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"System, speed up the timeline."

After Lu Jie killed a zombie lord that he used as a sandbag, he said

【While the host was abusing the zombies, a year had passed.

The top biochemists, led by Mr.

Zhao, had finally developed Genetic Medicine 3.

9 using the active cells of the alien queen worm as a supplement.

Genetic Medicine 3.

9 did not have the horrible failure rate of Genetic Medicine 3.


Its failure rate was only 10%.

Not only that, the new humans injected with Genetic Medicine 3.

9 became true transcendents.

They no longer had to worry about vitality and could exert their strength at will.

Their recovery ability had skyrocketed many times, making them more than twice as powerful as the pseudo-transcendents injected with Genetic Medicine 3.


The system began to explain

【At the same time, Zhao Lao and others also developed a life potion that can restore the vitality of pseudo-transcendents through the cells of the alien mother worm.

Although it cannot make up for the pseudo-transcendents' long-lost vitality, it is enough to allow pseudo-transcendents to live for another ten years.

At the same time, the life potion also has extremely powerful healing functions.

As long as they do not die immediately, no matter how serious the injuries are, as long as they take enough life potions, they can be saved.

【However, because the active cells of the alien queen are too rare and cannot be cultivated or cloned, these things cannot be mass-produced to the maximum extent. We can only wait for the active cells to divide on their own, and then use them for research and use in a planned way.】

"It took only one year to come up with Gene Potion 3.9, plus Life Potion. They are worthy of being biochemists like Mr. Zhao in this dungeon."

Lu Jie was full of admiration.

In this biochemical doomsday dungeon, the balance in Biochemical Doomsday 1 Transcendence was the best maintained. It can be said that the potential of human beings was squeezed out to the maximum.

"However, with Genetic Medicine 3.9, all the previous Transcendents have become Pseudo Transcendents, which is very real. Well, the defects of those injected with Genetic Medicine 3.5 are too big, and they can only be said to be fake."

Then, Lu Jie muttered again

"Well, system, continue to accelerate the timeline."Lu Jie said

【The emergence of Gene Potion 3.9 and Life Potion has greatly enhanced the strength of the human side. The Great Elder is also a little impatient. He really wants to start a war to encircle and suppress zombies, but he is worried about what the host will do to humans. However, as the warriors below and other high-level officials are increasingly eager to fight, the Great Elder can only make the final decision. 】

The system's explanation stopped

"What choice will the Great Elder of Xuan Nation make next?"

Lu Jie teleported to the office of the Great Elder of Xuan Nation and muttered with interest.

At this time, the Great Elder of Xuan Nation was undoubtedly holding an online meeting with the top leaders of the major survival bases through projection technology. He looked struggling.

"Great Elder, we can't wait any longer. Humanity has been struggling for a long time. Now that we have the opportunity to completely annihilate the zombies, we can't let it go."

"Yes, zombies are also evolving. If they evolve into a being that even the Transcendents cannot contend with, we humans will be in danger again."

"Great Elder, we must make a decisive move now. While we have absolute power now, we should kill the Zombie King and the Zombie Emperor all at once, and then conquer Blue Star!"

""Great elder, you were worried about the lives of the soldiers a few days ago, so you didn't give birth to a large number of pseudo-transcendents at once. Now you have the gene potion 3.9 life potion, what are you still struggling about?"

Many senior officials are hawks, and they persuaded the great elder.

Of course, the great elder is the real hawk, but he is struggling because of the world observer.

As for the second elder, the third elder, the fourth elder, and the fifth elder, they didn't say anything.

They understood the difficulties of the great elder, but they also wanted to start a war, so they remained neutral.

"Oh, I get it."The elder smiled bitterly, and then his eyes shone.

Let's fight. If the World Observer makes trouble again, they humans will take it.

According to previous calculations, the World Observer can only break the backbone of humans again and force them to survive in the survival base.

He should not have the idea of destroying the entire human race.

If he did, he would have destroyed humans long ago.

The other party is too mysterious and weird. It is not an exaggeration to overestimate this kind of existence.

"I will ask Zhao Xian to develop as many gene drugs as possible 3.9, and launch a war to annihilate zombies in a year."

The elder said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, the human leaders all showed joy on their faces.

"Have you made this decision yet?" Lu Jie pondered for a moment and shook his head."It doesn't matter. Whether the zombies are extinct or not, we don't need to care."

The zombies now can no longer put much pressure on humans.

The balance has been broken again. Lu Jie has no intention of maintaining a new balance.

Humans need pressure, and he himself has become that source of pressure.

However, it is not enough.

"After humans have wiped out the zombies, it is time to give humans a new source of pressure."

Lu Jie narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured

"System, speed up the timeline."

After a long while, Lu Jie said

【When the host was about to do something bad again, a year had passed. During this year, thanks to the life potion, those pseudo-transcendents did not die. At the same time, dozens of real transcendents injected with gene potion 3.9 were born. As a result, the total number of transcendents on the human side reached hundreds. Humans began a lightning war of annihilation against the Zombie King and the Zombie Emperor.】

【Faced with the lightning annihilation war of mankind, the zombie king and the zombie emperors only lasted less than a week before they were almost wiped out.

Only one zombie emperor was severely injured and fled in a panic.

Humans did not pay attention to this zombie emperor who fled in a panic, but started to recapture the blue planet and annihilate the zombies on the blue planet.

Because the high-end combat power of the zombies was wiped out, the human side had an absolute advantage.

The zombies were attacked by the human troops and had no power to fight back.

The zombies began to retreat.

【Because the zombies were crushed so easily, humans entered a period of carnival.

All humans felt that there was hope for the future and that humans would enter a new era.

The great elder of Xuan State breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the host did not make trouble.

Although he was still vigilant, he was no longer worried.

At the same time, biochemists such as Mr.

Zhao began to relax their research on Gene Drug 4.


Although he still worked hard on the research, he was no longer as crazy as before.

"Sure enough, pressure is the source of motivation. Although too much pressure can easily crush people, appropriate pressure can promote human evolution."

Lu Jie smacked his lips.

"Well, it's time to start making trouble."

(ps: please order, please everything, QAQ~!)_

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