I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 995: Finally see the mentor

Regarding Lin Tian's words, Venerable Qingyue was beside the golden lion nervously.

At this time, as long as the golden lion became angry, the two would not have to leave.

"Well, I do have her whereabouts, do you have a good relationship with her?"

Venerable Qingyue was stunned that the golden lion actually asked about this kind of thing, which felt a bit wrong.

"She is the best mentor I have ever met, so this time I come here, I must take her out." Lin Tian's eyes were full of firm light, and he said it as if he must do it.

And when the Golden Lion heard this, there was a slight emotional fluctuation in the huge pupil.

"You are Lin Tian?"

It suddenly spoke and said Lin Tian's name.

At this moment, Lin Tian was stunned, and Venerable Qingyue was also stunned. He did not expect that the golden lion in front of him would say his name.

"Senior, I don't seem to know you."

Lin Tian looked at the golden lion in shock, could it be that he was so famous? The fierce beasts in the Nine Nether Land already knew their name.

"Come with me, that person has been waiting for you for a long time, and she thought she would never see you in this lifetime."

The golden lion said so, its huge body shook slightly.

Lin Tian's body trembled slightly when he heard this.

that person?

If the golden lion did not deceive, the person in his mouth should be Han Shuangyue.

The two of them were able to talk back and forth, except for Han Shuangyue and Lin Tian.

"Qingyue, is your injury okay?"

Lin Tian looked at Venerable Qingyue's injury with a look of worry, and the two hurriedly followed behind the golden lion.

With the golden lion leading the way, everything around it seemed no longer scary.

The smog seems to have become much clearer.

"Senior, my mentor Han Shuangyue, do you really know her? Is she still alive?"

Lin Tian looked at the golden lion with excitement. At this time, he also asked a few questions anxiously, without paying any attention. The Venerable Qingyue next to him wanted to remind Lin Tian what kind of existence he was facing now.

However, Venerable Qingyue still held back.

"She is still alive, as for what happened? You can ask her later."

The Golden Lion seemed to be too lazy to explain, he looked tired when he walked.

This appearance is completely absent from the aura of dominating the world and swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

It seems that this is a golden lion about to age, which makes people feel a little pitiful.

However, Lin Tian didn't think so.

Just think about the three-eyed fierce beast being directly defeated by the golden lion in front of it with just one attack. Needless to say, it is very fierce.

The golden lion took the two through the smog, wondering where it reached?

Immediately after passing by for a drink, a beast and two came to a valley.

What surprised both Lin Tian and the others was that the valley in front looked like birds and flowers, without a trace of haze, and a clear stream could be seen flowing slowly.

Such a situation is really surprising.

This place should be the shelter of the golden lion.

Being able to have such a place to live in the Nine Nether Lands, you can imagine how terrifying the golden lion in front of you.

For Lin Ticheng, what is more urgent in his heart at this time is to see Han Shuangyue.

"Don't run! Xiaojin, you are naughty again, oh..."


At this moment, in the mountains and forests ahead, there were voices.

Lin Tian's body shook. This voice sounded too familiar.

This feeling is as if the person is right in front of him.

He can now be sure that this is the voice of Han Shuangyue. Han Shuangyue is not dead, but is living well in this paradise in the Nine Nether Land.

"Xiao Han, you have an old friend here, come out and have a look."

The golden lion's voice was loud and loud and spread throughout the valley in an instant.

In the mountains and forests, a woman with a fiery figure and aura, hearing the words of the golden lion, her body trembled.

Because the deceased has special meaning to Han Shuangyue.

Who would come to this Jiuyou Land to look for her regardless of the danger of his life?

In Han Shuangyue's mind, the first person to appear was Lin Tian's appearance.

"Will it be him?"


At this time, Han Shuangyue was holding a cute little golden lion in her arms, with golden hair, extremely cute.

"Will it be a mentor?"

Lin Tian was still a little dubious at this time. Sometimes when happiness comes, people will always make people disbelieve that everything is true.

So Lin Tian at this moment naturally didn't quite believe it.

I saw a hot figure appearing outside the forest, and Lin Tian looked at it.

One person, one beast, the familiar face, and the breath on her body, all of which seemed familiar and unfamiliar.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian just laughed.

Finally, he found her, and Han Shuangyue was fine. This was the best result and the result Lin Tian wanted to see.


Lin Tian gently shouted out this long-lost name.

"Lin Tian, ​​you..."

Han Shuangyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​with tears flashing in his eyes, and how many feelings were concentrated in it, it was hard to tell.

In an instant, the little golden lion in Han Shuangyue's hands was thrown to the ground, and Han Shuangyue rushed towards Lin Tian.

In Lin Tian's shock, Han Shuangyue hugged him for an instant.

That kind of feeling, like an injured little girlfriend, suddenly hugged her boyfriend who had been away for a long time.

Lin Tian felt that way.


Han Shuangyue, who has always been hot and cold, started crying aggrievedly like a little girl, and still hugged Lin Tian.

The Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at the situation, but he couldn't stand it anymore, and he turned around without seeing anything.

But Lin Tian could feel the helplessness and sadness of Han Shuangyue.

The mentor is still that mentor, but her heart seems to be much weaker.

After half an hour, Han Shuangyue finally stabilized her mood.


At this time, the little golden lion came to Lin Tian and roared at him.

"Asshole thing, the visitor is a guest, what are you yelling at?"

The old golden lion who had entered the mountain forest, with this opening, the little golden lion floated in the air and was taken directly into the mountain forest. It is estimated that he was educated.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian was slightly astonished. This is really a cute little golden lion.

At this time, Han Shuangyue looked blushing at Lin Tian, ​​very embarrassed.

"I got sand in my eyes just now, thank you for your shoulders, who is this?"

Han Shuangyue was as calm as ever, and at this moment quickly recovered her expression.

Looking at it, Lin Tian had to sigh at the speed of the woman's transformation.

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