I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 996: Shocking Han Shuangyue

At this moment, Lin Tian was still sinking in the kind of grief that Han Shuangyue had just now, a little guilty.

Because if it weren't for him, Han Shuangyue would not have come here, let alone disappear for so long.

"This is my friend, Venerable Qingyue, you can just call her Qingyue."

Lin Tian hurriedly introduced Venerable Qingyue, just to ask Venerable Qingyue to give him a roll of eyes. How could he not think of her being beside him when he hugged him just now.

"Hello, just call me Qingyue."

Venerable Qingyue responded to Han Shuangyue very politely, and did not despise Han Shuangyue because he was in the realm of Tianyuan.

"Well, I'm Lin Tian's mentor Han Shuangyue. You can call sister Han, I think you are relatively young."

"Okay, Sister Han."

Venerable Qingyue smiled, and Lin Tian beside him felt a little weird.

If Han Shuangyue in front of her knew the true age of Venerable Qingyue, she wouldn't be so calm.

To know the age of Venerable Qingyue, it is extremely terrifying.

In any case, it was an old man for hundreds of years.

Immediately, Han Shuangyue was Lin Tian and the two went to the mountains and forests, which was another home she stayed here.

Along the way, Lin Tian just told Han Shuangyue the reason for how they came.

"What? Zhang Yuxuan!"

Han Shuangyue stared angrily, but she didn't expect that she had been tricked in by a student. It felt like a volcano had erupted.

She is still the same hot, sometimes just can't stand this happening.

Lin Tian looked at Han Shuangyue in front of him, and smiled slightly: "Teacher, you don't need to take revenge, he is dead."

What Lin Tian said, Han Shuangyue in front of her was shocked.

"What? Did you kill him? Then you are in big trouble, what should the Zhang Family's main cause for trouble do? Let's just cultivate here to the peak of Emperor Yuan, and then go out."

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Han Shuangyue thought of such a way.

As for this, Lin Tian smiled faintly. It seems that Han Shuangyue has been here for too long, and she has no idea that earth-shaking changes have taken place outside, even that she has also changed too much now.

And now Han Shuangyue, in fact, the cultivation base is not low, Yuan Emperor sixth rank.

As long as Lin Tian is a little hard to say.

Speaking of this, Han Shuangyue's strength is lower than her own, how can a teacher hang on?

Han Shuangyue suddenly stopped and stared at Lin Tiandao: "Wait, Lin Tian, ​​why I can't see through your cultivation."

Lin Tian was a little embarrassed in an instant, although he didn't say anything, but Han Shuangyue in front of him seemed to have discovered something?

"That...Teacher, I am embarrassed at the seventh level of the Yuan Emperor."

Yuan Emperor Seventh Order?

Han Shuangyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​his brain short-circuited for an instant, and he couldn't believe Lin Tian's cultivation.

She suspected that her ears had misheard, not that Lin Tian was lying.

"Impossible? How could you be in the realm of the Yuan Emperor? And you are still in the seventh stage of the Yuan Emperor."

Han Shuangyue's words were incoherent, and Lin Tian's strength was beyond her expectation.

"Tutor, this is indeed my strength, if you don't believe it, you can ask Qingyue."

Lin Tian threw the burden directly to Venerable Qingyue.

Venerable Qingyue glared at Lin Tian, ​​then looked at Han Shuangyue and said, "Sister Han is indeed the case. He is already at the seventh level of Emperor Yuan and is a bit abnormal. Don't look at him with ordinary eyes."

In these words, Lin Tian is not happy anymore. What is abnormal? He is obviously a genius, OK?

"It's unbelievable, but even so, you still can't go out. The Zhang family will definitely kill you this time."

"Teacher, Zhang Zhenbei has been destroyed by me, so you don't have to worry too much, we can go out of the house."


Han Shuangyue was shocked again. Today's news is even more explosive. This should be the most unbelievable news that Han Shuangyue has heard after so many years of living.

It was too terrifying, Lin Tian destroyed the powerhouse at the peak of Emperor Yuan.

"Sister Han, he did kill people, but I took care of the wind." Venerable Qingyue turned out to be cute at this time.

This made Lin Tian stunned slightly. The funny Venerable Qingyue was actually quite beautiful.

"Really? You are a powerhouse of the seventh rank of Yuan Emperor, how can you kill the peak of Yuan Emperor? Are you deceiving me?"

Han Shuangyue just didn't believe Lin Tian in front of him.

Regarding this, Lin Tian felt helpless. It was really difficult to convince others that he had this ability, because he didn't know how to prove that he had this powerful ability?

"Okay, I was wrong, instructor. In fact, Qingyue killed the man."

At this time, Lin Tian directly threw the pot.

Venerable Qingyue was stunned by Lin Tian for an instant. I don't know what Lin Tian meant? Although she also contributed, but the person was killed by Lin Tian.

"Huh? Qingyue, how is it possible?"

Han Shuangyue didn't believe it even more, suspecting that Lin Tian was lying at all. At this time, she was very convinced of Lin Tian's lie and self-defeating.

"Tutor, I forgot to tell you, Qingyue is a strong man in the Tianyuan realm."

Lin Tian looked at Han Shuangyue, he was looking forward to it. What kind of expression will Han Shuangyue look like when she learns this news? It should be very exciting.

"Lin Tian, ​​if you are joking, don't blame me for being angry." Han Shuangyue looked at Lin Tian with a serious face, feeling that Lin Tian said and laughed, completely without fact.

As for this, Lin Tian was helpless for a while, telling the truth by himself, turned out to be a lie.

The Venerable Qingyue next to him was also embarrassed to see it. If he did not admit it at this time, it would really become a lie in the future.

"Sister Han, in fact, I really have the strength of the Tianyuan realm."

Facing Han Shuangyue in front of him, Venerable Qingyue completely reduced the coldness and domineering of his body, but was very gentle.

What this said, Han Shuangyue was slightly taken aback.

"How is it possible? Qingyue, don't lie to me with this kid, you two are really naughty."

Obviously, Han Shuangyue at this moment still didn't believe it.

I'm afraid no one will believe this.

"Qingyue, show our hand to Sister Han, and Sister Han will believe you."

Lin Tian couldn't help laughing beside him, he could imagine Han Shuangyue's wonderful expression.

At this time, Venerable Qingyue realized that Lin Tian was doing bad things, but if he didn't admit it at this time, it would be really bad.

"Sister Han, I'm really a strong person in the Tianyuan realm, please feel it."

As he said, the aura on Venerable Qingyue's body radiated in an instant.

A unique aura belonging to a strong man in the Tianyuan realm directly shocked Han Shuangyue's mind.

At this moment, Han Shuangyue looked at Lin Tian dullly and felt that this was not the world he knew.

His own student, Yuan Emperor seventh rank.

And the friend brought by his students, Tianyuan realm.

Could it be that the Tianyuan realm has been so flooded? Han Shuangyue naturally would not believe this.

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