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"Evolution?" Lu Jie narrowed his eyes slightly, and he remembered the scene in the Alien Queen Worm·Moon Explosion copy.

When the Alien Queen Worm first came, it still looked very dull, but after it ate humans, it became smarter. It is probably because after eating humans, it devoured the human gene sequence and evolved to be smarter. If you want to say where it is manifested.

That is, when it was attacked by an armed helicopter, it was obviously capable of easily shooting it down, but it chose to escape without hesitation.

If this can only be said to be biological instinct, then the fact that it traveled very carefully underground and hid in the deep mountains and forests without humans finding any trace is This is enough to illustrate its intelligence.

Maybe it failed to devour human memories, otherwise it would be impossible for it not to know that humans have nuclear weapons that can kill it, but its intelligence has been greatly improved.

Then it hid in the mountains and forests to grow and devoured a large number of creatures.

Its abnormal evolution after being attacked may be because it stores too many gene sequences in its body, and then according to the information in these stored gene sequences, it can recombine and easily evolve to deal with danger.

Of course, this abnormal way of evolution is also because the alien mother worm stores a lot of energy in its body, and its own cell activity is too exaggerated. That's why it can do this.

"However, if the alien mother worm is used as the main material, will the human body really not mutate?" Lu Jie raised his eyebrows.

"Well, it's useless for me to guess here, so let's speed up the timeline." Lu Jie shook his head."System, continue"

【While the host was guessing, Mr. Zhao continued his research. He collected as many gene samples of plants and animals as possible on the Blue Planet, selected the best and discarded the worst, and began to let the active cells of the alien mother insect devour them. After a month of cultivation, the split active cells devoured enough excellent gene sequences. Later, Mr. Zhao used this active cell as the main material to create a new version of the gene medicine.】

【However, this gene drug failed. After the injection, the body of the person swelled up, combined the characteristics of various creatures, and turned directly into a monster. Although there are still signs of evolution, it is undoubtedly a failed work. Zhao Lao and others had no choice but to destroy this monster.】

【Next, Mr. Zhao tried to calmly think about the problem. After a month, he finally came to a conclusion. The number of active cells was too small. The active cells in the previous experiment were not completely digested. For this reason, Mr. Zhao started the experiment again, using more of the few remaining active cells to make a new gene drug within a month, but failed again. Although the degree of alienation was much less than the first time, there was still a big problem.】

【The experiment failed, but this time Mr.

Zhao was not disappointed, but happy.

Because he understood that the amount of gene sequence must be controlled within a certain number, not too greedy, nor too little.

To this end, Mr.

Zhao began to select the best from the best and make the gene sequence combination perfect.

At this time, there was only one month left before the huge meteorite fell.

Human society was gradually shrouded in an atmosphere of despair, and a big chaos appeared again, which was a big chaos that even the elders could not completely suppress.

【However, with the changes in the outside world, Zhao Hui made a choice. All the remaining active cells were used for experiments. Finally, one day before the huge meteorite fell, the real gene drug 4.0 was produced. Although it was not injected, Zhao Lao was extremely confident. Because this time, the genetic drug evolution factor was extremely stable. 】

The system's explanation stopped.

Lu Jie also appeared in the laboratory.

At this time, Zhao Lao looked crazy and old to the extreme. This was incredible for a transcendent with a lifespan of thousands of years.

Although he was old and crazy, he was extremely happy.

"Hahaha, finally, I have researched it. I have finally researched Gene Drug 4.0! There is hope for mankind."Old Zhao laughed crazily.

However, as he laughed, he looked at the empty laboratory and started crying again.

His companions who had fought side by side with him were gone one by one, leaving only him.

However, now is not the time to be sad. With shaking hands, Old Zhao called the Great Elder.

"The Great Elder..."After the elder answered the call, he heard Elder Zhao's extremely weak voice."As expected, the experiment was successful. Gene Drug 4.0 was successfully developed."


These words shocked the elder. His originally heavy and uneasy expression froze, and then turned into ecstasy, as if he had opened the sky to see the bright moon.

"Lao Zhao, are you telling the truth?"Although it might sound a bit like nonsense to say this at this time, even with the temperament of the Great Elder, it was difficult to calm down, and his heart was filled with joy and tension.

"Well, it worked...."Grand Elder, please come and get it quickly. I'm tired." Elder Zhao's voice sounded again. The voice was dead silent, completely lifeless.

"Lao Zhao, don't do anything stupid. Humanity needs you."The elder opened his mouth and spoke after a long while.

He understood that Lao Zhao had accumulated heavy pressure over the years, which had almost driven this great man crazy. He might even have gone crazy. He could tell that Lao Zhao didn't want to live anymore.

However, Lao Zhao really couldn't die.

For both public and private reasons, he didn't want Lao Zhao to die.

""Haha, no." Old Zhao replied subtly and hung up the phone.

Then, the Great Elder made a big move and brought the Transcendent Guards, who were 100% loyal, to the laboratory and took away Gene Drug 4.0.

Although he also wanted to take Old Zhao away, he was rejected by Old Zhao. The reason was that he wanted to sleep and rest.

The Great Elder had no choice but to give up.

"No. Humans no longer need me. My companions need me to accompany them."

After the great elder left, Lao Zhao muttered some horrible words and then committed suicide.

A great man died quietly in a place where no one knew.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jie also felt a little complicated. He appeared and covered him with a sheet, so that he could not close his eyes, which were tired and crazy.

Then, Lu Jie entered the ghost mode again and disappeared here.

"System, speed up the timeline."After arriving in the outside world, Lu Jie said.

Next, humans have to select people suitable for injection. He didn't have the idea of watching it slowly.

(ps: Please customize, please everything, QAQ~!)_

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