I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 994: Golden lion

Lin Tian was shocked, this guy was so powerful that he was boundless.

It was just a little bit of power that broke his back directly, but fortunately he repaired it immediately, and then stepped back.

Lin Tian felt that his speed was a little slower at this moment, I was afraid it would be too late to cry even for a while.

This three-eyed monster was terrifying, beyond the ordinary. Venerable Qingyue was seriously injured in just a moment, and it was conceivable that the three-eyed monster was terrifying.


At this time, behind the three-eyed monster, there were roaring voices full of anger.

"What? There are fierce beasts. This Jiuyou land is really the land of gods and demons. Where did I come?"

Lin Tian was shocked, feeling that he had broken into the world of gods and demons. The fierce beasts here are stronger than one, and the other is more terrifying and strange. How can the people who come in survive?

Just as Lin Tian was about to give up, when he was strong enough to have enough strength, the Three-Eyed Fierce Beast didn't chase the two of them, but turned to look at the place where it roared.

"Huh? Wait."

Venerable Qingyue spoke at this moment and found some abnormalities.

Hearing this, Lin Tian looked at it, and found that the three-eyed fierce beast was looking ahead, not knowing what he was staring at? The blood-red eyes became more radiant, as if bleeding were going to be bleeding.

This terrifying sight made the entire Jiuyou Land even more strange and terrifying.

"Is this guy calling out his friends?"

As Lin Tian said, he just stepped back to ensure that he would have enough distance and time to escape.

"Wait, I suspect it's weird, maybe it's not summoning a companion, but a fight between the two beasts."

Venerable Qingyue flashed light in his eyes at this time, as if he had seen such a scene before.

This surprised Lin Tian slightly. Will this happen? Why does he feel so slim?

"Believe me, it's very likely this is the case, because I have encountered it once, and it is also in an ancient place, that is the place to become a strong Tianyuan." Venerable Qingyue said at this moment with memories.

"Boom boom!"

The earth is trembling, as if a peerless beast is coming here.

Lin Tian was surprised to find that the three-eyed fierce beast in front of him was trembling as if he was afraid.

Venerable Qingyue stared at the front with piercing eyes, his eyes horrified: "This breath is really terrifying, a fierce beast of the fifth rank of Tianyuan."

Tianyuan fifth order!

What kind of concept is that? It is equivalent to the giants of the five powers outside.

Lin Tian stepped back again, and absolutely couldn't believe intuition at this time.

If you are not careful, it may be the end of the world.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of one after another, in the entire Jiuyou Land, everything is forbidden, only the sound of footsteps, like the sound of heartbeat, is regulating everything around.


Lin Tian and the two were shocked, staring wide-eyed at the behemoth coming out of the smog.

Golden hair, lion head and tiger tail, golden eyes as big as lanterns, looking straight ahead, a breath that shook the world and the earth radiated from this fierce beast.

Venerable Qingyue looked at this ancient beast in shock, and said in shock: "Golden lion, ancient beast, there is such a existence?"

Lin Tian also watched in shock, this ancient strange beast, rumored to be angry is the existence of destroying the heavens and the earth, once angered, the consequences would be disastrous.


The three-eyed fierce beast is roaring at the golden lion, but its body is trembling unconvincingly. This is a kind of suppression of blood.


A force from the golden lion's mouth spit out and hit the three-eyed monster severely.


The three-eyed fierce beast fell directly to the ground and was seriously injured, making it very vulnerable.

"this is………"

Lin Tian watched, this level of suppression was too thorough.


The three-eyed fierce beast stood up, and did not roar at the golden lion anymore. Instead, it rushed into the smog nearby and disappeared here.

And the golden lion's eyes looked straight at Lin Tian and the two again.

Venerable Qingyue's nerves tightened in an instant, and all the strength in his body gathered.

"Be careful, once he moves, we will leave."

These words appeared in Lin Tian's mind, and Lin Tian nodded to express his understanding.

"who are you?"

Once the simple and old voice spit out from the golden lion's mouth.


Lin Tian looked at all this in surprise, the golden lion in front of him could actually speak human words, which was incredible.

Mainly in this place, encountering golden lions talking by ghosts is the most shocking.

If it is outside, the golden lion can't speak, it is shocking. The spirit beast reaches the Yuan Emperor realm, basically it is to open the spiritual wisdom, and naturally can communicate.

"Senior, we just passed by here, and we have no intention of offending." Venerable Qingyue said quickly at this time.

If you offend the golden lion in front of you, that's terrible.

Lin Tian didn't speak, just looking at the golden lion like this, a little trembling in his heart, this golden lion dared to kill even the three-eyed beast, it was terrifying to think about it.

"Huh? You lied about the purpose of coming here, otherwise you will die."

The golden lion's words said, a terrible aura, directly oppressing the two of them, Lin Tian instantly felt unable to move.

Venerable Qingyue was regretful in his heart. Why didn't he leave just now? In this situation, wanting to leave is a problem.

"Senior, we are actually here to find someone. We have to pass by here without intent to offend."

Venerable Qingyue can only confess at this moment. When he encountered an existence like a golden lion, he lied a little, I am afraid that there is no place to bury him.

The Golden Lion just now had already fully understood the warning, and if the two concealed it like this, they would really have to bury their bones here.

"Huh? Looking for someone, who to look for? Those who enter this Nine Nether Land are either dead or crazy. There is no one you are looking for here, so leave quickly."

After that, the golden lion just turned his head, the huge body still looked shocked.

Venerable Qingyue was breathing a sigh of relief. At this moment, Lin Tian suddenly said in a loud voice: "Senior, have you ever seen a woman passing by here, tall, a bit hot."

Venerable Qingyue was surprised by Lin Tian's voice. Lin Tian really dared to ask anything. Facing the golden lion in front of him, he could talk as little as possible.

In case the golden lion is unhappy, they don't have to go out today.

"Humph! There was indeed a woman here before, what did you do with that person? What is your relationship with her?"

The golden lion stopped his body and answered Lin Tian's question. This was something Venerable Qingyue did not expect.

"That person is my teacher, senior, I just wanted to take her back this time. I want to know if she is still alive? Do you know her whereabouts?" Lin Tian looked at the golden lion and told him with an instinct in his heart. , The Golden Lion must know.

I don't know why, this intuition is extremely strong.

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