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Tải ảnh: 0.065s Scan: 0.041sAs for how to cause trouble, Lu Jie still has some ideas in his mind.

For example, in Skynet Storm · Phantom God, Lu Jie instilled the movie Skynet Storm · Zero into Maibas Northen.

Then, Lu Jie can still instill the movie into the minds of the Grand Elder of Xuan Kingdom and others.

Let them know that the crisis of mankind has not been resolved.

The huge meteorite is the real god of death that has destroyed mankind many times.

Then give a psychological hint that only by developing Gene Medicine 4.0 can there be hope of solving the problem of the huge meteorite.

This is enough.

Lu Jie had a smile on his face.

【When the host was about to start making trouble, he was surprised to find that he could spend 5,000 deduction points to project any movie in the sky above the world for everyone to watch. 】

The system's voice sounded, full of hints

"System, you are obsessed with money, right? You didn't ask for money before."Lu Jie's mouth twitched slightly

【Host, this system was previously...】

The system starts to chatter

"Stop, I don't want to listen to your nonsense."Lu Jie curled his lips."I have a lot of deductions now, so I will just spend them directly."


The system is speechless

【Host, which movie are you going to play? 】

Then the system asked

"Well, play Biohazard 1: Beyond for me."

Lu Jie said.

Although he had many choices, such as playing the most explosive movie, Alien Queen 1: Moon Explosion, it was useless. If they were all about shock, Biohazard 1: Beyond would give me a stronger sense of immersion.

【Five thousand deduction points spent, playback successful. 】

The system's voice sounded.

Then, Lu Jie narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up at the sky.

There, the sky began to ripple like waves, and then condensed into a picture that spanned the sky and the earth, and began to play the plot.

The magical thing is that no matter which angle you look at it from, you can see the playback picture clearly.

"The fun begins."

Lu Jie smiled slightly and paid close attention to the reactions of the people in this world.

"what is that!?"

"How did this thing appear in the sky?"

"Wait, is that the scene of the end of the world! ?"

Countless people looked up at the sky, their faces filled with horror, not knowing what was happening.

At the same time, the great elder also looked up at the sky inadvertently and saw the exaggerated scene. He stood up in shock, staring at the sky.

"This is...Pictures from the past! ? Why is there such a picture in the sky? Is it the work of the World Observer? Yes, only he has this ability."

The elder's face changed and he clenched his fists.

Then, the elder took a deep breath and began to watch carefully.

When he found that all his thoughts in the past were released in the picture, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling, a chill rushed to his head, and his face turned pale. All his thoughts were read out!?

Everything about him was under the control of the other party. The other party also had this method of extracting the past at will.

Is this guy a god!?

For a moment, the elder was shaken.

Next, the elder received many calls while watching, all about the movie on the sky.

He was more and more shocked. Because no matter where you are, you can see the pictures in the sky most clearly and even hear the sounds.

World Observer...

The great elder smiled bitterly.

Can the status of chess pieces and chess players really be reversed?

He used to be too arrogant.


The great elder sighed deeply.

When the people in the survival base were all in an uproar, pointing and discussing at the sky, the great elder also saw what was behind.

He saw the scene where the World Observer gave birth to super zombies, and also saw the scene where the World Observer played the role of the zombie king.

All his guesses were confirmed.

But what's the use now? The other party didn't intend to hide anything, and just let them see it directly.

The great elder smiled bitterly again, his temples throbbing.

He couldn't understand what the World Observer was thinking and why he did such a thing, and his thoughts were all messed up.

However, the great elder's reaction was still good, while the humans in the survival base were shocked and angry. They hated and feared the World Observer.

Next, the great elder saw their past decisions again, and all their ideas were released one by one.

The human leaders, warriors, and even ordinary people all understood why the Great Elder had not sent troops to destroy the Zombie King and the Zombie Emperor. For this reason, they were in mixed feelings and became more and more afraid and hostile to the World Observer.

However, the following developments stunned the Great Elder and others.

Because the following developments were completely different from their current developments.

Without any intervention from the World Observer, humans and zombies continued to confront each other on their own sides.

Until humans observed that a huge meteorite in space would fall to the earth, they began to prepare for defense in a panic, and at the same time contacted the Zombie King and the Zombie Emperor to try to cooperate with them. In the end

, humans' nuclear bombs were useless.

The joint attack of human elites and zombie masters failed to smash the huge meteorite.

Humans and zombies were completely destroyed.

The World Observer reappeared, and said meaningfully that it had failed again. The scene ended here and started to play from the beginning.

The zombies and humans on the blue planet were all filled with horror, suspicion, and confusion.

"this...What is this!?"The elder was shocked and puzzled. He sat on the chair, unable to calm down, his expression changing.

"Could this be a picture of the past and future of the development of parallel worlds?"The elder's face was heavy.

If his guess was correct, then the World Observer had the terrifying ability to travel through parallel worlds.

No, he had long known that the World Observer was mysterious and weird, and now he was just more shocked.

The key point was that the parallel world was destroyed. Destroyed by a huge meteorite.

Humans and zombies tried their best but could not resist the huge meteorite with obviously abnormal mass and hardness.

If a parallel world appeared, then their world would probably appear again.

Why did the World Observer play these pictures for them?

Thinking of the last words of the World Observer, the elder's heart was extremely complicated.

Also, had he misunderstood the World Observer all along?

Did the World Observer want to force them to quickly research Gene Medicine 4.0 to save mankind?

Gene Medicine 4.0 was the key to smashing the huge meteorite? Otherwise, he really wanted to save mankind. Why not let humans climb the technology in the ordinary world?

Or did those ordinary worlds that climbed the technology also fail?...

The elder's thoughts were a little confused. After he sorted them out, he clenched his fists and called Mr. Zhao.

(ps: Please order, please order everything, QAQ~!)_

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