I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 997: Enemy of the Golden Lion

There is only one possibility, that is, Lin Tian's power is far beyond her ability to predict.

For Lin Tian's current cultivation base, this is what Han Shuangyue never expected.

The genius who used to show a little bit of grandeur is now an existence that can stand firm in the world.

This feeling really gives people the illusion that things are right and wrong.

"Sister Han, you believe it now." Venerable Qingyue looked at Han Shuangyue, showing a clever appearance.

Lin Tian next to him looked strange. Venerable Qingyue had a problem with Han Shuangyue's attitude, that was, he was a little too close and close.

He is the one who should be close to Han Shuangyue, why is it the other way around now?

"Well, I believe it, then I should call you senior, I took the liberty just now, don't mind, I just..."

Han Shuangyue looked embarrassed. Did she call her sister just now? It turned out that the Venerable Qingyue in front of him was the truly terrifying powerhouse here.

Regarding this, Lin Tian smiled slightly, Han Shuangyue really regretted what he said and did.

"Sister Han can't do this. Lin Tian and I are friends, and you and I are also friends. This is not in terms of cultivation, we are still friends and sisters." Venerable Qingyue looked at Han Shuangyue and said quickly.

Lin Tian looked at this situation, it was not to please him at all.

The affection is the Venerable Qingyue in front of him, and he is pleased by the exchange with Han Shuangyue.

Lin Tian instantly felt that he was superfluous.

"Hey, all right, I'll call you Qingyue with the shameless face." Han Shuangyue said embarrassedly.

"No, no, Lin Tian is a cheeky. In fact, the first time I saw you, I just thought you were kind..."


Lin Tian stood next to him, unexpectedly he was shot directly, Venerable Qingyue now let go more and more, completely not caring about the existence of Heart Lock.

But such a scene is exactly what Lin Tian wants to see.

Seeing the two women talking slowly and happily, Lin Tian felt like an outsider.

The three of them quickly came to a small hut where Han Shuangyue was the master. However, it was neatly cleaned, and a fragrance of fragrance was floating in the void, which made people feel refreshed.

Then, Han Shuangyue told Lin Tian and the others about the experience of coming here.

Speaking of which, it was extremely thrilling.

Han Shuangyue was tricked into looking for Lin Tian, ​​but she couldn't get out and was lost in it. It happened that the golden lion rescued her and let her survive.

Otherwise, in the land of Jiuyou, the Yuan Emperor realm is a death-seeking existence, how could Han Shuangyue survive.

"It seems that Senior Golden Lion is really kind, and we should really thank him."

Lin Tian said with a smile on his face. This golden lion must have a great background.

Others are shivering in this nine secluded land, only it has no scruples.

All this is not because of ignorance, but because of strong strength.

"Well, I should really repay Senior Golden Lion. If it weren't for the care it took for so long, you wouldn't see me today." Han Shuangyue said with a look of helplessness.

Because she thought of the past, if she hadn't listened to others, she wouldn't have come in, because she was still a mentor.

"Sister Han, don't be too sad. Those people have already been dealt with. Now we just have to go out and return to normal life."

Venerable Qingyue comforted Han Shuangyue in front of him.

"Boy, come in, I have something to tell you."

Suddenly, the new update of the Golden Lion came, loud and bright, and it sounded shocking.

"Okay, senior."

Speaking of Lin Tian, ​​he walked directly to the depths of the forest.

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian, ​​her eyes were slightly nervous, but Han Shuangyue next to her told her: "Don't worry, Senior Golden Lion will not hurt him. If it hurts, he won't bring you here. "

What this said is true.

Reluctantly, Venerable Qingyue could only watch Lin Tian go into the depths of the mountain forest, hoping that Lin Tian would not be involved.

But Lin Tian in front of him didn't know what happened? Why does this golden lion want to see himself.

However, he should also have his own reasons. Lin Tian believed that if he wanted to kill himself, he was afraid that he was already in the air, instead of waiting until now.

Going into the depths of the mountains and forests, Lin Tian felt that the aura around him was getting stronger and stronger. This feeling was extremely strong.

"Cultivating in this one will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Lin Tian looked around with a smile on his face.

At this time, a forest trail appeared here, and after a hundred steps in front of him, Lin Tian saw a giant, like a mountain-like golden lion lying there.

And under the old golden lion is where the little golden lion is sleeping, looking simple and cute.


"Meet Senior, I don't know what Senior has to tell me?" Lin Tian straightforwardly said.

"Well, in fact, this time I asked you to tell you something, I hope you can agree."


What do you want to ask yourself? Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

"Senior, if you say that I can do it, I will do my best to do it, and I won't let you down."

Hearing this, the golden lion's pupils flashed with light.

"Your physique is very terrible. This is my instinct. It is comparable to the physique of my golden lion clan, and your talent is also extremely powerful, and the future is limitless."

The golden lion suddenly looked at Lin Tian and said these words.

This made Lin Tian stunned slightly, because he didn't know what the golden lion meant by saying this?

"Junior doesn't understand the meaning of this, senior."

Lin Tian said that he still didn't understand.

"I know you won't understand too much, and you won't explain too much about the house. You will definitely make many enemies in the future, but today I want to get rid of you and take care of my child. He will be your powerful assistant in the future. "


Lin Tian was slightly surprised, his eyes touched the little golden lion sleeping soundly on the ground.

This guy sleeps cutely, who would have thought that this is the offspring of the golden lion, the ancient beast left over from the ancient times.

But don't this is just a small one, Lin Tian can feel the power of Yuansheng realm on it.

Although this little guy is not as powerful as the unicorn holy beast, he has the power of Yuansheng when he is so big. This is also a terrifying existence. Once he grows up, Lin Tian can imagine that he will not be weaker than the old golden lion today.

"I think you are also very clear about the weight of my child, I hope you can take him out of here."

The golden lion looked at Lin Tian and stared into Lin Tian's eyes.

"Senior, juniors don't understand. Senior is so powerful, why didn't you take it out? Maybe the nine continents have its kind. That might be the case."

Lin Tian suggested that although he wants to own a golden lion, he still understands the truth about it.

"There is no more golden lion clan in this world. It is the last bloodline. I forgot to tell you that my enemy of the golden lion clan may need you to carry it with him in the future."

The golden lion looked at Lin Tian, ​​his face full of sadness.

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