immediately he also felt the breath ahead.


The breath is getting closer and closer, and it seems to be directed at the two.

"This is the breath of the Tianyuan realm. As soon as any danger occurs, you must stay away."

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a solemn expression on his face.

Hearing this, Lin Tian was moved in his heart. He nodded and said, "Well, I will. Be careful."

As he said, Lin Tian stepped back, keeping a distance from Venerable Qingyue, but at this time, he was still a little worried, because of this breath, he also felt that it was not easy.


I saw a terrible beast with blood-red eyes. It was ten feet tall and powerful, as if it could burst this world apart at any time. A terrible breath made the oppressive Lin Tian difficult to breathe.

If it were not for the protection enchantment given to him by Venerable Qingyue, I'm afraid he would be directly limp on the ground.

This Nine Nether Land, really is not his cultivation base can enter.

Even the Tianyuan realm seems to be struggling, which shows that there must be an extremely terrifying existence in the Nine Nether Land.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian still had to worry about Han Shuangyue in his mind.

And that fierce beast, with its palms as thick as a giant ape, and a red eye in the middle of its head, with a total of three eyes, which looked extremely strange.

This three-eyed fierce beast stared at Venerable Qingyue with blood red eyes, as if trying to kill her here.


The three-eyed fierce beast rushed to Venerable Qingyue fiercely, making Lin Tian feel nervous.

"Yuehua World!"

In an instant, a long ruler in Venerable Qingyue's hand, which was the spiritual weapon of Venerable Qingyue, hit the three-eyed monster in an instant.


The three-eyed monster was beaten back, but there was no wound on his body.

"This is really rough and thick skin!" Lin Tian looked at from a distance, surprised in his heart. The body of this three-eyed monster was really strong, and the attack on the Tianyuan realm did not cause any injuries.

Venerable Qingyue naturally saw it too, her expression serious.

"Moon comes!"

An extremely full moon light appeared in the hands of Venerable Qingyue.


A black power appeared inexplicably in the palm of the three-eyed monster. Although it looked small, it felt dangerous.

"Qingyue is in danger!"

Lin Tian felt inexplicably that this time it must have been fierce, because he obviously felt that the black power was too terrifying and powerful.

However, at this time, no matter how much thinking is in vain, once the war starts, it will be endless.


The two powers crashed crazily, and the thin body of Venerable Qingyue was shot into the air in an instant, and fell to the ground fiercely.

"Puff puff!!!"

Venerable Qingyue was stained with blood in his long clothes, his breath weakened slightly, and his face became paler.


She looked back at Lin Tian and shouted, just to make Lin Tian leave here quickly, the fierce beast in front of her was so powerful that she was no opponent at all.

Lin Tian looked at it with horror in his eyes.

"Chaos Wings!"

Lin Tian disappeared before his eyes, appeared beside Venerable Qingyue in a blink of an eye, and directly embraced Venerable Qingyue.


The attack of the three-eyed monster struck, smashing the sky-like attack, making Lin Tian's scalp numb, and the mere attack made him unbearable.

Lin Tian unfolded the Chaos Divine Wing, just trying to avoid it.


At the moment, he finally took Venerable Qingyue to escape, but his back was injured by the power of the fierce beast, and the bones of his back heard a "click" sound, which broke directly.

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