"I refuse."

The Great Elder of Xuan Country glanced at the Great Elder of Xing Country, the Great Elder of Xiong Country and others, and spoke calmly.

These words stunned the great elders of Xing Country, Xiong Country, the Queen of Lion Country, the Great Elder of Shui Goose Country, the Great Elder of Gaoquan Country, the King of Hongri Country and other bigwigs of powerful countries.

The high-level officials of small countries looked at the Great Elder of Xuan Country in confusion. They didn't expect that the Great Elder of Xuan Country would actually play this trick.


"Xuan Nation Great Elder, what do you mean by this! ?"

"Do you want to give up the chance to save Blue Planet?"

"Haha, you treasure what you have, who cares about your country's research data."

When the Star Country's Great Elder and others came to their senses, they saw that their faces were gloomy, and they spoke angrily, or mocked

"You don't care about the little research data of my Xuan Kingdom, we just need to care about it ourselves." The great elder of Xuan Kingdom ignored everyone and spoke calmly.

""Grand Elder of Xuan Nation, I thought you were a great man, but you are just like this. You are really petty. No wonder you abandoned all the countries in the parallel world of the biochemical apocalypse." The Grand Elder of Xing Nation said sarcastically with a gloomy face.

""Star Country Great Elder, please don't slander me." The Xuan Country Great Elder glanced at him and said calmly."That's just a movie, fictional things, don't believe it. I don't believe that there will be a meteorite crisis in the future of Blue Star."

These words directly shut up the Star Country Great Elder and others, and they looked aggrieved.

Although the Observer website was very noisy, they also believed that the videos on the Observer website were indeed what happened in the parallel world.

However, this is only a default, and the truth cannot be proved.

If the Xuan Country Great Elder insists on the fiction, no one can do anything to him.

"Humph, if you don't want to join, then don't join. Our countries don't need your little information and scientific researchers."Then, the Great Elder of Xingguo snorted coldly.

The senior officials of other countries also had gloomy faces, and looked at the Great Elder of Xuanguo coldly.

This is completely unsociable behavior. At this time, he still did this, which is simply offending the major powers in the world.

The future status of Xuanguo in the international community is very worrying.

However, they originally planned to ask for the authority to arrest and study giant insects after the Great Elder of Xuanguo joined the scientific research alliance.

Well, based on the reason that this might be caused by the world observer and might cause the end of the world, I believe that the Great Elder of Xuanguo dare not not give up his power.

After all, if he doesn't give it up, it can be charged with the crime of betraying mankind.

However, now they can't speak.

Once Once he opens his mouth, people will say it's just a movie and everything is just wishful thinking. World observers don't exist either, and they are the only ones who will be embarrassed in the end.

The plan that started with the scientific research alliance has failed.

The great elder of Xuan State completely ignored the cold eyes of the top leaders of various countries.

He knew very well what these old acquaintances were thinking.

If he hadn't obtained the information on controlled nuclear fusion, he would have chosen to join the scientific research alliance.

Now that he has obtained the complete information on controlled nuclear fusion, what is there to be afraid of? Why join?

Share the information on controlled nuclear fusion with various countries for free, and by the way, deprive them of the right to arrest and study giant insects?

The great elder of Xuan State glanced at everyone, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his eyes.

Just like that, the World Conference ended unhappily.

"As expected of the Great Elder of Xuan Country, he still has this iron-blooded style, completely ignoring the rest of the world." Lu Jie was eating an apple and saw this scene, and he was amazed.

"However, the countries around the world are going to do something naughty. The world situation is going to get tense.

Then, Lu Jie smiled playfully.

"However, how long can this international conflict last? The giant insect is not a piece of fish on the chopping board. If you ignore it, you will be bitten off a piece of meat."

"System, speed up the timeline."

Lu Jie thought for a moment and said

【While the host was thinking, half a day had passed.

During this half day, the content of the World Conference had been reported worldwide.

Its content was shocking.

Foreign countries mocked Xuanguo for being overconfident and arrogant.

The officers and people of Xuanguo were also confused about the choice of the great elder of Xuanguo.

In the next half month, countries around the world began to exclude Xuanguo in various fields and suppress Xuanguo, causing Xuanguo's economy to gradually decline.

For a time, domestic fishing boats broke out again.

The voice of the system sounded

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this another fishing reel explosion?"

At this time, Lu Jie was still quite interested.

If you want to know why, maybe it's because watching those funny netizens who don't know the truth can make him laugh for a while. Have more fun to prevent depression

"What the hell is the Great Elder doing? It's obviously a big deal to save Blue Planet, why are you refusing to participate?"

"The outside world is saying that our Xuan Nation is petty. They say that the Great Elder is self-righteous and self-centered. It makes me angry."

"Alas, I don't understand what the elder is thinking. If the elder hadn't been very strong and intelligent in the biochemical apocalypse movie, I would have been unable to resist criticizing him."

"+1 to the above, but I still can't help but remind you. Don't think you can say whatever you want on the Observer website. If you criticize the elder, be careful of being locked up in the small black room."

"To be honest, no matter from which angle I look at it, I cannot understand the behavior of the Great Elder. This is not the style of a hero at all. This is completely a suicidal behavior. Now our Xuan Kingdom is being severely excluded and the economy is in a very serious decline. If this continues, within a year, the economic level of Xuan Kingdom will regress by more than ten years."

"News reports say that the Great Elder of Xuan Nation does not believe that the World Observer is real, nor does he believe that the movie on the Observer website is real....If this is true, then this behavior is understandable."

"I don't understand shit. If you still don't believe it now, you are totally stupid. Let alone the real videos on the Observer website, how to explain the space wormhole and giant worm?"

"By the way, how's the giant worm going? Haven't you caught it yet?"

"In fact, after summarizing everyone's comments, I will analyze them here.

These are my personal thoughts, so please just take a look at them and don't criticize me.

The Great Elder's IQ must be higher than anyone else present.

He actually refused, which shows that the research progress of our country's controlled nuclear fusion must be beyond imagination, so he refused to share.

Then he deliberately refused to participate and denied the existence of observers in order to prevent countries from using this as an excuse to seize the right to capture and study giant insects.

If the Great Elder refuses at that time, he can be charged with a crime against humanity.

That's why the Great Elder spoke like that.


"Damn, what the analyst above said makes sense."

"Haha, that makes sense. Is our Xuan Country's technology comparable to Xing Country's? Don't be ridiculous. Even Xing Country once said that there is no hope within 50 years, let alone Xuan Country."

"The guy upstairs, have you been kneeling for too long and can’t stand up anymore?"

For a moment, the quarrel began.

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