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Tải ảnh: 0.068s Scan: 0.050sAfter the system's explanation stopped, Lu Jie looked at Wu Song's back with a strange look.

This flag is really not afraid of death

"At present, Lan Ge Star is indeed under Wu Song's control. Under normal circumstances, there are no loopholes. But that is only the normal situation. She missed a very important method of Lan Ge Star people."

Lu Jie shook his head.

Of course, it is not a leak.

After all, the original picture was deleted by him.

There is a mental lock in the mind of Lan Ge Star people.

If the superior dies, what will happen to the mental lock?

Lu Jie is looking forward to this.

"System, speed up the timeline.

Then, Lu Jie slowly spoke

【While the host was waiting, the Blue Star people in the Blue Civilization reconnaissance ship, which was several light years away, dozens of light years, or even tens of light years away, were all shocked and horrified. Because the mental locks in their minds were all unlocked.】

【This information among the Blue Ge army meant that their superiors were dead. As the superior officers of the Blue Ge civilization, it was obviously impossible for them to die collectively for no reason. In addition, the mother planet had been out of contact since just now. For this reason, the Blue Ge people on the reconnaissance ship speculated that their mother planet was likely invaded or even fallen.】

【Therefore, after discussion, they guessed that the invader should have chosen to colonize rather than destroy the mother planet directly. Otherwise, there would be no need to go to such great lengths to shield the electromagnetic field of the Blue Grid Galaxy. They made a vicious decision. That is to broadcast electromagnetic waves in the universe to attract advanced civilizations to try to kill the invaders.】

【Without much hesitation, they started to implement the plan. One reconnaissance ship broadcast electromagnetically in the universe, informing the civilization in the White River system of the location of its home planet and the level and situation of its civilization. The other reconnaissance ships pretended to be deceived, and returned to the Blue Grid System one after another and self-destructed, so that humans would put aside their suspicions and think that the plan was going well.】

"It really has become like this. Don't underestimate any civilization. Sure enough, under the law of the dark forest, it is better to shatter the star directly. Colonization is risky."

Lu Jie covered his face and shook his head.

The end of mankind is coming again

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline."

Lu Jie spoke again

【While the host was complaining, five years had passed in the blink of an eye. During these five years, the Blue Star Civilization's colonization plan on Blue Ge Star was very successful. They obtained a large amount of technology that was different from humans. The various resources on Blue Ge Star also made humans very satisfied.】

【Wu Song did not continue to study science and technology. She handed it over to other scientists and studied the energy absorption method herself, hoping to improve it and increase efficiency.】

【At the same time, during these five years, humans made a cruel decision about how to deal with the eight billion Blue Star people, which was to raise them like animals and let them reproduce crazily.】

【Then, after a period of time, they use the spiritual energy ball, quantum network and virtual reality games to absorb the spiritual consciousness of hundreds of millions of Blue Star people, and store spiritual energy for their own top transcendents to practice. Such cruel behavior was abused by the Blue Star people as devils, but humans remained unmoved, just mocking the Blue Star people for not knowing that the two sides had already been fighting to the death. 】

The system's explanation stopped again.

Lu Jie was also walking on a continent.

On this continent, the Blue Star people were crowded and raised like lambs. Humans implemented various cruel policies. If they didn't reproduce, they would be abused. Various tortures were enough to imprint fear into the bones of the Blue Star people. They had to choose to reproduce every day, and then they were captured as a source of practice.

To be honest, this scene reminded Lu Jie of his previous life, when the Three-Body Civilization drove humans to a certain Australia and wanted to kill them all in one fell swoop.

Here, it was similar. The Blue Star people were also driven to a continent.

However, the difference is that humans' practices are much more cruel than those of the Three-Body Civilization. Choose to use life as a resource instead of giving it a quick death.

"In a sense, humans are never soft-hearted when it comes to war. Especially when it comes to foreigners, they are like real demons."

Lu Jie sighed.

In ancient times, after a city was captured through bloody battles, what should be done with those foreigners? Leave them alone for fear that they will cause trouble. It is also difficult to recruit them. The possibility of being backstabbed is extremely high. Keeping them as prisoners of war is a waste of energy and resources.

So many times, once a city was captured in ancient times, it would be a bloody massacre.

The better ones would kill all the men and leave only infants and women to assimilate. The more ruthless ones would massacre the entire city and not let a fly go.

This is how they treat foreigners on the same planet, not to mention the treatment of civilizations on other planets.

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline."

After Lu Jie pondered for a moment, he slowly spoke.

【While the host was thinking, the Silver Horn Starman, who had learned the location and situation of the Blue Star, began to investigate the situation of the Blue Star System.

It was as easy as eating and drinking to investigate intelligence without the knowledge of humans.

Soon, he confirmed the correctness of the intelligence.

He began to prepare to destroy the Blue Star civilization.

Through the space wormhole technology, he directly sent a two-dimensional foil to the ocean of the Blue Star.

【A few minutes later, the two-dimensional foil exploded in an unknown place. In an instant, the Blue Grid Star was reduced to a two-dimensional state. All humans, including Wu Song, and the Blue Grid Star people were unable to escape and were reduced to a two-dimensional state. After reducing the Blue Grid Star System in a short period of time, the dimensionality reduction stopped.】

【Next, through reconnaissance in space, the Silver Horned Starman discovered the secret traces left by the light-speed starship when it traveled at the speed of light in space.】

【Through these traces, the Silver Horned Starman easily found the Black Rock Star and mocked the human light-speed starship, saying that it was not something that could be used casually. Then, he threw a small-scale two-dimensional foil to directly reduce the dimension of the Black Rock Star. Humans, in an unknown situation, were directly wiped out.

The system's explanation began, and then quickly stopped.

Lu Jie was speechless. After watching the Blue Grid Galaxy transformed into a two-dimensional state, he teleported to the Black Rock Star.

"All right. Humanity is even more miserable than I thought, they were wiped out directly."

Lu Jie pressed his brows and let out a light breath.

Originally, he thought that only the Blue Grid Galaxy would be in trouble. As a result, all the humans on the Black Rock Star were wiped out.

Lightspeed starships will leave secret traces and so on, which humans don’t know. He didn’t know either.

To be precise, he knew that the spaceships that instantly accelerated to the speed of light in"The Three-Body Problem" would leave horrible traces and were very dangerous. But spaceships that slowly accelerated to the speed of light would not be a problem at all.

I didn’t expect this universe to be different.

Therefore, the ending was beyond Lu Jie’s expectations, but it was reasonable.

As for what Lu Jie wanted to complain about, it was that the Silver Horn Civilization really became the nemesis of the Blue Star Civilization after the Blue Grid Civilization. Every time, it was the Silver Horn Civilization that destroyed the Blue Star Civilization.

However, this also shows that the sphere of influence of the Silver Horn Civilization in the White River System is exaggeratedly large.

【Host, this deduction is over. Do you want to save the file and name it? 】

The system voice sounded at the right time.

"Save it and name it Blue Star Colonization Space Battlefield."

After Lu Jie pondered for a moment, he spoke.

【The file was saved successfully, the name was given successfully, and we are returning to the real world.】

The system continued

"Come back."

Lu Jie nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his consciousness flicker, his vision changed, and he returned to his sea view room.

(ps: Please order, please everything, QAQ~!)_

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