"Haha, the Xuan people are all pigs. They are arrogant and overconfident, and they like to fight among themselves."

At this time, a person with the title of Xingguo spoke, and the comments here suddenly became quiet.

Then, the two parties stopped cursing and collectively bombarded the foreigners.

For a while, the Xuan people and foreigners were madly spraying each other here.

"These people are so boring." Lu Jie shook his head.

"However, that so-called analyst, is he from the public? Or was it the news released intentionally by the top leaders of Xuan Country?"Lu Jie touched his head again and smiled playfully.

If it was released intentionally, this would be a good idea, which could guide the wind direction of the fishing boat.

Anyway, the controlled nuclear fusion device will definitely be built within these three months and then exposed.

By then, the world pattern will change greatly.

Well, countries that exclude and suppress Xuan Country will pay a huge price to appease Xuan Country's anger, otherwise, the future will be difficult.

Lu Jie's eyes flickered slightly.

"System, speed up the timeline.

Then, Lu Jie spoke calmly.

【In the blink of an eye, three months had passed, and Xuan Country had completed a controlled nuclear fusion device and made it public. For a time, the whole world was in an uproar, and the sensation reached its peak. 】

The system's voice sounded

"Has it been figured out? The next development is really interesting."

Lu Jie raised his eyebrows and smiled playfully.

"However, how is the development of the giant insect?"

Then, Lu Jie thought of the giant insect again, and he frowned slightly.

With a thought, he came to the deep mountains and old forests where the giant insect was.

At this time, a huge underground nest had appeared in the land deep in the deep mountains and old forests.

A large number of insects were diligently cultivating the caves or hunting for food.

The body of the giant insect has grown to an exaggerated height of 30 meters. This is still the height, and the length has reached an exaggerated 70 to 80 meters.

If the cave is not large enough, it can't accommodate such a large body.

"This is just like the monster in Ultraman."Lu Jie looked at the giant insect and admired it.

However, with its large size, it is just a target.

If there is no way to deal with modern weapons, everything is nothing.

However, if it continues to evolve at this speed, humans will sooner or later fall into disaster because of its existence.

Lu Jie pondered for a moment.

This is an intelligent alien giant insect. Not only is its evolution speed abnormal. Its parthenogenetic reproduction speed is even more exaggerated.

Now the number of insects has reached an exaggerated number of 100,000.

Although this piece of deep mountains and old forests covers a large area. But if it continues like this, it will be hollowed out.

At least now the creatures in this area are pitifully few, and they have all been eaten clean.

"It's been three months, and we still haven't found it. Should we say that the exploration team is playing tricks on us, or that the giant insect is too good at hiding?"

Lu Jie sighed.

Then, he teleported away from here. No longer paying attention to the giant insect.

At this time, the world was truly in turmoil because of Xuan Guo's declaration.

To be precise, many people did not believe that Xuan Guo had really developed a controlled nuclear fusion device.

After all, it was too fake.

Even Xing Guo claimed that there was no hope for fifty years. Not to mention Xuan Guo. And it has only been more than three months since the end of the World Conference. It was developed in such a short time?

Not to mention foreigners, even Xuan Guo people find it hard to believe.

Even those who firmly believe in the analysis of the big boss's remarks are somewhat unconvinced.

This is too much.

Foreigners are even more crazy about Xuan Guo's grandstanding. Or they are mocking Xuan Guo for being unable to withstand the exclusion and suppression of countries around the world, because the economic level has fallen sharply, and deliberately staged this ugly drama.

""Xuan Country Great Elder, what on earth is this guy doing?" Xing Country, Platinum Palace, Xing Country Great Elder's face changed.

He was not like ordinary people who knew nothing.

His assistant reported to him the information that Xing Country agents found in Xuan Country.

That is, under the supervision of Xuan Country's Third Elder, assisted by the president of Xuan Country's Research Institute, a research base was secretly built in the past three months.

Some top scientific researchers from Xuan Country also went with them.

This confidential mission and research was listed as an SSS-level confidential mission by Xuan Country, and the action was unprecedentedly exaggerated.

"Damn it. Could it be that Xuan Country has really developed a controlled nuclear fusion device?"The Great Elder of Xing Country looked grim.

Although this is hard to accept. But if it is true, then the calm demeanor of the Great Elder of Xuan Country at the World Conference can be perfectly explained.

Also, although he doesn't like the Great Elder of Xuan Country, he still knows how deep the Great Elder of Xuan Country is and how high his IQ is. This is definitely a super tricky opponent.

He won't make such a poor decision to deliberately leak the news.

But, this is controlled nuclear fusion?

Their Xing Country has no hope in the next fifty years, and this is still Conservative estimate.

How could a mere Xuan Kingdom come up with such a research?

Afterwards, the Great Elder of the Star Kingdom called the Queen of the Lion Kingdom, the Great Elder of the Water Goose Kingdom, the King of the Red Sun Kingdom, the Great Elder of the High Dog Kingdom, and even the Great Elder of the Bear Kingdom, who had a very bad relationship with him.

They all had similar ideas.

In the end, they planned to wait and see what the Xuan Kingdom was up to.

If this was really just a poor decision, then it would be fine. Then they could use this to suppress the Xuan Kingdom.

If the Xuan Kingdom really developed a controlled nuclear fusion device...Then it will be really troublesome.

All these countries are in danger. They can only be tied in one boat and deal with Xuan Country together, forcing Xuan Country to hand over the research data of the controlled nuclear fusion device.

This kind of thing cannot be monopolized by Xuan Country!

Just like this, three days passed again.

During these three days, Xuan Country slapped the faces of countries around the world with facts.

The controlled nuclear fusion device broke out its terrifying power for the first time.

When the controlled nuclear device was started, the energy of Xuan Country surged at a crazy momentum.

Within a few hours, enough terrifying energy was stored for Xuan Country to use for thirty years.

Xuan Country’s energy changes were deliberately released for the world to watch online.

For a time, all countries in the world were in an uproar, and the world was shocked.

The controlled nuclear fusion device was actually successfully researched.


"How is this possible? This is impossible."

"This is unscientific!!!"

When the Star Country's Great Elder saw this scene, he collapsed on the chair, his face was extremely ugly, he clenched his fists, it was hard to believe all this, and he could only roar.

The Star Country's Great Elder's assistant also looked at this scene with a pale face.

Not only them, but also the Queen of the Lion Country, the Great Elder of the Bear Country, the Great Elder of the High Dog Country, the King of the Red Sun Country, the Great Elder of the Water Goose Country, and other high-level officials of powerful countries also had ugly faces and similar reactions.

However, the high-level officials of small countries did not have so many negative thoughts, but were ecstatic and excited, and even gloated over the misfortune.

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