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【After the Great Elder got Gene Potion 4.0, he pondered for a long time and finally chose to give it to his personal guard Li Wei. In the eyes of the Great Elder, Gene Potion 4.0 was too important. If he took it himself, he might gain amazing power, but he was not good at fighting and could not fully exert its potential. For this reason, although he was greedy, he still held back.】

【As for Li Wei, although he is not the strongest transcendent among all mankind, he can still be ranked in the top five. The most important thing is that he is completely loyal to himself and to mankind. Only Li Wei is the most suitable candidate to take Gene Potion 4.0. After all, if the person who takes Gene Potion 4.0 has ambitions in his heart after solving the meteorite crisis, it will be a new catastrophe. 】

At this point, the system's explanation stopped.

Lu Jie also appeared in the Purple Gold Pavilion. He saw the scene where the Great Elder handed Gene Potion 4.0 to his personal guard Li Wei.

Lu Jie was not surprised by the Great Elder's idea. After all, this is the best choice for those in power.

"But, is it really okay not to give it to the strongest person?" Lu Jie narrowed his eyes and murmured."Sometimes, it's just a little bit short."

"Li Wei, take it. Humanity depends on you."At this time, the elder patted Li Wei on the shoulder, the man who had been guarding him since the end of the world, and sighed.

""Hmm!" Li Wei gritted his teeth and took the Gene Potion 4.0. As a powerful man of his generation, his hands were shaking.

Because the weight of it was too heavy. Not only did it carry the trust of the Great Elder in him, but it also carried the hope of all mankind. Even he was a little overwhelmed. However

, as the Great Elder's guard, his will was as hard as iron. He quickly adjusted his mentality, took a deep breath, and directly took the Gene Potion 4.0.

At the moment of taking it, Li Wei's body actually exploded into a blood mist, and then a large amount of silk appeared to wrap up the flesh and blood to form a huge oval pupa, making it impossible to see the movement inside.

The Great Elder could only hear a beating sound like a gong and a drum, and the whole person changed.

"Is this evolution?"The elder's face changed and he panicked.

He had never heard Lao Zhao say that there would be an evolutionary process after taking Gene Medicine 4.0.

No, wait, this is the only successful gene medicine. I guess even Lao Zhao didn't know that this would happen.

The elder smiled bitterly and gave up calling Lao Zhao to ask his opinion.

"Alas, we can only hope that humans can be lucky again and complete their evolution before the huge meteorite falls."

The elder looked at the faint outline of the meteorite in the sky and smiled bitterly.

There are only about two hours left before the huge meteorite really hits the blue planet.

At the same time, everyone saw the faint outline of the huge meteorite in the sky, and it was coming towards the blue planet.

This made everyone crazy.

The huge meteorite is coming.

However, Zijin Pavilion still has no news of the successful development of Gene Medicine 4.0!

"Hahahaha, humanity is finished!"

"Fuck it, what's the point of struggling for so many years? It's useful to annihilate all the zombies, but in the end, it's all in vain! ?"

"Hehe, Gene Drug 4.0? The hope of mankind, it's a lie. It's all to make us behave ourselves these years."

"I shouldn't have had that hope in the first place. If I had known I was going to die, I would have lived a more indulgent life!"

"Wife, Xiaojia, it looks like I will go to hell to accompany you soon. Sorry to keep you waiting, I will be there soon."

All the humans on the blue planet fell into madness. Burning, killing and looting were everywhere.

There were even a large number of men and women who wanted to indulge themselves before death and played extravagant games.

Some people were having a final chat with their families. Although they were smiling, the death in the depths of their eyes was clearly visible.

It was a mess, a complete mess. The entire human society was in chaos.

Even the soldiers of Xuan Kingdom did not suppress the thoughts of this group. Because they themselves were also depressed and sad.

It was just that as warriors, they did not indulge themselves.

""Alas." There were only twenty minutes left before the huge meteorite fell. The elder looked at the huge and exaggerated meteorite in the sky and sighed deeply. He expected the chaos of human society, but at this time, no matter what orders he gave, it would be useless, so he could only let them do whatever they wanted.

"It's not healed yet. Is there really no hope for humanity this time?"The elder looked at Li Wei, who was still wrapped in the oval silk cocoon, and smiled bitterly.

Zhao Lao and others spent almost 19 years without sleep to develop Gene Drug 4.0 in the last time, but in the end, it was because of insufficient time for evolution that humanity was extinct. It was really ironic. God played a big joke on them.

"Tsk, this isn't the real ending."Lu Jie also watched this scene, his mouth twitching slightly.

To be honest, this kind of ending is really hard to accept.


Just then, a loud noise came from the pupa, causing the elder's heart to skip a beat. He instinctively looked towards the huge pupa.


Then, as the sound became more and more violent, the elder also felt a heavy pressure, which made him look horrified.

Then, under the elder's surprised eyes, the pupa actually began to dissipate, revealing its inner appearance.

Under the elder's gaze, Li Wei appeared.

Now Li Wei's hair color turned white, and it moved without wind. His eyes also turned into a magical golden color. His facial features and posture gave the elder and Lu Jie a perfect feeling, enough to make anyone who stared at him fall in love with him.

His aura was extremely terrifying, and his body contained a huge energy that was enough to suppress the sky and the earth. The most terrifying thing was that in front of Li Wei, the elder's genes were trembling, and he knelt in front of Li Wei instinctively. This is the life layer.

This time, there is a suppression brought by the gap in dimensions, an all-round suppression on the spiritual level, the physical level, and even the genetic level.

Just like the people in the myth saw the gods, their instincts made them succumb and believe.

The elder did not dare to look directly at Li Wei now. His golden eyes were extremely mysterious, but lacked human emotions.

Is this a god?

The elder knelt in front of Li Wei, his face trembling, and he muttered to himself.

Not to mention the elder, even Lu Jie was shocked.

Because he was in ghost mode, he was not greatly affected. But even so, he instinctively sighed at the perfection of Li Wei now.

Is this the terrifying effect brought by Gene Medicine 4.0?

Evolution is not a lie!

Being on par with gods is not a lie!

(ps: Please customize, please everything, QAQ~!)_

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