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When Lu Jie came back, Xubi greeted him with a smile.

In response, Lu Jie smiled gently, held him in his arms, and rubbed his little face.

Xubi also half-closed his eyes, revealing an expression of enjoyment.

【When the host was getting close to his little maid, the system had already issued rewards. The host received Gene Potion 10*2, Gene Potion 2.0*2, American Gene Potion 3.0*2, Gene Potion 4.0*2, Gene Potion 4.9*2, Gene Potion 5.0*2, Spirit Energy Ball*1, Regional Strike·Two-Dimensional Foil*1, Curvature Drive Engine*1, Planetary Shield System Design*1. Wusong's star-level cultivation. 】

At this time, the system's voice sounded.

"Another series of rewards. Although only the last few are useful to me."

Lu Jie muttered.

Then, Lu Jie first enveloped the house with his mental power, and then received the reward of Wu Song's cultivation.

For a moment, the energy in Lu Jie's body doubled, and his mental world also expanded by double, which made him feel extremely happy.

"This reward is the best."

Lu Jie sighed.

"Oh, system, if I read a copy repeatedly, will I always get rewards for my cultivation?"

Lu Jie asked with a smile.

【You can't read the same copy, otherwise there will be no cultivation reward. You must interfere to form a different ending. 】

The system explained

"Tsk, you explained it quite quickly this time. I don't think you're going to need to patch it again."

Lu Jie said disdainfully to the system.


A series of dots appeared in front of Lu Jie's eyes, expressing his speechlessness.

"System, upload"Blue Star Colonization: Space Battlefield". Yeah. That incomplete curvature drive theory can also be played."

Lu Jie touched his chin and said slowly

【Got it. Uploaded successfully. Host, do you want to see it? 】

The system voice sounded again.

"Of course I will watch it."

Lu Jie smiled gently.

After that, Lu Jie hugged Hughie and went to watch the movie together....................................................

In the short time after Lu Jie uploaded the movie, the whole world was shocked, because the Observer website actually updated the movie again!

This is even more shocking than the explosion of the blue planet!

You know, in the past ten months, the Observer website has not updated any movies, which made many people panic and believe that their world is an experimental field.

Now the Observer website has actually updated the movie. For a moment, all of them were confused and shaken.

What is going on? Isn’t their world the home of shadow?

This is illogical.

Of course, although confused, many people still chose to go to the movie as soon as possible.

After Wu Yan and Lin Ru, who was touching the sleeping Wu Song, got the news, they also looked at each other and chose to click on the Observer website to see the situation.

"Blue Star Colonization Space Battlefield....A new series? And it's a new series after ten months."

"Honey, what a great title this movie has! Blue Planet Colonization: Space Battlefield!"

"Perhaps, in this movie, human development is good."When

Wu Yan and Lin Ru saw the name of the movie, they couldn't help but take a breath, looked shocked, and started discussing.

Next, Lin Ru didn't say anything and watched the movie directly.

For a moment, their consciousness flashed, and they all entered the virtual reality world.

Next, they invited their friends to come and watch it together.

The two sides greeted each other, asked questions such as whether little Wu Song was born, and then they were looking forward to watching the movie together.

As Wu Yan's mind moved, the picture of the movie appeared.

At the beginning, it was in the room of an old scientist. The room was in a mess, and there were papers full of formulas everywhere. But the old scientist ignored it and wrote something excitedly under the desk lamp.

"This opening reminds me of Skynet"

"Um, me too"

"The title of this movie is a good sign!"

"I think this time the Blue Planet has definitely turned things around. It's been colonized!"

"Stop talking nonsense, damn it, you’ve been the one to kill me so many times. We just watch."

For a while, everyone started discussing, and was finally stopped by Wu Yan, which made everyone laugh.

The next plot is that the old scientist has developed an incomplete theory of curvature drive engine, which makes it possible for humans to build light-speed starships. The old scientist is Bazefloda, a scientist from the Shuie Administrative Region. He has been praised by all mankind and is called the father of the curvature drive engine.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and others were shocked.

Damn, curvature drive engine, light-speed starship, this stuff is awesome.

Because Wu Song performed so brilliantly in the later movies, they all ignored other scientists.

But now think about it, other scientists are also super awesome, and they are people who stand at the pinnacle of human intelligence.

For example, now, this parallel world Among them, the old scientist Bazev Loda developed a theory of curvature-driven engine that even Xiaosong had not developed. Even if it is incomplete, it has set a precedent!

The title of the father of the curvature-driven engine is well-deserved!.

Next, after the incomplete curvature-driven engine theory appeared, Elder Xuan sent several top scientists to perfect the curvature-driven engine theory.

Then, the scene jumped to Wu Yan's family.

The life of Wu Yan's family in this parallel world is really good. No one disturbs their lives. Even if they are recognized when they go out, passers-by still maintain a friendly gaze. The bolder ones just shake hands.

Human beings have indeed reflected on themselves.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yan and others all smiled.

Seeing this In the movie, Wu Yan was already looking forward to life in Shuidu after leaving Shuidu Military Region.

At the same time, he was grateful to World Observer. Without World Observer's several movies that tested human nature, how could humans make such a big change.

Next, the scene jumped again.

Humans easily shot down the small surveillance ship. Humans were overjoyed, but they did not get arrogant, and they continued to steadily implement the"Wandering Blue Star" plan.

In the blink of an eye, five years passed. Little Wusong had a happy five years. Even happier than in the Monster Girl series. Because Wu Yan and Lin Ru, who had reflected on themselves, really took care of their daughter to the extreme.

At the same time, little Wusong was also a little more mature than she was in the Monster Girl series, and her admiration for World Observer was even deeper.

Seeing this, many flower protectors felt a pang in their hearts.

Wu Yan was also He smiled helplessly, but had no intention of changing the future.

Whatever my daughter wants, it's up to her.

Next, Wu Song was taken to the research institute for training.

In a year and a half, he completed the traditional technology tree.

In two years, he mastered the controlled nuclear fusion technology and antimatter technology and extended them to new heights.

In half a year, he perfected and improved the starship design.

In another half a year, the curvature drive engine that humans have not fully understood was thoroughly perfected with the assistance of several top scientists, and the design of the curvature drive engine was designed.

The potential shown by Xiaosong in this movie is much stronger than that in the series of the evil girl, and is not even inferior to her after she turned black. A little loli, the mature style shown by her makes many people's hearts sway.

This stunned Wu Yan and others.

To be precise, people all over the world were shocked.

(ps: Please customize, please everything, QAQ~!)_

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